I enjoy being a host for Guest Authors, getting to know a little bit about them and their book. And today that is exactly what I am doing. It is even more special when an author contacts me and asks if I would read and review their book. Today I get to do just that and introduce you to Ms. Sara Robinson. Please help me give her a warm welcome.
I live in Charlottesville, VA and have been here since 1997. I was born on the campus of UVA and grew up in the Shenandoah Valley, in the town of Elkton. In 2009, I retired from full-time active corporate life as a Business Development Manager for a minerals mining and chemical manufacturing firm. For most of my career I was in the chemical and/or minerals mining and processing industries. During that time, I published prolifically in technical journals, trade journals, reference books and conference proceedings. Now I am in touch with the right/write side of my brain. The memoir was my first attempt at creative writing, and I hope that will serve as a springboard for my next writing projects, which are in progress. I am working on a collection of short stories and a novel. The novel, as I intend it, will be the first of a five book series of murder mysteries that take place in a fictional town in the Shenandoah Valley.
I am a member of the Blue Ridge Writers Club, The Virginia Writers Club, and the National League of American Pen Women. I do my research at the Elkton Welcome Center which houses a large collection of Hobby Robinson photographs, memorabilia, and his books.
Now for a synopsis of the memoir, Love Always, Hobby and Jessie. Have you ever had a feeling that a couple’s future is successful or doomed just by witnessing a brief exchange between them? I think a lot of people are fooled by what they witness in watching couples. Hobby and Jessie in the early years of their marriage were not doomed if what is seen on the outside or on the edges is witness. Their story unfolds from their beginning courtship, through the early years of their marriage, until they died. The heavy focus of the book is on the early years and as their marriage marks time, their conflicts and resolutions are told in the book’s chapters. Some of their conflicts were felt by their daughter who tells the stories as she recalls them. It is a book that will make you laugh, break your heart, and perhaps give you the gift of understanding how at least one couple found a way to keep a love always.
Watch the trailer……
My review will be posted within the next couple of weeks!!
Sara Robinson not only asked if I would read and review her book Love Always, Hobby and Jessie, but has generously offered 2 personally signed copies for my friends so that they also have the chance to read her book.
I received a copy of this book, at no charge to me,
in exchange for my honest review.
No items that I receive
are ever sold…they are kept by me,
or given to family and/or friends.
It always shocks me to learn that so many writers live less than 2 hours from me! Huh, so close, yet so far away!!
I loved the interview. She sounds like a great person to talk to.
Sorry I worried you yesterday. They laughed at me at work because I struggle with patience. My boss would say that I don't struggle with it because I've not found it yet…
Okay, she really sounds cool. Great post!