Review "Bitch, Please!"

BITCH, PLEASE! by Megan Munroe

Published by Turner Company
ISBN: 978-1-59652-806-2
At the request of Turner Publishing, an ARC TPB was sent, at no cost to me, for my honest opinion.
  Synopsis (borrowed from Amazon): Megan Munroe’s Bitch, Please! delivers a saucy communiqué empowering nice girls to kick passivity to the curb and instead use the strength of inward kindness to shake the foundation of the bitch’s empire. Bitch, Please! provides compelling answers to questions that nice girls often ask, like:
  How do I handle confrontation with the bitch in the next cubicle?
  Why does the bitch always seem to get what she wants?
  If being nice is a good thing, why do I feel like a doormat?
  From practical how-to-succeed scenarios to laugh-out-loud lessons, this humorous yet poignant dialogue has something for every woman. A unique mix of rhetoric, real-life revelations, kitschy quizzes, and food for thought, this is the perfect road map for your journey to create a successful life in a nice-girl fashion.
  My Thoughts and Opinion: I don’t read self help/advice books so I really came out of my comfort zone to not only read but review this book too. There were a few reasons why I accepted, the first being, if we are honest with ourselves, we all at one time or another, have a little bit of that trait as part of our personality and living inside of us, maybe some people have more than others. Another reason, and I am guessing that 99% of us will agree that we have someone in our life who we deal with, maybe on a daily basis, be it family, friend, coworker, etc etc. Do we enable these people? Or do we take a stand? Ms. Munroe takes a hard look at what happened to “the nice girl approach” compared to the “entitled diva” that we see on TV and newspapers almost on a daily basis. Ms Munroe uses humor in her descriptions of nice girls vs. bitches.
  This is a manual for every girl and woman of any age and whatever stage of life you are in. It is filled with answers to everyday questions, funny little tests, how to deal with those that believe “nice girls” are “door mats”. My copy has so many bookmarks of quotes that I wanted to share until I realized, I would be close to rewriting the book in this review. I will share a couple with you:
**”Nice is defined as “refined in manners, language” and “virtuous: respectable: decorous.” Words like virtuous and respectable have been lost in today;s generation of young women’; it’s as if we don’t know what it means to have manners at all.” page 5
**”Being a nice girl is a lifestyle dedicated to being aware of our actions, and in turn being willing to bear the consequences or enjoy the benefits of how we choose to behave.  page 71
  My Rating: Since I don’t usually read self help/advice books, I had a difficult time rating it because I felt it was partially a subjective read, so with that being said, I am going to give it a middle of the road rating between a 4-3

I received a copy of this book, at no charge to me,
in exchange for my honest review.
No items that I receive
are ever sold…they are kept by me,
or given to family and/or friends.  

2 thoughts on “Review "Bitch, Please!"

  1. Like you, I don't read many self-help books, but I like the idea behind this one of empowering girls; that nice doesn't have to be synonomous with doormat!

  2. You could probably learn a little bit from this book! You are too nice blogger bff–and you know what I'm talking about….

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