February | Monthly Wrap-Up

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I had a better month as far as reading goes, which surprised me since I had a lot going on in real life this month. Since I am POA for my sister and DPOA (durable power of attorney-medical) for my husband’s aunt, I had to be present for procedures and appointments, traveling to PA to celebrate my youngest granddaughter’s 1st birthday and coming home only to have the flu/virus waiting for me once I opened our front door that put me down for a few days.

I was finding that I wasn’t putting in time for my reading due to being busy with the tour companies and just wasn’t as motivated to read as I had been in the past. Then I saw something on Jersey Girl’s Book Reviews FB page and contacted her to ask about it. It’s an App that monitors one’s reading. I kept going back and forth if I should buy a subscription and then said, let’s go for it. I think subconsciously, knowing I paid for it, I better make good use of it. It seems to be holding me accountable to read each day. As you will see below, one of the books this month was before I purchased the App.

The review for No Bad Deed by Heather Chavez was posted on February 12th.

I guess we will see if Bookly will be my motivation for March!!!!!

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