Category: Sunday Memes

Sunday’s Shining Star

I would like to explain how this came to fruition. Hubby and I were having a discussion about the old days, (for the young’ens reading this..a little history lesson) but before the dark age. When Sundays were special and had traditions and rituals. Sunday mornings Church, come home to a big gravy (sauce) cooking on the stove, a big Sunday dinner, then either off to visit relatives/friends or wait for relatives/friends to drop by. We would spend the afternoon sitting around the table, talking, catching up, having coffee, pizza, calzones, etc etc, dessert. And now, how sad, all those traditions are gone. And then I got to thinking, why not have something similar here on my blog. This past year, I have met so many amazing and wonderful people (some I now call friends) through blogging, and how I am in awe of what they do and accomplish. How much respect I have for them, for their honesty, integrity, credibility and so enjoy when a bit of their personality shines through. So every Sunday, here at my place, the coffee will be on, the dessert is on the table and friends will be stopping by. And I will be rolling out the red carpet for my Sunday Shining Star Blogger guest.


I was told when I first found this community of book blogging that “book bloggers were the nicest bloggers there are” and I have never forgotten those words. And over the past year, I have truly met the nicest people. I also believe, even though we live behind a screen, a bit of our personality shines through. That is one of the reasons I am having so much fun with this weekly event, and hoping you are too, because we are getting to know those “nicest bloggers” around and about bloggyland a little bit better.

How is everyone today?  Since last week was a relaxing day by the pool, I thought that this week we would do some travelling to meet our blogging friend.  Today we will be going to India so I hope you packed enough, but then don’t we always over pack when going away?  And that grumbling you hear…..ignore it…’s Jeff and Steve complaining……that the luggage is too heavy……it’s the perfect day to be on the golf course……how come Lori packed 4 pieces of luggage…….MEN!!!!

Today’s guest, I am sure most of you know, either from comments that she has left on your blog or you visiting her place.  But we have the treat today of getting to know her better.  Today’s guest is GAUTAMI from EVERYTHING DISTILS INTO READING

*When and why did you start blogging?
I started blogging in June 2005. My poetry, rooted, exists from that date. I was always a reader but did not know about book blogging. I got to know about it from another book blogger, who used to visit my poetry blog and insisted I answer the book memes that she tagged. I started my book blog, My Own Little Reading Room, in 2006. However, I lost that blog to Malware in April 2009. I started the current blog, Everything Distils Into Reading, in May 2009. I had to rebuilt it from scratch. I could recover my review posts with dates, as I had subscribed own blog in Google Reader.

*How and what made you decide on the name of your blog?
My life revolves around reading. Even my poetry writing revolves around reading. So Everything Distils Into Reading just fell into place.

*What would you say is the main content of your blog?
I would say book reviews. The memes I do are also book reviews. I try to incorporate my reviews into my blog in all ways possible.

*If books, what genres do you mostly read?
I read Crime Fiction, Literary Fiction and poetry. Sometimes Historical novels, Memoirs, and Travelogues. I am trying to incorporate other genres too. I pick up th difficult reads somehow.

*How often do you post?
On my book blog, almost daily. On poetry blog 3 times a week.

*What are some of the things that you love about blogging?
Books and Poetry. I keep my personal self away from it!

everything distils into reading

“I think we ought to read only the kind of books that wound and stab us.” Franz Kafka

*What are some of the negatives?
I spend too much time blogging and blog hopping!

*Name 1-3 favorite items/postings that you have/do on your blog?
All book reviews on my book blog
Everything Distils Into Reading
All my poetry on my poetry blog, rooted.

*Any advice you would give to new bloggers?
Keep you blog simple. No blings, not animations. Keep it user friendly. Your writing should be good and interesting.. And network. But have patience.

*What draws you to follow someone’s blog?
Good content. Artful writing. And my kind of genres. For poetry blog..POETRY!

*Do you have any “pet peeves” that other bloggers do?
Yes. I don’t like intensedebate, disqus and embedded comment system. Then music, blings etc. If it is book blog, it has to be about books. Not Music and the likes. I also don’t like too much of author interviews, All those challenge posts, only book promotions.

*Would you please share 5-7 things about the person behind the screen so that we get to know the “real” you!!
Well, I am a math teacher.
I love to cook.
I have to learn about each little thing.
I am single.
I love children.
I like doing math puzzles.
I am a good listener
I am a very positive person.

*Any other info you would like to share.
Anyone interested to write poetry with me??

Gautami thank you for being my guest today.  I found this interview to be so much fun because I have been following her blog for quite some time now but really didn’t know the person behind the screen.  I knew about her poetry blog, absolutely beautiful work.  If you get a chance, do stop by.  There are blogging peers that have that in common with Gautami, that they may not have known.  I didn’t realize that Gautami was a math teacher and embarrassed to say that was my worse subject in school, I may need some tutoring in that area.  However, I was not surprised to learn that she is a good listener or a positive person because I feel that has come through from her postings.  The advice she has given, has given me a few thoughts to ponder.  Her reviews are excellent, and my only negative with Gautami….. lol….. is Teaser Tuesday.  It never fails, the book that she showcases goes on to my tbr bucket list.  Another great blogger.  Another Shining Star!!!!

Addendum: After drafting this post on Wednesday morning, I sent Gautami an email to let her know she was this week’s Shining Star.  My TV is on when I blog, tuned on to a cable news station, and there was breaking news that there had just been bombings in India.  Sometimes we don’t realize or take it for granted, that in today’s world with the internet, we have made wonderful friendships from around the world.  I was quite anxious, waiting to hear that she was OK, until she emailed me.  I expressed my concern and she sent me to her FB page of a poem she had written 3 years ago, that I would like to share:!/notes/gautami-tripathy/undead-for-eternity-repost-from-my-blog-for-the-mumbai-attacks-07132011/10150235981411608?notif_t=note_tag

href=”” target=”_blank”><img src=”” border=”0″ alt=”” >

Sunday’s Shining Star

I would like to explain how this came to fruition. Hubby and I were having a discussion about the old days, (for the young’ens reading this..a little history lesson) but before the dark age. When Sundays were special and had traditions and rituals. Sunday mornings Church, come home to a big gravy (sauce) cooking on the stove, a big Sunday dinner, then either off to visit relatives/friends or wait for relatives/friends to drop by. We would spend the afternoon sitting around the table, talking, catching up, having coffee, pizza, calzones, etc etc, dessert. And now, how sad, all those traditions are gone. And then I got to thinking, why not have something similar here on my blog. This past year, I have met so many amazing and wonderful people (some I now call friends) through blogging, and how I am in awe of what they do and accomplish. How much respect I have for them, for their honesty, integrity, credibility and so enjoy when a bit of their personality shines through. So every Sunday, here at my place, the coffee will be on, the dessert is on the table and friends will be stopping by. And I will be rolling out the red carpet for my Sunday Shining Star Blogger guest.


I was told when I first found this community of book blogging that “book bloggers were the nicest bloggers there are” and I have never forgotten those words. And over the past year, I have truly met the nicest people. I also believe, even though we live behind a screen, a bit of our personality shines through. That is one of the reasons I am having so much fun with this weekly event, and hoping you are too, because we are getting to know those “nicest bloggers” around and about bloggyland a little bit better.

I don’t know if it is hot and humid where you live but it sure is here in New England.  So I thought we would move our “gab sessions” out by the pool and have a cook out, so I hope you brought your bathing suits.  However, I do apologize, for the 2 grumpy men, Jeff and Steve, in the corner over there who are trying to decide who is going to be charge in of the grill and the drinks.  Shhhhh….I also heard them plotting that they were going to try and speed up our “gab session” so that they can get in at least 9 holes in at the golf course.  Men!!!!

I keep repeating myself and I’m sorry that I do but I am being very honest.  It still amazes me how many genuine and kind people I have met in this neighborhood and I know I’m not the only one who feels that way.  It is so hard to make people understand, who aren’t involved with book blogging or even to explain it to people in real life, the connections that we make herein this book blogging neighborhood that do become true friends.   That’s why I love this event, to get to know our friends a little bit better.  And today’s guest falls in that category.  Today’s SHINING STAR is JACKIE from HOUSEWIFE BLUES and CHIHUAHUA STORIES

*When and why did you start blogging?
Started back in 2009 as a way to get extra entries in book giveaway contests on “Bitten By Books” and book blogger sites… My blog then became something to help relieve stress when my father contracted pneumonia and then went into Rehab back in April of 2009 where he was sent to convalesce until better….

From there it evolved into the fun way it is today to reach out and share the love of books I read, will read and want to read with others who feel the same…

*How and what made you decide on the name of your blog?
I am a Housewife, had the “blues” from my living situation at the time and my Chihuahua is my buddy so it was going to be a blog to keep a journal on my favorite things he did to make me laugh… Then I discovered the book giveaways and the bloggers who were having them made me feel like I had finally discovered a “niche” of people where I could hang out and enjoy my book obsession with people who felt the same bookish love!

*What would you say is the main content of your blog?
The main content of my blog covers the books that I read, or would like to read someday, secondary content is to help promote book giveaways and share anything “fun” that I think others might get a smile out of…

*If books, what genres do you mostly read?
Urban fantasy, Paranormal Romance with some Historical or Contemporary Romance thrown in… I also like Mystery Thrillers and some Sci-Fi Fantasy….

*How often do you post?
I post every day, sometimes only one post mostly have two… I will be downsizing posts due to having eye surgery on my right eye at the end of February and my left eye in March, am looking for guest posters at the moment to fill in some of the gaps while my eyes recuperate….
  (update: surgery went well)

*What are some of the things that you love about blogging?
The people who I have met online, the ones who both love to read exactly what I do and the ones who have opened my eyes to books that are somewhat outside my comfort zone…

I love to be able to finally share with a huge audience of people something that has been my passion for my entire life, books and reading them… I grew up in a family of one other reader and my father only enjoyed Westerns, my taste is more eclectic and never had anyone for most of my life to share the interest with…

*What are some of the negatives?
One of the negatives is when people plagiarize others work and take credit for it themselves… One of the biggest negatives is when someone posts something hurtful to either an author or another blogger, it might cause controversy and lots of comment traffic but is not a nice thing to do….

*Name 1-3 favorite items/postings that you have/do on your blog?
I enjoy doing the “Waiting On Wednesday” MEME hosted by Jill from “Breaking The Spine”, the “On My Wishlist” MEME hosted by Caroline from “Book Chick City” on Saturdays and love to share my thoughts on the books I read on 2 or 3 weekly posts…

The MEME’s are a great way to find books to read and also to find bloggers who enjoy reading the same genres as myself, and find books in other genres I normally do not know about as do not read them as often… Like YA books for instance…

*Any advice you would give to new bloggers?
Enjoy what you do and do not try to “Copy” the success of others, it is only going to be interesting/fun to you if you really believe in what you choose to share with others on your blog….

If you have questions about how something works, ask and I bet someone somewhere will be glad to help you…

*What draws you to follow someone’s blog?
I follow other blogs whose owner shares my same love of certain authors, shares my love of pets or has something interesting at least once a week that makes me laugh! If a blogger is a good story teller and never writes a book review that is good enough for me!

*Do you have any “pet peeves” that other bloggers do?
My number one pet peeve is word verification/captcha when you are trying to write and publish a comment…. That and some of the “Darker” blogs that use red letter texting kills my old eyes, I no longer visit those blogs because they are too hard for me to “see” without getting a headache…

*Would you please share 5-7 things about the person behind the screen so that we get to know the “real” you!!
1. I am in my late 40’s and have finally discovered how much fun teenagers can have by reading YA books! It makes me appreciate surviving my teen years even more than while I was doing it!

2. My Mother is my 2nd best friend and my Husband is my number one friend, provider and all around good guy to know… (I say that after having known him for 33 years of my 48 years of life…)

3. Besides reading my 2nd passionate hobby is Cross-Stitching, to create something from a plain piece of fabric fascinates me… Especially when the something actually looks like an animal in full color and it is made out of thread…

4. My favorite color is almost any shade of blue…

5. My favorite “comfort food” is homemade chili and cornbread, especially in winter…

6. To be able to wake up every day and know that the area I live in will be the last place I move to in my married life is the greatest gift that was ever given to me by my husband… We moved every year to couple of years until 2001, now we finally have a “Home” that we plan on staying in as long as our health allows us to…

7. I am the proud pet parent of an almost 12 year old Chihuahua, an almost 8 year old Calico Tabby and an almost 6 year old Tomcat… My furry babies make life interesting every day…

Jackie, thank you for sharing with us today and being my guest.  First, from what Jackie said in her interview….well…I guess we know where we will be visiting this winter lol.  You might have to make a lot more of your chili and cornbread lol.  You can see, also in her answers, her kind heart, that she considers the feeling of others.  I, and I apologize Jackie but senior moment, can’t remember how I found her blog, but I know that I have been following it from the time I started blogging.  Her reviews are honest and well written.  And on a personal note.  I mentioned her kind heart, it really is a heart of gold, along with compassion, caring, thoughtfulness and always has and knows the right words to share.  As some of you know, this past year has been a rough one for me,  but Jackie has sent me words of encouragement, a gift for my anniversary, and even a snail mail Christmas card.  BTW…I hope you liked the blue text….lol.  How can you explain to someone in the “real world” about a real friend that you have, but have never met.  Jackie…you truly are a SHINING STAR!!!!


Sunday’s Shining Star

I would like to explain how this came to fruition. Hubby and I were having a discussion about the old days, (for the young’ens reading this..a little history lesson) but before the dark age. When Sundays were special and had traditions and rituals. Sunday mornings Church, come home to a big gravy (sauce) cooking on the stove, a big Sunday dinner, then either off to visit relatives/friends or wait for relatives/friends to drop by. We would spend the afternoon sitting around the table, talking, catching up, having coffee, pizza, calzones, etc etc, dessert. And now, how sad, all those traditions are gone. And then I got to thinking, why not have something similar here on my blog. This past year, I have met so many amazing and wonderful people (some I now call friends) through blogging, and how I am in awe of what they do and accomplish. How much respect I have for them, for their honesty, integrity, credibility and so enjoy when a bit of their personality shines through. So every Sunday, here at my place, the coffee will be on, the dessert is on the table and friends will be stopping by. And I will be rolling out the red carpet for my Sunday Shining Star Blogger guest.


I was told when I first found this community of book blogging that “book bloggers were the nicest bloggers there are” and I have never forgotten those words. And over the past year, I have truly met the nicest people. I also believe, even though we live behind a screen, a bit of our personality shines through. That is one of the reasons I am having so much fun with this weekly event, and hoping you are too, because we are getting to know those “nicest bloggers” around and about bloggyland a little bit better.

I don’t know if it is hot and humid where you live but it sure is here in New England.  So I thought we would move our “gab sessions” out by the pool and have a cook out, so I hope you brought your bathing suits.  However, I do apologize, for the 2 grumpy men, Jeff and Steve, in the corner over there who are trying to decide who is going to be charge in of the grill and the drinks.  Shhhhh….I also heard them plotting that they were going to try and speed up our “gab session” so that they can get in at least 9 holes in at the golf course.  Men!!!!

I keep repeating myself and I’m sorry that I do but I am being very honest.  It still amazes me how many genuine and kind people I have met in this neighborhood and I know I’m not the only one who feels that way.  It is so hard to make people understand, who aren’t involved with book blogging or even to explain it to people in real life, the connections that we make herein this book blogging neighborhood that do become true friends.   That’s why I love this event, to get to know our friends a little bit better.  And today’s guest falls in that category.  Today’s SHINING STAR is JACKIE from HOUSEWIFE BLUES and CHIHUAHUA STORIES

*When and why did you start blogging?
Started back in 2009 as a way to get extra entries in book giveaway contests on “Bitten By Books” and book blogger sites… My blog then became something to help relieve stress when my father contracted pneumonia and then went into Rehab back in April of 2009 where he was sent to convalesce until better….

From there it evolved into the fun way it is today to reach out and share the love of books I read, will read and want to read with others who feel the same…

*How and what made you decide on the name of your blog?
I am a Housewife, had the “blues” from my living situation at the time and my Chihuahua is my buddy so it was going to be a blog to keep a journal on my favorite things he did to make me laugh… Then I discovered the book giveaways and the bloggers who were having them made me feel like I had finally discovered a “niche” of people where I could hang out and enjoy my book obsession with people who felt the same bookish love!

*What would you say is the main content of your blog?
The main content of my blog covers the books that I read, or would like to read someday, secondary content is to help promote book giveaways and share anything “fun” that I think others might get a smile out of…

*If books, what genres do you mostly read?
Urban fantasy, Paranormal Romance with some Historical or Contemporary Romance thrown in… I also like Mystery Thrillers and some Sci-Fi Fantasy….

*How often do you post?
I post every day, sometimes only one post mostly have two… I will be downsizing posts due to having eye surgery on my right eye at the end of February and my left eye in March, am looking for guest posters at the moment to fill in some of the gaps while my eyes recuperate….
  (update: surgery went well)

*What are some of the things that you love about blogging?
The people who I have met online, the ones who both love to read exactly what I do and the ones who have opened my eyes to books that are somewhat outside my comfort zone…

I love to be able to finally share with a huge audience of people something that has been my passion for my entire life, books and reading them… I grew up in a family of one other reader and my father only enjoyed Westerns, my taste is more eclectic and never had anyone for most of my life to share the interest with…

*What are some of the negatives?
One of the negatives is when people plagiarize others work and take credit for it themselves… One of the biggest negatives is when someone posts something hurtful to either an author or another blogger, it might cause controversy and lots of comment traffic but is not a nice thing to do….

*Name 1-3 favorite items/postings that you have/do on your blog?
I enjoy doing the “Waiting On Wednesday” MEME hosted by Jill from “Breaking The Spine”, the “On My Wishlist” MEME hosted by Caroline from “Book Chick City” on Saturdays and love to share my thoughts on the books I read on 2 or 3 weekly posts…

The MEME’s are a great way to find books to read and also to find bloggers who enjoy reading the same genres as myself, and find books in other genres I normally do not know about as do not read them as often… Like YA books for instance…

*Any advice you would give to new bloggers?
Enjoy what you do and do not try to “Copy” the success of others, it is only going to be interesting/fun to you if you really believe in what you choose to share with others on your blog….

If you have questions about how something works, ask and I bet someone somewhere will be glad to help you…

*What draws you to follow someone’s blog?
I follow other blogs whose owner shares my same love of certain authors, shares my love of pets or has something interesting at least once a week that makes me laugh! If a blogger is a good story teller and never writes a book review that is good enough for me!

*Do you have any “pet peeves” that other bloggers do?
My number one pet peeve is word verification/captcha when you are trying to write and publish a comment…. That and some of the “Darker” blogs that use red letter texting kills my old eyes, I no longer visit those blogs because they are too hard for me to “see” without getting a headache…

*Would you please share 5-7 things about the person behind the screen so that we get to know the “real” you!!
1. I am in my late 40’s and have finally discovered how much fun teenagers can have by reading YA books! It makes me appreciate surviving my teen years even more than while I was doing it!

2. My Mother is my 2nd best friend and my Husband is my number one friend, provider and all around good guy to know… (I say that after having known him for 33 years of my 48 years of life…)

3. Besides reading my 2nd passionate hobby is Cross-Stitching, to create something from a plain piece of fabric fascinates me… Especially when the something actually looks like an animal in full color and it is made out of thread…

4. My favorite color is almost any shade of blue…

5. My favorite “comfort food” is homemade chili and cornbread, especially in winter…

6. To be able to wake up every day and know that the area I live in will be the last place I move to in my married life is the greatest gift that was ever given to me by my husband… We moved every year to couple of years until 2001, now we finally have a “Home” that we plan on staying in as long as our health allows us to…

7. I am the proud pet parent of an almost 12 year old Chihuahua, an almost 8 year old Calico Tabby and an almost 6 year old Tomcat… My furry babies make life interesting every day…

Jackie, thank you for sharing with us today and being my guest.  First, from what Jackie said in her interview….well…I guess we know where we will be visiting this winter lol.  You might have to make a lot more of your chili and cornbread lol.  You can see, also in her answers, her kind heart, that she considers the feeling of others.  I, and I apologize Jackie but senior moment, can’t remember how I found her blog, but I know that I have been following it from the time I started blogging.  Her reviews are honest and well written.  And on a personal note.  I mentioned her kind heart, it really is a heart of gold, along with compassion, caring, thoughtfulness and always has and knows the right words to share.  As some of you know, this past year has been a rough one for me,  but Jackie has sent me words of encouragement, a gift for my anniversary, and even a snail mail Christmas card.  BTW…I hope you liked the blue text….lol.  How can you explain to someone in the “real world” about a real friend that you have, but have never met.  Jackie…you truly are a SHINING STAR!!!!


Sunday’s Shining Star

I would like to explain how this came to fruition. Hubby and I were having a discussion about the old days, (for the young’ens reading this..a little history lesson) but before the dark age. When Sundays were special and had traditions and rituals. Sunday mornings Church, come home to a big gravy (sauce) cooking on the stove, a big Sunday dinner, then either off to visit relatives/friends or wait for relatives/friends to drop by. We would spend the afternoon sitting around the table, talking, catching up, having coffee, pizza, calzones, etc etc, dessert. And now, how sad, all those traditions are gone. And then I got to thinking, why not have something similar here on my blog. This past year, I have met so many amazing and wonderful people (some I now call friends) through blogging, and how I am in awe of what they do and accomplish. How much respect I have for them, for their honesty, integrity, credibility and so enjoy when a bit of their personality shines through. So every Sunday, here at my place, the coffee will be on, the dessert is on the table and friends will be stopping by. And I will be rolling out the red carpet for my Sunday Shining Star Blogger guest.


I was told when I first found this community of book blogging that “book bloggers were the nicest bloggers there are” and I have never forgotten those words. And over the past year, I have truly met the nicest people. I also believe, even though we live behind a screen, a bit of our personality shines through. That is one of the reasons I am having so much fun with this weekly event, and hoping you are too, because we are getting to know those “nicest bloggers” around and about bloggyland a little bit better.

We haven’t traveled in a while, so I thought we might take a little trip.  Plus the guys, Jeff (Lori’s hubby aka Dollycas’s Thoughts) and my hubby, Steve, have had the past few Sundays off playing golf so they should be well rested to carry our luggage.  And btw…they are both telling us that they had the better golf score….. like Lori and I aren’t going to talk…..Men!!!! lol

Today we are going to Canada to visit with our Shining Star.   I really hope everyone is enjoying this event as much as I am, I truly can’t wait to draft up my posts to read the bloggers answers and get to know someone just a little bit better.  And I have to tell you, I didn’t know what I was going to find out with this blogger!!!  Her sense of humor is one of a kind….you will see what I mean……so let’s get right to it…’s guest and Shining Star is PK from AISLE B.

*When and why did you start blogging?
I jumped into the ocean of review blogging due to an ultimatum from Mrs Q Book Addict: my nebulous blog birth without an epidural was on April 7 2010. 6 hours of labour… sweating words over the keyboards.

*How and what made you decide on the name of your blog?
love of venturing into the aisles at the library and bookstores made me think… hey aisle b… aisle b for books!
aisle b = my love for words. my motto being “Words are my PASSION… so READ IT!”

*What would you say is the main content of your blog?
fascination for Mailbox Monday / In My Mailbox & Teaser Tuesdays are fave memes. aisle b runs the gamut of reads since I don’t discriminate against words of creativity.

*If books, what genres do you mostly read?
got words – > will read it. mysteries, thrillers, Ya, guilty pleasures… historical romance… yes love men in kilts and Scottish brogue but please no Fabio. long fangs without glitter and lupine feasts are intriguing as well.

*How often do you post?
5 – 6 times depending on whether hubby lets me out for good behaviour from Tibetan yurt.

*What are some of the things that you love about blogging?
people and exchanging incredible experiences via our readings. by far the most infectious part of blogging is the people you meet & develop “soul reads” lasting bonds. can’t beat that!

*What are some of the negatives?
stalkers, red eyes from reading, and overpile of review books. alright my husband is my stalker who constantly hounds me to get off the PC!

*Name 1-3 favorite items/postings that you have/do on your blog?
more GIVEAWAYS… the feeling you get when you get to say … “And the winner is….” Right-o nothing beats that for me.

India Black is my latest “gotta share that love” shout out.

*Any advice you would give to new bloggers?
grab the passion of books and run with it. have fun and don’t get bogged down by the enormity of deadlines. live laugh and READ!

*What draws you to follow someone’s blog?
the texture of design coupled with intelligent writing… bam-o consider me a new found follower. crave to widen my world by expanding the reading radar through the help of fellow bloggers.

*Do you have any “pet peeves” that other bloggers do?
pet peeves… comments that have no reflection or connection to articles posted by blogger… take the time to really read and appreciate what is being said.

*Would you please share 5-7 things about the person behind the screen so that we get to know the “real” you!!
1) vertically challenged… ahem… height 4 foot 10 inches… and that’s with heels!

2) run in the basement from wall to wall… too cheap to buy a treadmill… which reminds me I’ve been slacking from my run… hence unable to get into my jeans!

3) love love love love FOOD! see connection to running in the basement (read above)

4) Blockbuster renews my Platinum membership every year free of charge… spend way too much on rentals…clerks have offered to set up a cot for me since this is my second home after Indigo.

5) Coverholic…. step 1 admit your addiction… step 2 control the lust that takes over me as I look at the cover… step 3 buy IT just for the COVER!

6) Able to understand Ewok talk since it has traces of Tibetan interlaced with other foreign languages. impressive n’est pas.

7) able to avoid projectile vomit due to years of mothering sick children. trust me it’s an important parenting skill you MUST Learn. otherwise eau de puke will be your new scent.

*Any other info you would like to share.
my scorpian style gets me in more trouble than i care to divulge… on that note “i plead the fifth!”

PK, thank you for being my guest today and sharing a bit of you with all of us.  Didn’t I tell you about her sense of humor?  I always know when I see a comment or an email from PK, I know a chuckle will soon follow.  However, she is also a very caring and genuine person.  She’ll remember bit of info from months ago and inquire if things are OK.  And then use her humor and philosophy to help the situation.  A fun, dedicated, family oriented, yes short, but all around truly nice person.  A very kind and funny Shining Star!!!!

Sunday’s Shining Star

I would like to explain how this came to fruition. Hubby and I were having a discussion about the old days, (for the young’ens reading this..a little history lesson) but before the dark age. When Sundays were special and had traditions and rituals. Sunday mornings Church, come home to a big gravy (sauce) cooking on the stove, a big Sunday dinner, then either off to visit relatives/friends or wait for relatives/friends to drop by. We would spend the afternoon sitting around the table, talking, catching up, having coffee, pizza, calzones, etc etc, dessert. And now, how sad, all those traditions are gone. And then I got to thinking, why not have something similar here on my blog. This past year, I have met so many amazing and wonderful people (some I now call friends) through blogging, and how I am in awe of what they do and accomplish. How much respect I have for them, for their honesty, integrity, credibility and so enjoy when a bit of their personality shines through. So every Sunday, here at my place, the coffee will be on, the dessert is on the table and friends will be stopping by. And I will be rolling out the red carpet for my Sunday Shining Star Blogger guest.


I was told when I first found this community of book blogging that “book bloggers were the nicest bloggers there are” and I have never forgotten those words. And over the past year, I have truly met the nicest people. I also believe, even though we live behind a screen, a bit of our personality shines through. That is one of the reasons I am having so much fun with this weekly event, and hoping you are too, because we are getting to know those “nicest bloggers” around and about bloggyland a little bit better.

We haven’t traveled in a while, so I thought we might take a little trip.  Plus the guys, Jeff (Lori’s hubby aka Dollycas’s Thoughts) and my hubby, Steve, have had the past few Sundays off playing golf so they should be well rested to carry our luggage.  And btw…they are both telling us that they had the better golf score….. like Lori and I aren’t going to talk…..Men!!!! lol

Today we are going to Canada to visit with our Shining Star.   I really hope everyone is enjoying this event as much as I am, I truly can’t wait to draft up my posts to read the bloggers answers and get to know someone just a little bit better.  And I have to tell you, I didn’t know what I was going to find out with this blogger!!!  Her sense of humor is one of a kind….you will see what I mean……so let’s get right to it…’s guest and Shining Star is PK from AISLE B.

*When and why did you start blogging?
I jumped into the ocean of review blogging due to an ultimatum from Mrs Q Book Addict: my nebulous blog birth without an epidural was on April 7 2010. 6 hours of labour… sweating words over the keyboards.

*How and what made you decide on the name of your blog?
love of venturing into the aisles at the library and bookstores made me think… hey aisle b… aisle b for books!
aisle b = my love for words. my motto being “Words are my PASSION… so READ IT!”

*What would you say is the main content of your blog?
fascination for Mailbox Monday / In My Mailbox & Teaser Tuesdays are fave memes. aisle b runs the gamut of reads since I don’t discriminate against words of creativity.

*If books, what genres do you mostly read?
got words – > will read it. mysteries, thrillers, Ya, guilty pleasures… historical romance… yes love men in kilts and Scottish brogue but please no Fabio. long fangs without glitter and lupine feasts are intriguing as well.

*How often do you post?
5 – 6 times depending on whether hubby lets me out for good behaviour from Tibetan yurt.

*What are some of the things that you love about blogging?
people and exchanging incredible experiences via our readings. by far the most infectious part of blogging is the people you meet & develop “soul reads” lasting bonds. can’t beat that!

*What are some of the negatives?
stalkers, red eyes from reading, and overpile of review books. alright my husband is my stalker who constantly hounds me to get off the PC!

*Name 1-3 favorite items/postings that you have/do on your blog?
more GIVEAWAYS… the feeling you get when you get to say … “And the winner is….” Right-o nothing beats that for me.

India Black is my latest “gotta share that love” shout out.

*Any advice you would give to new bloggers?
grab the passion of books and run with it. have fun and don’t get bogged down by the enormity of deadlines. live laugh and READ!

*What draws you to follow someone’s blog?
the texture of design coupled with intelligent writing… bam-o consider me a new found follower. crave to widen my world by expanding the reading radar through the help of fellow bloggers.

*Do you have any “pet peeves” that other bloggers do?
pet peeves… comments that have no reflection or connection to articles posted by blogger… take the time to really read and appreciate what is being said.

*Would you please share 5-7 things about the person behind the screen so that we get to know the “real” you!!
1) vertically challenged… ahem… height 4 foot 10 inches… and that’s with heels!

2) run in the basement from wall to wall… too cheap to buy a treadmill… which reminds me I’ve been slacking from my run… hence unable to get into my jeans!

3) love love love love FOOD! see connection to running in the basement (read above)

4) Blockbuster renews my Platinum membership every year free of charge… spend way too much on rentals…clerks have offered to set up a cot for me since this is my second home after Indigo.

5) Coverholic…. step 1 admit your addiction… step 2 control the lust that takes over me as I look at the cover… step 3 buy IT just for the COVER!

6) Able to understand Ewok talk since it has traces of Tibetan interlaced with other foreign languages. impressive n’est pas.

7) able to avoid projectile vomit due to years of mothering sick children. trust me it’s an important parenting skill you MUST Learn. otherwise eau de puke will be your new scent.

*Any other info you would like to share.
my scorpian style gets me in more trouble than i care to divulge… on that note “i plead the fifth!”

PK, thank you for being my guest today and sharing a bit of you with all of us.  Didn’t I tell you about her sense of humor?  I always know when I see a comment or an email from PK, I know a chuckle will soon follow.  However, she is also a very caring and genuine person.  She’ll remember bit of info from months ago and inquire if things are OK.  And then use her humor and philosophy to help the situation.  A fun, dedicated, family oriented, yes short, but all around truly nice person.  A very kind and funny Shining Star!!!!

Sunday’s Shining Star

To all those Dads out there, I wish you a very Happy Father’s Day!!!  And for those Dads who have passed, I think I can speak for many since I fall into this category, even though you aren’t here to celebrate, we celebrate today with the memories we hold dear in our hearts. 

I would like to explain how this came to fruition. Hubby and I were having a discussion about the old days, (for the young’ens reading this..a little history lesson) but before the dark age. When Sundays were special and had traditions and rituals. Sunday mornings Church, come home to a big gravy (sauce) cooking on the stove, a big Sunday dinner, then either off to visit relatives/friends or wait for relatives/friends to drop by. We would spend the afternoon sitting around the table, talking, catching up, having coffee, pizza, calzones, etc etc, dessert. And now, how sad, all those traditions are gone. And then I got to thinking, why not have something similar here on my blog. This past year, I have met so many amazing and wonderful people (some I now call friends) through blogging, and how I am in awe of what they do and accomplish. How much respect I have for them, for their honesty, integrity, credibility and so enjoy when a bit of their personality shines through. So every Sunday, here at my place, the coffee will be on, the dessert is on the table and friends will be stopping by. And I will be rolling out the red carpet for my Sunday Shining Star Blogger guest.


I was told when I first found this community of book blogging that “book bloggers were the nicest bloggers there are” and I have never forgotten those words. And over the past year, I have truly met the nicest people. I also believe, even though we live behind a screen, a bit of our personality shines through. That is one of the reasons I am having so much fun with this weekly event, and hoping you are too, because we are getting to know those “nicest bloggers” around and about bloggyland a little bit better.

Ladies, we are on our own today.  Seeing that it is Father’s Day, Jeff and Steve (Lori aka Dollycas’s Thoughts hubby and mine) have requested today off….Men!!  Any excuse not to attend our “gab sessions” lol.

I am quite excited about today’s guest.  She is a relatively new blogger but it seems like she has been at it for years.  I will be very surprised if you haven’t seen her around bloggyland, because it appears she does a lot of visiting.  I can’t wait to get to know her better, I hope you do too.  Today’s guest is MARY ANN from TRIBUTE BOOKS MAMA

*When and why did you start blogging?
I started blogging in October 2010 in order to help my daughter promote her business, Tribute Books (

*How and what made you decide on the name of your blog?
Answered in question 1

*What would you say is the main content of your blog?
The main content of my blog is reviews of books, movies and tv shows.

*If books, what genres do you mostly read?
Historical fiction, paranormal & young adult

*How often do you post?
I post everyday.

*What are some of the things that you love about blogging?
Being in touch with other bloggers.

BWS tips button

*What are some of the negatives?
Having a lot of people enter my book giveaways – I’d like to have more than 4 or 5 people enter them on a regular basis.

*Name 1-3 favorite items/postings that you have/do on your blog?
(1) My book review of Laney: The Brookhaven Vampires

(2) My movie review of The King’s Speech

(3) My tv show review of Dexter

*Any advice you would give to new bloggers?
Keep doing it as often as you can. Stick with it!

*What draws you to follow someone’s blog?
Quality content and frequent updates. GIveaways are a plus too.

*Do you have any “pet peeves” that other bloggers do?
Leaving a copy/paste repetitive comment during a blog hop. I’m guilty of it too from time to time.

*Would you please share 5-7 things about the person behind the screen so that we get to know the “real” you!!
1. My favorite book is Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. I gave my childhood copy from the 1950s to my daughter when she was a girl.

2. No movie made me laugh harder in a public theater than Adam Sandler and Jack Nicholson in Anger Management.

3. My favorite Broadway play of all-time is Les Miserables. I saw it in 1996 with fourth row orchestra seats with Ricky Martin as Marius.

4. I am a Vera Bradley fanatic. I must have close to 10 purses in the Betsy style.

5. I like to watch QVC although it gets my credit card in trouble. Lisa Robertson is my favorite host.

6. I like Philosophy skin care/bath products. Cinnamon Buns 3-in-1 shower creme is the best.

7. I am thankful I was able to buy myself a new car this year – a white 2010 Chevy Cobalt.

Thank you Mary Ann for being my guest today and sharing a little bit of yourself with all of us.  As all of you can see she is a very proud and dedicated Mother in assisting her daughter, Nicole, with her business.  And as passionate as she is about books, she is with movies and TV.  I am not a big TV watcher, but at times may turn into American Idol or shows of that nature.  If I miss a show, I know where to get the scoop!!!  Passing her copy of Little Women to her daughter!!!  That surely makes her a Shining Star!!!!  Congratulations and Good Luck with your new car!!!!!

Sunday’s Shining Star

To all those Dads out there, I wish you a very Happy Father’s Day!!!  And for those Dads who have passed, I think I can speak for many since I fall into this category, even though you aren’t here to celebrate, we celebrate today with the memories we hold dear in our hearts. 

I would like to explain how this came to fruition. Hubby and I were having a discussion about the old days, (for the young’ens reading this..a little history lesson) but before the dark age. When Sundays were special and had traditions and rituals. Sunday mornings Church, come home to a big gravy (sauce) cooking on the stove, a big Sunday dinner, then either off to visit relatives/friends or wait for relatives/friends to drop by. We would spend the afternoon sitting around the table, talking, catching up, having coffee, pizza, calzones, etc etc, dessert. And now, how sad, all those traditions are gone. And then I got to thinking, why not have something similar here on my blog. This past year, I have met so many amazing and wonderful people (some I now call friends) through blogging, and how I am in awe of what they do and accomplish. How much respect I have for them, for their honesty, integrity, credibility and so enjoy when a bit of their personality shines through. So every Sunday, here at my place, the coffee will be on, the dessert is on the table and friends will be stopping by. And I will be rolling out the red carpet for my Sunday Shining Star Blogger guest.


I was told when I first found this community of book blogging that “book bloggers were the nicest bloggers there are” and I have never forgotten those words. And over the past year, I have truly met the nicest people. I also believe, even though we live behind a screen, a bit of our personality shines through. That is one of the reasons I am having so much fun with this weekly event, and hoping you are too, because we are getting to know those “nicest bloggers” around and about bloggyland a little bit better.

Ladies, we are on our own today.  Seeing that it is Father’s Day, Jeff and Steve (Lori aka Dollycas’s Thoughts hubby and mine) have requested today off….Men!!  Any excuse not to attend our “gab sessions” lol.

I am quite excited about today’s guest.  She is a relatively new blogger but it seems like she has been at it for years.  I will be very surprised if you haven’t seen her around bloggyland, because it appears she does a lot of visiting.  I can’t wait to get to know her better, I hope you do too.  Today’s guest is MARY ANN from TRIBUTE BOOKS MAMA

*When and why did you start blogging?
I started blogging in October 2010 in order to help my daughter promote her business, Tribute Books (

*How and what made you decide on the name of your blog?
Answered in question 1

*What would you say is the main content of your blog?
The main content of my blog is reviews of books, movies and tv shows.

*If books, what genres do you mostly read?
Historical fiction, paranormal & young adult

*How often do you post?
I post everyday.

*What are some of the things that you love about blogging?
Being in touch with other bloggers.

BWS tips button

*What are some of the negatives?
Having a lot of people enter my book giveaways – I’d like to have more than 4 or 5 people enter them on a regular basis.

*Name 1-3 favorite items/postings that you have/do on your blog?
(1) My book review of Laney: The Brookhaven Vampires

(2) My movie review of The King’s Speech

(3) My tv show review of Dexter

*Any advice you would give to new bloggers?
Keep doing it as often as you can. Stick with it!

*What draws you to follow someone’s blog?
Quality content and frequent updates. GIveaways are a plus too.

*Do you have any “pet peeves” that other bloggers do?
Leaving a copy/paste repetitive comment during a blog hop. I’m guilty of it too from time to time.

*Would you please share 5-7 things about the person behind the screen so that we get to know the “real” you!!
1. My favorite book is Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. I gave my childhood copy from the 1950s to my daughter when she was a girl.

2. No movie made me laugh harder in a public theater than Adam Sandler and Jack Nicholson in Anger Management.

3. My favorite Broadway play of all-time is Les Miserables. I saw it in 1996 with fourth row orchestra seats with Ricky Martin as Marius.

4. I am a Vera Bradley fanatic. I must have close to 10 purses in the Betsy style.

5. I like to watch QVC although it gets my credit card in trouble. Lisa Robertson is my favorite host.

6. I like Philosophy skin care/bath products. Cinnamon Buns 3-in-1 shower creme is the best.

7. I am thankful I was able to buy myself a new car this year – a white 2010 Chevy Cobalt.

Thank you Mary Ann for being my guest today and sharing a little bit of yourself with all of us.  As all of you can see she is a very proud and dedicated Mother in assisting her daughter, Nicole, with her business.  And as passionate as she is about books, she is with movies and TV.  I am not a big TV watcher, but at times may turn into American Idol or shows of that nature.  If I miss a show, I know where to get the scoop!!!  Passing her copy of Little Women to her daughter!!!  That surely makes her a Shining Star!!!!  Congratulations and Good Luck with your new car!!!!!

Sunday’s Shining Star

I would like to explain how this came to fruition. Hubby and I were having a discussion about the old days, (for the young’ens reading this..a little history lesson) but before the dark age. When Sundays were special and had traditions and rituals. Sunday mornings Church, come home to a big gravy (sauce) cooking on the stove, a big Sunday dinner, then either off to visit relatives/friends or wait for relatives/friends to drop by. We would spend the afternoon sitting around the table, talking, catching up, having coffee, pizza, calzones, etc etc, dessert. And now, how sad, all those traditions are gone. And then I got to thinking, why not have something similar here on my blog. This past year, I have met so many amazing and wonderful people (some I now call friends) through blogging, and how I am in awe of what they do and accomplish. How much respect I have for them, for their honesty, integrity, credibility and so enjoy when a bit of their personality shines through. So every Sunday, here at my place, the coffee will be on, the dessert is on the table and friends will be stopping by. And I will be rolling out the red carpet for my Sunday Shining Star Blogger guest.

I was told when I first found this community of book blogging that “book bloggers were the nicest bloggers there are” and I have never forgotten those words. And over the past year, I have truly met the nicest people. I also believe, even though we live behind a screen, a bit of our personality shines through. That is one of the reasons I am having so much fun with this weekly event, and hoping you are too, because we are getting to know those “nicest bloggers” around and about bloggyland a little bit better. I know I’m not imagining it.  Jeff and Steve are being too accommodating…getting the dessert here on time and making sure we have enough to drink on these warm days and then rushing out to play golf.  I think they really enjoy our “Sunday Shining Star “gab sessions” lol.

And now to our Star, not only is our guest a blogger but an author, so we have a lot to talk about.  We met through the Friday Blog Hop and I for one, am really excited to get to know her.  I hope you are too.  Today’s Shining Star is BRENDA from FICTION WITH A PURPOSE

*When and why did you start blogging?
I actually started blogging in 2008 as one of the pages on my website – – and I did it because my publisher told me it was a good idea to blog. But I felt like I was writing my journal on line and I had absolutely NO followers. So in March 2010 my blogspot blog was born. And again it was out of necessity and I really had NO idea what I was doing.

*How and what made you decide on the name of your blog?
The name of my blog “Fiction with a Purpose” is what I write – I write novels that tell stories of everyday life – sometimes the subject matter is not all that pleasant but in a fictional setting it makes it easier to digest. I want my readers to go along on the ride – or journey- and when the book is over I want the story to stay with them for a day or two (or more) and have them look at things around them a little differently than when they picked up my book.

*What would you say is the main content of your blog?
Wow! That is tough. It depends on the day – I post book reviews and I have a weekly hop called Pondering with a Purpose – where I give a prompt and hope people will grab it and hop along (Thursdays) – I just started a new feature on Tuesdays called Spotlight on Tuesdays where I introduce another blogger that I have found interesting. I try to write a Musings on Mondays, and I hop with the Friday book blogger hop, and Wednesdays I hop with a really good friend of mine for a Weekly WOW 100 words to discuss what I am currently reading and on Saturdays I do a Saturday Shop Hop to discuss my various business ventures and then of course I blog any other time I want to during the week to discuss my books or other books.

*If books, what genres do you mostly read?
Right now I read mostly the books that are sent to me to review – my preferred reading is thriller, mystery, crime, romance, etc

*How often do you post?
I try to post at least 5 times a week on my blog…I am an active author and try to devote at least an hour a day to writing….and I have a full time job. If I could I would spend the entire day on the blog and visiting other sites…BUT there are only so many hours in a day!

*What are some of the things that you love about blogging?
I love meeting new people and seeing how creative they can be on their sites. And it is so much fun to realize that we can be communicating with people all over the world and not even know it. We are chatting and blogging and not even know where someone is from. That, to me, is amazing! I love writing everyday when it isn’t in one of my books.

*What are some of the negatives?

I don’t really like getting 0 comments and it is frustrating when I follow other hops and the owners of those hops don’t follow mine. Sometimes it is frustrating on blogger itself, I feel like a dinosaur when I see other sites and they are SO creative and then I look at mine and seems so ordinary.

*Name 1-3 favorite items/postings that you have/do on your blog?
My Thursday – Pondering with a Purpose has to be my favorite post. I set up a prompt and then write to it, and hope that others will join along and write to the prompt as well. I have a linky at the bottom and hope someday that there will be a long list of followers and we can all see what the prompt brings in.

Mondays Musings – I started that a while ago when I wanted to journal my experiences from the weekends. Now I do it as a regular post and I know I have a lot people that have come to expect it.

Tuesday’s Spotlight – this is actually a new post for me. I just started it a couple of weeks ago. I decided I wanted to turn the spot light on all of the really nice people I have met on the blogger circuit. Who knows, maybe one of these days the spotlight will be turned on you!

*Any advice you would give to new bloggers?
Stay true to yourself and write what you want to write. Make sure when you set up your site that the writing is visible. Don’t make the background so dark that the letters are impossible to read. Be gracious and thank people for their comments.

*What draws you to follow someone’s blog?
First I have to ‘feel comfortable’ on their site, easy to read and comment on.

Second, I look around at their postings and have to like their writings and what they have said, and third I normally listen to my gut.

*Do you have any “pet peeves” that other bloggers do?
I have a really hard time with blogs that are written by 2 people. I feel like blogging should be one person behind a computer – not two. Also, I will immediately close a blog if it opens with music.

*Would you please share 5-7 things about the person behind the screen so that we get to know the “real” you!!
I believe all things happen for a reason

I don’t believe in coincidences

I think we should all treat another person better than we wish to be treated

I sleep with my dog

My characters speak to me and write their own stories

I truly believe one day one of my books will make it to the best sellers lists

I believe you get back more than you give – and giving is twice as good as receiving

*Any other info you would like to share.
Thank you for introducing my to your followers! This is a really great thing you are doing….if anyone is interested in finding out more about Fiction with a Purpose – you can check out my website: — and you are always welcome on my blog:

Brenda, thank you for being my guest today and sharing a little bit of you with us.  As I said I found Brenda’s blog through the Friday Book Blog Hop and instantly became a follower.  I sent off a Shining Star questionnaire because I wanted to get to know her, I put her info on my spread sheet and she accepted….YES!!!!   She returns the questionnaire and I put it into my folder.  I revisit her site on another Friday but Senior Moment Kicks In!!!!!,  I check my spreadsheet, don’t see her blog (because I had only put in her name, not her blog the first time I entered her ino) and send off another questionnaire.  She graciously emails me and tells me that she has already sent it back.  I guess my senior moments are now turning into senior days lol.

I really enjoyed getting to know Brenda.  I think she has given some great advice for blogging and bloggers alike, and find her thoughts on life inspirational.  I hope she doesn’t mind, but, she does have another site that I would like to share with you.  Her official Author site:  I have read the synopsis of her book, Disrupted Lives, and have put it on my personal tbr list.  It sounds like a great read and I can’t wait to pick it up.  She is also doing a Book Blog Tour, check out the details HERE, to see if you are interested and can participate.

Between her blog and her writing, I think Brenda is a Shining Star!!  And, I think I can speak for all of us, we hope that your book Disrupted Lives and all your future books, will be Best Sellers!!!!!