I’m Hosting A Blog Hop Meme!!!

Hi Everyone!!!!
As you all know, I love memes, especially blog hop memes.  And in the past couple of weeks I have become addicted to memes that “get to know” other bloggers, both old and new friends.  I have mentioned to quite a few bloggers that I have met over the past 8 months, how I wish we could meet, have a cup of coffee, maybe even a piece of decadent dessert.  So it got me to thinking………..
I am in the process of creating Table Talk Tuesday !!  It will be a blog hop and this is the premise.  You post 3 tidbits on your blog, then sign up with McLinky here and start hopping as if you were meeting bloggy friends for coffee.  Every Tuesday you can list any 3 things you want.  It could be something we don’t know about you yet, or maybe you would like to ask someone a question that you would like to know about your gal/fellow blogger, or it could be exciting news you want to talk about that has happened this week, or exciting news that you are looking forward to in the future, or maybe share a how-to or ask about a how-to.  The list is endless!!!  Then you meet others for coffee at their blog, answer their questions and/or respond to their comments.  Then on to the next blogger’s place, another cup of coffee, another piece of yummy dessert (and just think…0 calories)
I have been working on 3 buttons to choose from (but as you know, not being computer savvy, it has taken me quite a few hours.  Still trying to get it all set up.  So stop by tomorrow and see if the coffee shop is opened, but in the meantime, start thinking about what 3 issues you will be talking about when you meet the blogger behind the computer screen. 
Hope you have the coffee on and join us.  I apologize in advance if there are kinks you may encounter and that still need to be worked out but will try to figure them all out asap.

9 thoughts on “I’m Hosting A Blog Hop Meme!!!

  1. CMash,
    This sounds like lots of fun. I will check back tomorrow and try to think of three things by the morning. Tonight I am obsessed with finishing Mockingjay. At least I am a follower, so I will see your post tomorrow even if I don't remember to look!

  2. You know I will support your meme, see you in the morning.

    I will be the one drinking tea in the coffee cafe. 🙂

  3. Sounds like fun! I've kind taken a break from my blog as school recently started for my kids. I need to get back to it… I actually miss blogging. Your meme is a perfect jumping off point!

  4. Congrats on your new meme and wishing you the ultimate best girl. Trying desperately to catch up on what I've missed and will be running out to get kids ready for school…laundry… groceries..arghh…. I wish I could do the Genie head bob and Voila done!

  5. Wait this was today! Oh crap! But I was gone most of the day, and then I guess I just forgot. I'm sooooooooooooooooooooo sorry! I need a button to remind me. Is one going to be done soon. Love the name!

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