Title Talk on Thursday (new meme 2 of 4)

Hosted by Marce from Tea Time With Marce

From her site:

  Why I decided to start this meme – When I read a book and come across the title, it always brings a sense of accomplishment and I think clever, interesting or I just smile with that ahh moment. So I decided to create this meme hoping it starts great conversation on each others blogs especially when we have read the same book.
Title Talk on Thursday
Title Talk on Thursday is a NEW weekly bookish meme, hosted by Tea Time with Marce. A time to share opinions on how the title represented the story, while networking and adding to your Wishlist. All Genre’s of Books are Welcomed.
Comment and leave the following:
     Seven Year Switch
     Claire Cook
     Chick Lit
*Summary of the book
     Jill has been living her present life in the past, not facing her personal issues. It takes a girl’s vacation to allow her to accept the past and start to live in the future.
*Include a Teaser sentence the Title was used in if it is NOT a SPOILER
     (borrowed from book’s jacket)  They say that every seven years you become a completely new person, but Jill isn’t sure she’s ready for the big change.
*Opinion on Title, is it a clever title, a grab your attention title, is it original, does it match the genre,etc
     I loved the title and more so the cover.
*Link to Your Review

1 thought on “Title Talk on Thursday (new meme 2 of 4)

  1. Thank you for participating in my meme, I appreciate it.

    I love the title of this book but I don't do chick lit, that mood hardly comes to me.

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