Booking Through Thursday (2 of 3)


Today’s Question:
If you read series, do you ever find a series “jumping the shark?” How do you feel about that?

And, do you keep reading anyway?
My Answer:
First, I have to admit I have never heard that saying before.  Thank goodness for google.  Now that I know what it means and the fact that I haven’t read a series in years, this question really doesn’t apply to me.   However, years ago, Stephen King wrote novellas, can’t even remember the name, where there were quite a few in a series and easily read in a few hours.  I was working at the time and some of my coworkers were like me, avid readers, and we would rotate as to who bought the book and then pass it around.  Since then, the majority of the books I read, stand alone.

5 thoughts on “Booking Through Thursday (2 of 3)

  1. My computer is just not be friendly to me today. It is having an awful time trying to load you blog. So while it seems to be cooperating I will answer all three in one comment, and hope for the best.

    I had to chuckle at your answer, I too, had to google to see what Jumping the shark meant, still don;t know if I understand. LOL… as far as reading a book or series if it is boring or drags, I never finish reading them. I just say goodbye book, I read to be entertained, not bored to sleep.

    Being the pet lover that I am I read Dewey the Library Cat last Winter and loved it.

    I hope you are feeling better, and maybe you just needed a break from reading. I know when stressful situations crop up, I find it difficult to read. Now feeling well, makes reading a lot more difficult at times. My best wishes to you in hoping you some relief from your pain.

  2. I heard the saying before when referring to The Simpsons. Funny that it originated with Happy Days :oD I think series either exhaust all possibilities & drag on to the bitter end, or their author goes out on top. I don't read many series, so it's hard to say, but like any book, I'll give up on it after 50 pages if I'm not engaged.

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