I think that people who discount fiction don’t really understand it–or haven’t read much of it. They don’t grasp the power of story to carry truth.
…Some truths are universal and timeless (like the lessons on friendship learned from Charlotte’s Web.)
My all-time favorite children’s book was Little Women. I learned a lot of important truths from the March family: how to love deeply, how to grieve a loss and go on, and how to feed the imagination…”
At the end of the post, there is a question posed, and this is what I’m using for today’s MUSING MONDAYS: What truths do you remember learning in fiction?
My answer:
I believe that fiction, in most cases, is written based on real life experiences. I agree with the statement, about those who do not understand the power of reading fiction, that there is a lesson to be learned. However, in my case, I have learned more from my own life experiences. I do tend to compare characters’ relationships and reactions to different incidents that I have experienced in my own life, sometimes coming away with a different outlook on some of those instances. And on some issues, that I haven’t experienced, I find it thought provoking as to how I would handle it. I am a big believer, that no matter what is read, there is always knowledge behind the words.
According to Marcia, “Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.”
This was a slow week. Isn’t it funny how, even though we have enough to read, we still look forward to seeing the mail carrier on a daily basis, wondering if any goodies will be delivered!!

1. How many pillows do you sleep with?

Just one
2. Where will you eat on Thanksgiving?

Eating at the in-laws.
3. Would you rather go to a party or host a party?
This is a hard one because I enjoy both. For 24 years we hosted an “Italian Christmas Eve” that everyone looked forward to. The night started with a sit down dinner for immediate family and very close friends that included the traditional 7 fish dinner. Then around 10pm, we would host an open house with more goodies until the wee hours into Christmas morning.
Both of my son’s friends would warm up the left overs and said that it had become their tradition too.
4. How many purses (for the guys..wallets) do you own?
Too many
5. What is your favorite kind of seafood?
Baked stuffed with a couple of baked stuffed shrimp on the side. I eat a lot of fish.
Congrats on reaching 500! Of course, everyone loves you! You are a terrific friend!
Your Christmas Eve party sounds like a terrific time. Wish we could have joined you!
as to your MM answer…I think I, for one, sometimes find the line a little blurred between things I have read and things that happened in real life. Between things I have learned from a book and things I have actually experienced. So, so many books I have read over so many years…
Not that I have lost touch with reality..yet…but if well written something we learn in a book can be so 'real'.
I learned different lessons, I think I might have been taught with a learning curve in mind. Here is my answer for Musing for Monday.
Congratulations on your blogoversary. 🙂 And 500 followers too! Way to go! I have tried so hard to like lobster. It just doesn't appeal to me.
Your Italian Christmas Eve sounds lovely. I had to re-read one part. At first I read "both of my boyfriends" instead of "both of my boy's friends." THAT gave me a double take! lol I think I better start of the new year with an eye exam. 🙂
Have an amazing week!
Congratulations or your blogoversary. As I always say, I love reading your blog, never miss it, although I may not always leave a comment.
I must admit I have a purse faddish.. I love purses. However, I buy them one at a time, use it for a few months, before I buy a new one. If I am shopping and don't have anything in mind to buy, you can find me in the purses, if I'm not where the books are. I very seldom use them over, I like new ones.
I'm sure because I have been reading so long I have learned some truth, however, I can't really pinpoint one.
Congratulations on 500 followers! I agree that there's a lot of truth in fiction.
Congratulations on your blogoversary and 500 followers! I'm not surprised though. You have fantastic blog!
Hope you are having a fantastic Monday! Congrats on reaching 500 followers. I chuckled at the purse questions. I don't know ANY woman who has less than five purses!
I enjoyed reading your answer to this week's Musing. Very well thought out. You made some excellent points! I have definitely learnt more from real life experiences than from those in books. Feel free to check out my complete answer here. Happy Monday!
Congratulations on reaching 500! That's quite a milestone. But then you have a great blog, so I'm not surprised.
You are so right about looking forward to more book goodies … as I look around at my TBR piles, I still get excited when a new book comes in! Enjoy your read!
Julie @ Knitting and Sundries
…and Happy Blogoversary!