From Lori’s site:
It struck me recently how much time I spend on this computer every day, blogging, chatting or playing games on Facebook, emailing friends and relatives, making cards and calendars, etc. etc. etc.
We depend on each other for book reviews, giveaways, encouragement, friendship, but how well do we really know each other?
So that is what this meme is all about, getting to know each other.
Each Thursday I will post 3 questions for you to answer that you can copy and post on your blog with your answers.
So here are the Week 8 Questions
1. Do you ever feel like no one is reading your blog?
No because those that are reading them are also taking the time to comment, so I know some friends are visiting. What amazes me, is that they are visiting lol.
2. Would this meme work better for you if it was offered on a different day?
I like it on Thursday’s because I only have one other meme that I participate in on Thursdays.
3. Do you think there are already too many similar memes out in the blogisphere and I should stop this one?
There are many memes just like there are many blogs yet discovered. I think it really is up to the host because it does take time.
Sorry extra question this week.
4. If I were to continue with Enquiring Minds do you have any advice or changes you would like to see.
Not yet!! lol
Thanks Cheryl,
I just got nervous when I saw 2 very similar memes pop up the past couple of weeks and one very similar that started before mine that I had never seen before that is very successful.
I really love this meme and want to keep it going. I will wait to see what other comments I receive, but I hope you will stop by next Thursday!!!!
I know I have told you this many times, but you blog is absolutely beautiful and I love visiting it often. For some reason the ribbons and bows make me think of my grandmother and I find your background very calming.
Thanks for being here.
You know I am reading! Love ya, GF….
I Cmash. I am stopping in to see the other answers for this meme. I finally got mine posted. Oh – look at that cute book cursor. I might run all over your blog with that! LOL
Have a great week.