Friday | Friendly Fill-Ins

Hosted by Four-Legged Furballs and 15 and Meowing

This week’s Fill-Ins:

  1. My latest obsession is __________________________.
  2. I am so over _______________________.
  3. I’m skilled at _________.
  4. I’m not very good at _________.

My answers:

  1. My latest obsession is trying to get my work done early so I can get in the pool and read!.

  2. I am so over people complaining about wearing masks. There is a pandemic people!!!!.

  3. I’m skilled at having my house organized, however, my husband isn’t (grrr).

  4. I’m not very good at technology.

2 thoughts on “Friday | Friendly Fill-Ins

  1. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. Wearing a mask is simple and common courtesy, I don’t see why some get so upset either. Have a nice weekend.

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