1~ post almost everyday, if not every
2~ reply to every comment that’s posted
3~ just down right LOVE blogging!
Those bloggers are the ones that make it more than worthwhile to be a follower!
Now, here are rules for this award :
Share one extraordinary thing that’s happened to you then pass this award along to 5 Xxtraordinary bloggers.
My extraordinary event/thing:
I realize that I am truly blessed to be able to accept this award and to write this post. I have only shared this with a few family members, friends and blogging buddies. Not only was it scary but I am now sharing it because I feel that prayers were an extraordinary saving grace. I had many people offering up prayers for me, including some blogging friends, before, during and after my surgeries last month, which I believe pulled me through a very critical situation.
These complications, at times, were critical. There were 3 incidents where I almost didn’t make it. I went into a semi comatose state for hours and on 3 occasions my blood pressure dropped to dangerous levels, my respirations close to shutting down. But all those prayers, I truly believe pulled me through, and allowed me to be with my family and sitting here writing typing this post. And to those blogging buddies, a very special thank you.
And I now pass this to:
Gina from Hott Books http://ginahott.blogspot.com/
Julie from Reading Without Restraint http://readingwithoutrestraint.blogspot.com/
Congratulations on your award! I'm sure the prayers are what pulled you through, and I'm glad they did.
What a wonderful post! It actually brought tears to my eyes. Thank you so much for the award–I am honored that you thought of me!
Congratulations on your well deserved award Cheryl. It has been a pleasure getting to know you as well as a privilege to pray for your recovery.
Kathy: Thank you and I truly believe it were all the prayers offered up for me. It was definitely a scary time for my family and myself. Thats why I feel so blessed and then to be presented with this award. Overwhelming.
Julie: Your welcome…you deserved it !!! I am sorry for the tears, I shed a few too while going thru this extraordinary situation.
Nise: I noticed that you also received 2 awards from Vicki, so to that CONGRATULATIONS!! Again thank you for the prayers. Thats why I felt I had to share this with all my blogger friends who offered up prayers for me.
And to all..I am sorry that I haven't been visiting and commenting as I would like to but am still weak, plus with VNA services in and out, it is at times, difficult. Please forgive me and when I am stronger, you will probably be saying what a pain in a certain area of out anatomy lol.
I haven't been a follower for very long but I do enjoy your blog…haven't been a book blogger for long either…admittedly I also stalked it a bit from the outside 😀