For the past month, I have been in a huge reading slump. I even tried reading this week , with the incentive from Seasons Of Reading Read-A-Thon, and it did jump start my reading. I think I have finally caught up with work and blog to-dos that I will be more focused for Dewey’s 24 hour Read-A-Thon. I have my munchies ready (fruit, soy chips, rice cakes) and plan on parking myself in my recliner. I plan on taking a break every 2 hours to post my progress:
Start Time: 8am
Book: Amanda’s Story by Brian O’Grady
Starting page #: Kindle 38% ( I really wish that Kindle would do page numbers. Anyone feel the same as I do on this?)
Murphy’s Law: Am getting a late start. Husband was on travel and this morning we were catching up over coffee.
Pages read: up to 52%
Book: Amanda’s Story
Comments: Very lat start. Didn’t start reading until 10:45am. Taking break to get lunch ready, move around and back to reading.
Pages read: Kindle 55%
Book: Amanda’s Story by Brian O’Grady
Comments: Unfortunately, after getting a late start, and then the fact that I kept dozing off, I didn’t make my goals of how much reading I had planned to do. I was hoping to finish my current read but didn’t. It never fails, whenever I sign up for a Read-A-Thon something always interferes 🙁
Have fun!
I hope the readathon gets you out of your slump! Enjoy!
I am here to cheer you on during this read-a-thon so remember just keep on keepin’ on…Go Go Go!!! #cheertamales P.S. I love the way you pre-formatted your updates with the times.
Hope your readathon is still going strong!
Read all day
Read all night
Read that book
‘Til the morning light!
Hope you have been able to get lots of reading in today! I flared up my back yesterday and have had to limit my participation today.
Hope you are still parked in your recliner 🙂 If you want to take a break next hour stop by. My mini challenge goes up!