Another Cohosted Challenge!!

And with all the challenges listed  at A Novel Challenge, I know there are a lot of other challenge addicts out there!!!  So what better challenge to have but a READING CHALLENGE ADDICT CHALLENGE.
Reading Challenge Addict
Gina from Hott Books and yours truly are cohosting this challenge.  Gina has set up a site dedicated for this challenge so head on over and sign up. 

Here are the rules and criteria:

Some of us have a bit of a problem.

Some of us have a huge problem.

Cheryl from CMash Loves to Read and Gina from Hott Books are two such people. We each can stand proudly and say,

I am a Reading Challenge Addict.

So we are challenging each of you who can also say that you also are a Reading Challenge Addict.

We’ll be giving away quarterly prizes and recognizing those who are meeting their own expectations by completing the challenges they’ve entered.

How addicted are you?  How many Challenges have you signed up for?

Easy as Pie: 1-5 Challenges (Entered & Completed)

On the Roof: 6-10 Challenges (Entered & Completed)

In Flight: 11-15 Challenges (Entered & Completed)

Out of This World: 16+ Challenges (Entered & Completed)

We’re not making this a difficult challenge, actually, it’s going to be very simple!

This challenge will begin on January 1, 2011 and end on December 31, 2011.

Write a starting post joining the challenge and outlining your challenges.

Track all of your challenge accomplishments – good & bad.

Stop by to join us in the mini-challenges, updates & extra giveaways throughout the year./li>

Easy, right? Who wants to be in on the fun? What else will we be doing? We’ll have giveaways for our participants to enter and unannounced special drawings for commenters on the site so be sure to leave your email address with your comment! Are you ready?

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