Dewey Read-A-Thon


Hosting Blog

For the past month, I have been in a huge reading slump.  I even tried reading this week , with the incentive from Seasons Of Reading Read-A-Thon, and it did jump start my reading.  I think I have finally caught up with work and blog to-dos that I will be more focused for Dewey’s 24 hour Read-A-Thon.  I have my munchies ready (fruit, soy chips, rice cakes) and plan on parking myself in my recliner. I plan on taking a break every 2 hours to post my progress:

Start Time:  8am
Book:  Amanda’s Story by Brian O’Grady
Starting page #:  Kindle 38% ( I really wish that Kindle would do page numbers.  Anyone feel the same as I do on this?)
Murphy’s Law: Am getting a late start. Husband was on travel and this morning we were catching up over coffee.


Pages read:  up to 52%
Book:   Amanda’s Story
Comments: Very lat start.  Didn’t start reading until 10:45am.   Taking break to get lunch ready, move around and back to reading.

Pages read:    Kindle  55%
Book:  Amanda’s Story by Brian O’Grady
Comments:  Unfortunately, after getting a late start, and then the fact that I kept dozing off, I didn’t  make my goals of how much reading I had planned to do.  I was hoping to finish my current read but didn’t.  It never fails, whenever I sign up for a Read-A-Thon something always interferes  🙁

6 thoughts on “Dewey Read-A-Thon

  1. I am here to cheer you on during this read-a-thon so remember just keep on keepin’ on…Go Go Go!!! #cheertamales P.S. I love the way you pre-formatted your updates with the times.

  2. Hope you have been able to get lots of reading in today! I flared up my back yesterday and have had to limit my participation today.

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