Musing Mondays (1 of 4)

Due to the fact that I didn’t get much reading done last week, I will not be particpating in It’s Monday, What Are You Reading?  It would be a duplicate of last week.  Am hoping, that this will change for next week.
Hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading
This Week’s Question:
If your book group asked you to bring two (2) suggestions for group reads to your next meeting, what two books would you suggest? Why?
My Answer:
My suggestions would be by authors.  I signed up for a challenge, Awesome Author, and have not made any progress with it.  At the time, I thought requested reviews would be far and few between, and I was wrong.  Not only that but I think I am the only one on planet earth that has never read a book by these 2 popular authors.  So my suggestions would be any book by Nicholas Sparks and Sue Grafton.  

8 thoughts on “Musing Mondays (1 of 4)

  1. You are not alone, I haven't read either of them…either. (that was hard to say even typing). I tend to avoid "the hot authors" and Sparks is really hot right now. Plus I usually avoid chick flick books. Not sure why but I do. As for Grafton, I honestly can't think of one book she's written. That's sad, isn't it? Hang in there. Maybe we'll both get caught up on who's who and read it all.

    Meanwhile, here's my recommendations for the MM:

  2. Oh, Sue Grafton's books are fun…they all follow the alphabet…A is for Alibi, etc., and the protagonist is a private detective named Lindsay Milhone. She's a tough chick who has flaws and quirks that make her lovable. Because of this character, I think I've read all of her books…so far. Her last one started with "U."

    Sparks is…take it or leave it for me. I have to be in the mood.

    Here's what I wrote:

  3. my comments keeps getting an error last try.

    Sparks..I read one of his books and that was enough for me.
    Now Grafton is a fun read. Good characters, exciting, fun plots. I have not read any of them in awhile…there is a certain sameness..but if you have never read any, I would recommend her.

  4. I enjoy both the authors you picked, although Sparks does disappoint at times. As someone else said, Sue's books are fun, but follow the same premise. They are written like the main character, Kinsey Millhone, a private detective, is living in the 1980's before cellphones and Google became so popular. I have read most of her books. There is usually a 2 year period between her books. Happy reading, and I hope your reading slump soon goes away.

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