Friday Blog Hop (3 of 4)

Hosted by Jennifer from CRAZY FOR BOOKS 
 Here are the instuctions from her site:

   Every day I seem to find another book blog that I start following. In the spirit of the Friday Follow, I thought it would be cool to do a Book Blog Hop to give us all bookies a chance to connect and find new blogs that we may be missing out on! It will also give blog readers a chance to find other book blogs that they may not know existed!
   So, if you’d like to participate, just repost this on your blog, sign MckLinky on her site, and check out other blogs in MckLinky! Let’s connect and make new book bloggy friends!! So, if you consider yourself a book blogger, come join the fun!
   Pretty please – Your blog should have content related to books, including, but not limited to book reviews.


The Hop is going to start having a CRAZY twist each week, to get to know each other a little better!
Each week, I will ask you a question that you will answer on your own blog hop post on your blog – just a way for us to interact and get to know one another! So, when you enter you blog link below, make sure YOU LINK DIRECTLY TO YOUR BLOG HOP POST for the week!!

(in your own blog hop post on your own blog – not in the linky below, please!!!)
Hi…my name is Cheryl.  After a time of stalking and learning about this book blogging world, that appeared to be so much fun, I wanted to be part of the neighborhood where there were so many people who wanted to talk about books.  I am not surrounded by readers in real life where I could discuss a great book I had read, but here in bloggy land, there are so many friends that understand the love of books.

7 thoughts on “Friday Blog Hop (3 of 4)

  1. Hi! Here from the Hop—I haven't stopped by in a while and your site looks great! Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. Stopping by from the Hop! I think it's great how we can all share our love of books through blogs! 🙂

  3. Good Luck on the blog hop today Cheryl. Fridays are my days for rest (that means no posting on the blog for me) but i hope you find some really great blogs this week.

  4. Happy 4th of July weekend! Have a great weekend and enjoy the fireworks!

    PK Reeves
    Aisle B

  5. Hi, Cheryl. Thanks for stopping by and saying hello. Have a great weekend and happy blogging!

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