#Review | Little Deadly Secrets by Pamela Crane

Little Deadly Secrets by Pamela Crane
Genre: Domestic Thriller, Psychological Thriller
Published by William Morrow
Publication Date: August 18, 2020
ISBN-10 : 0062984918
ISBN-13 : 978-0062984913
Pages: 384
Review Copy From: Publisher
Edition: Print
My Rating: 4

Synopsis (via GR)

Mackenzie, Robin, and Lily have been inseparable forever, sharing life’s ups and downs and growing even closer as the years have gone by. They know everything about each other. Or so they believe.

Nothing could come between these three best friends . . .

Except for a betrayal.

Nothing could turn them against each other . . .

Except for a terrible past mistake.

Nothing could tear them apart . . .

Except for murder.

My Thoughts

Twenty years ago while at college a friendship formed where Mackenzie, Robin, and Lily vowed to be forever bound, through life and love, through thick and thin, until that day when death will win. pg. 14

They thought that they knew everything about each other but that wasn’t the case. Each of them was broken and hiding secrets that could destroy the bond that they created in college. Could they come clean? Would they finally tell all? Would the friendship survive? Lies, betrayals, abuse, addiction, and even murder, will test this friendship.

I was hooked with the first chapter. I connected with the characters even though they all had flaws, some more than others. The writing flowed and the pages kept turning with the suspense. What I enjoyed the most was the dynamics between the three women and their loyalty, even through the toughest times. I did figure out some of the aspects in the story but there were others that totally surprised me.

This was the first book I read by this author and looking forward to future works.

Purchase Links: Amazon 🔗 | Barnes & Noble 🔗 | Goodreads 🔗


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