Thursday Memes






Today’s Question:

Inspired by this post:

Do you ever crave reading crappy books?
My Response:
No.  It would seem to me, to be a waste of time, when there are so many
good books waiting for me on my tbr shelves and on my tbr lists.

Hosted by Lori from Dollycas’s Thoughts

From Lori’s site:
  It struck me recently how much time I spend on this computer every day, blogging, chatting or playing games on Facebook, emailing friends and relatives, making cards and calendars, etc. etc. etc.
  We depend on each other for book reviews, giveaways, encouragement, friendship, but how well do we really know each other?
  So that is what this meme is all about, getting to know each other.


1. Do you have an artificial or real Christmas tree?
Artificial tree.  My oldest son is highly allergic to live Christmas trees, wreaths, etc.  I can’t even burn Yankee Candles that have the scents or he has a reaction and ends up in the ER. 

2. Do you feel you decorate just enough, over the top, or not enough?

My youngest used to decorate our house both in and out for years and he definitely went over the top.  I would even lose one of my rooms so he could set up his collectible Snow Village, just that took him one full day because of all the pieces he has.  He spoiled me and now that he lives 5 hours away, hubby and I are doing the minimum.
3. Do you have a favorite Christmas Cookie, if you have a recipe, please share?
Favorite?  One of those questions again, favorite? lol.  Since I am not a baker, my favorite cookie are those that others make.  My son’s gf is a fantastic baker and she usually makes cookie trays that everyone now look forward to…..Heather, have you started? lol

9 thoughts on “Thursday Memes

  1. I agree about reading crappy books, at first I didn't know what was meant by crappy books, so I went back and read the article where the question came from and according to how I understood it, I don't read crappy books, well, I may have read The Notebook, I do know I watched the movie The Notebook. But I would never intentionally go out and buy a crappy book to read.

  2. Crave crappy books? Well, hubby thinks all of the books I read are crap. So, yup. I guess it depends on what you're considering crap. I occasionally enjoy a book that's just fun. Occasionally I enjoy sleazier books. So, yeah, I'll read almost anything.

  3. Hi There!
    I'm following you here from Dollycas's site. We usually have a real tree, but I'm with your son – those scented candles give me a headache, but luckily I don't react to the real thing! Check out my blog for my cookie recipe and pass it on. They are wonderful cookies!!

  4. crappy books, now that a weird question. lol

    I love your cookie answer. Most of the women in my husband's side of the family get together on a Saturday, this Saturday, to bake cookies and the guys show up to sample. I haven't gone the last few years, just my daughters and they bring home tons of cookies, but I may stop by this year. It is just so hard to sit there with everyone busy and me just watching. lol This year there will be a few little great nieces there so baby I'll just play with the babies. lol

  5. Booking Through Thursday

    Do ever crave reading crappy books?

    Sometimes you just want to turn your mind off and be entertained. They're like romantic comedy chick flicks.

  6. I seldom stop reading a crappy book. I keep hoping it gets better.

    My mil is like your son. She has Christmas Villages all over her house. Even built shelves around the whole house up near the ceiling to hold more.

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