Friday | Friendly Fill-Ins

Hosted by McGruffy’s Reader and 15 and Meowing

This week’s Fill-Ins:

1. My favorite subject in school was _______________.

2. An extracurricular activity I participated in was ___________________________.

3. I want to learn _________.

4. It takes courage to _________.

My answers:

1. My favorite subject in school was 11th grade English.
I was ecstatic when I found out I was assigned to Mr. Baxter’s class! Why? His curriculum was to read and write a book report every week. Most of my classmates weren’t as enthusiastic as I was. Since I had always been a reader, this class, for me, was more fun than work

2. An extracurricular activity I participated in was being on the yearbook staff and part of the social committee.

3. I want to learn how to speed read because there are so many books I want to read and so little time.

4. It takes courage to face one’s fears.

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