Category: Sunday’s Shining Star

Sunday’s Shining Star


I would like to explain how this came to fruition. Hubby and I were having a discussion about the old days, (for the young’ens reading this..a little history lesson) but before the dark age. When Sundays were special and had traditions and rituals. Sunday mornings Church, come home to a big gravy (sauce) cooking on the stove, a big Sunday dinner, then either off to visit relatives/friends or wait for relatives/friends to drop by. We would spend the afternoon sitting around the table, talking, catching up, having coffee, pizza, calzones, etc etc, dessert. And now, how sad, all those traditions are gone. And then I got to thinking, why not have something similar here on my blog. This past year, I have met so many amazing and wonderful people (some I now call friends) through blogging, and how I am in awe of what they do and accomplish. How much respect I have for them, for their honesty, integrity, credibility and so enjoy when a bit of their personality shines through. So every Sunday, here at my place, the coffee will be on, the dessert is on the table and friends will be stopping by. And I will be rolling out the red carpet for my Sunday Shining Star Blogger guest.


I was told when I first found this community of book blogging that “book bloggers were the nicest bloggers there are” and I have never forgotten those words. And over the past year, I have truly met the nicest people. I also believe, even though we live behind a screen, a bit of our personality shines through. That is one of the reasons I am having so much fun with this weekly event, and hoping you are too, because we are getting to know those “nicest bloggers” around and about bloggyland a little bit better.

I hope you have your overnight bag packed because today I thought we would do a little traveling.  Lori, (aka Dollycas’s Thoughts) hubby’s, Jeff, will also be coming along and is in charge of carrying our luggage lol.  Since this month there is the big wedding “across the pond” what better place to visit.  And in the UK is a very pleasant and sweet blogger.  If you don’t already know her, I would like you to meet her.  Today my guest is CAROL from DIZZY C’s LITTLE BOOK BLOG.

*When and why did you start blogging?

I am a newbie. I have only been blogging since Friday 16th July,2010 with a post entitled “Here goes”.

It read “I have been reading other peoples’ reading blogs for a while now and decided to take the plunge with my own. I get my ideas for books to read mainly from book forums and blogs.”
I decided that it was a great community that I wanted to be part of and I could share my reads with others.

*How and what made you decide on the name of your blog?
DizzyC is a nickname I have adopted at home. My partner calls me Dizzy at times because I can be forgetful, repeat myself often, clumsy, and repeat myself often! 🙂
C of course for Carol. The Little book blog came about because it was little at the time LOL

*What would you say is the main content of your blog?
My main content should be book related. I do have to remind myself of this sometimes as I tend to rant about the family a lot. Book news, reviews, and book memes.

My youngest AJ has a little feature on there, I do share a little about the family but keep them anon. I just don’t think I have enough on books or family alone to split the two at the moment.

*If books, what genres do you mostly read?
Like my Dizzy nature I cannot decide my favourites when it comes to books, tv and music. I love a mish-mash. My main genres are popular fiction, historical fiction, women’s fiction and chick-lit.

*How often do you post?
This depends on family. There are times when I can blog every day and then sometimes only 3 or 4 times a week. I try not to go more than a few days else I might lose followers!.

*What are some of the things that you love about blogging?
Being a stay at home mum (at the moment) can be lonely. I love the community. I love to see what others are blogging about and join in with comments on their blogs.

By the same token I love to blog and receive comments.

*What are some of the negatives?
Time consuming! Bloggers block. I am increasingly finding myself in a queue somewhere or at the cooker racking my brains for the next blog instalment!


*Name 1-3 favorite items/postings that you have/do on your blog?
I do love AJ’s posts. They are fun (for me), hope others enjoy them too.

I have my own personal challenge going and hope that will interest my blogging friends from over the pond. I am reading UK and Ireland books thru the ages and
reviewing these books.

*Any advice you would give to new bloggers?
Have a good look around other blogs in your subject matter. Check out the forums and groups they use. These can be helpful.

There are blog tutorials out there to help you find your way around setting up your blog.

Don’t worry that some blogs look bigger and more professional. Soon your blog will grow with the community. there are still blogs bigger and more professional than mine 🙂

Be yourself, that is what attracts followers. I had a post on my blog early on. I was worried about my English accent being a problem in a mainly American blog world to begin with.

*What draws you to follow someone’s blog?
Firstly, common interests. Then content – an easy to navigate blog with labels or page prompts and not too many gadgets is just right for me.

*Would you plase share 5-7 things about the person behind the screen so that we get to know the “real” you!!
1. I want to go back to college. I am envious of my daughter who is choosing her options for Sixth Form at school. I want to go back and take English Lit and Travel and Tourism!

2. I live in black. It drives my partner mad. I just cannot bring myself to wear much colour. What I wear gives me confidence. I know the old saying that black is a colour to hide behind but black gives me confidence. I do wear a few colour tops and jeans but most of my trousers and skirts are black.

3.I still live in the town I was born in. The furthest I have ever lived away from here is 7 miles. I live 2 streets from the hospital I was born in. I do need to get out more and see more of the UK and the world!

4. The first time I travelled abroad and went on an aeroplane was at the age of 41. All thanks to my wonderful partner. I was married before for 16years and my ex husband never thought once of taking me abroad.

5.My favourite film era is the 1940’s, I love Bette Davies, Audrey Hepburn, Katherine Hepburn.

6.I would love to have straight, shiny hair. My curly hair is natural, I wouldnt pay good
money for it to look this messy!

*Any other info you would like to share.
I have ranted on long enough. I don’t want to outstay my welcome! 🙂

Carol, Thank You for being my guest today and sharing with all of us.  I know I enjoyed learning a bit more about you.  And for those that don’t know Carol, we have corresponed on several occasions and she is such a sweet and kind person.  It is funny how the “proper” English comes through in her emails.  She has just taken the next step with her blog in the UK whereas she is now accepting requests for reviews, interviewing Guest Authors and hosting giveaways.  I have also gathered from her emails that she is a loving and dedicated Mum, as they say in the UK, sensitive, honest, and strives for perfection with her blog.  With all those traits, I consider her a SHINING STAR.  I hope you enjoyed meeting Carol, if you didn’t know her, or getting to know her better if you do.  Please stop by her blog and say hi !!

Sunday’s Shining Star


I would like to explain how this came to fruition. Hubby and I were having a discussion about the old days, (for the young’ens reading this..a little history lesson) but before the dark age. When Sundays were special and had traditions and rituals. Sunday mornings Church, come home to a big gravy (sauce) cooking on the stove, a big Sunday dinner, then either off to visit relatives/friends or wait for relatives/friends to drop by. We would spend the afternoon sitting around the table, talking, catching up, having coffee, pizza, calzones, etc etc, dessert. And now, how sad, all those traditions are gone. And then I got to thinking, why not have something similar here on my blog. This past year, I have met so many amazing and wonderful people (some I now call friends) through blogging, and how I am in awe of what they do and accomplish. How much respect I have for them, for their honesty, integrity, credibility and so enjoy when a bit of their personality shines through. So every Sunday, here at my place, the coffee will be on, the dessert is on the table and friends will be stopping by. And I will be rolling out the red carpet for my Sunday Shining Star Blogger guest.


I was told when I first found this community of book blogging that “book bloggers were the nicest bloggers there are” and I have never forgotten those words. And over the past year, I have truly met the nicest people. I also believe, even though we live behind a screen, a bit of our personality shines through. That is one of the reasons I am having so much fun with this weekly event, and hoping you are too, because we are getting to know those “nicest bloggers” around and about bloggyland a little bit better.

I hope you have your overnight bag packed because today I thought we would do a little traveling.  Lori, (aka Dollycas’s Thoughts) hubby’s, Jeff, will also be coming along and is in charge of carrying our luggage lol.  Since this month there is the big wedding “across the pond” what better place to visit.  And in the UK is a very pleasant and sweet blogger.  If you don’t already know her, I would like you to meet her.  Today my guest is CAROL from DIZZY C’s LITTLE BOOK BLOG.

*When and why did you start blogging?

I am a newbie. I have only been blogging since Friday 16th July,2010 with a post entitled “Here goes”.

It read “I have been reading other peoples’ reading blogs for a while now and decided to take the plunge with my own. I get my ideas for books to read mainly from book forums and blogs.”
I decided that it was a great community that I wanted to be part of and I could share my reads with others.

*How and what made you decide on the name of your blog?
DizzyC is a nickname I have adopted at home. My partner calls me Dizzy at times because I can be forgetful, repeat myself often, clumsy, and repeat myself often! 🙂
C of course for Carol. The Little book blog came about because it was little at the time LOL

*What would you say is the main content of your blog?
My main content should be book related. I do have to remind myself of this sometimes as I tend to rant about the family a lot. Book news, reviews, and book memes.

My youngest AJ has a little feature on there, I do share a little about the family but keep them anon. I just don’t think I have enough on books or family alone to split the two at the moment.

*If books, what genres do you mostly read?
Like my Dizzy nature I cannot decide my favourites when it comes to books, tv and music. I love a mish-mash. My main genres are popular fiction, historical fiction, women’s fiction and chick-lit.

*How often do you post?
This depends on family. There are times when I can blog every day and then sometimes only 3 or 4 times a week. I try not to go more than a few days else I might lose followers!.

*What are some of the things that you love about blogging?
Being a stay at home mum (at the moment) can be lonely. I love the community. I love to see what others are blogging about and join in with comments on their blogs.

By the same token I love to blog and receive comments.

*What are some of the negatives?
Time consuming! Bloggers block. I am increasingly finding myself in a queue somewhere or at the cooker racking my brains for the next blog instalment!


*Name 1-3 favorite items/postings that you have/do on your blog?
I do love AJ’s posts. They are fun (for me), hope others enjoy them too.

I have my own personal challenge going and hope that will interest my blogging friends from over the pond. I am reading UK and Ireland books thru the ages and
reviewing these books.

*Any advice you would give to new bloggers?
Have a good look around other blogs in your subject matter. Check out the forums and groups they use. These can be helpful.

There are blog tutorials out there to help you find your way around setting up your blog.

Don’t worry that some blogs look bigger and more professional. Soon your blog will grow with the community. there are still blogs bigger and more professional than mine 🙂

Be yourself, that is what attracts followers. I had a post on my blog early on. I was worried about my English accent being a problem in a mainly American blog world to begin with.

*What draws you to follow someone’s blog?
Firstly, common interests. Then content – an easy to navigate blog with labels or page prompts and not too many gadgets is just right for me.

*Would you plase share 5-7 things about the person behind the screen so that we get to know the “real” you!!
1. I want to go back to college. I am envious of my daughter who is choosing her options for Sixth Form at school. I want to go back and take English Lit and Travel and Tourism!

2. I live in black. It drives my partner mad. I just cannot bring myself to wear much colour. What I wear gives me confidence. I know the old saying that black is a colour to hide behind but black gives me confidence. I do wear a few colour tops and jeans but most of my trousers and skirts are black.

3.I still live in the town I was born in. The furthest I have ever lived away from here is 7 miles. I live 2 streets from the hospital I was born in. I do need to get out more and see more of the UK and the world!

4. The first time I travelled abroad and went on an aeroplane was at the age of 41. All thanks to my wonderful partner. I was married before for 16years and my ex husband never thought once of taking me abroad.

5.My favourite film era is the 1940’s, I love Bette Davies, Audrey Hepburn, Katherine Hepburn.

6.I would love to have straight, shiny hair. My curly hair is natural, I wouldnt pay good
money for it to look this messy!

*Any other info you would like to share.
I have ranted on long enough. I don’t want to outstay my welcome! 🙂

Carol, Thank You for being my guest today and sharing with all of us.  I know I enjoyed learning a bit more about you.  And for those that don’t know Carol, we have corresponed on several occasions and she is such a sweet and kind person.  It is funny how the “proper” English comes through in her emails.  She has just taken the next step with her blog in the UK whereas she is now accepting requests for reviews, interviewing Guest Authors and hosting giveaways.  I have also gathered from her emails that she is a loving and dedicated Mum, as they say in the UK, sensitive, honest, and strives for perfection with her blog.  With all those traits, I consider her a SHINING STAR.  I hope you enjoyed meeting Carol, if you didn’t know her, or getting to know her better if you do.  Please stop by her blog and say hi !!



I would like to explain how this came to fruition. Hubby and I were having a discussion about the old days, (for the young’ens reading this..a little history lesson) but before the dark age. When Sundays were special and had traditions and rituals. Sunday mornings Church, come home to a big gravy (sauce) cooking on the stove, a big Sunday dinner, then either off to visit relatives/friends or wait for relatives/friends to drop by. We would spend the afternoon sitting around the table, talking, catching up, having coffee, pizza, calzones, etc etc, dessert. And now, how sad, all those traditions are gone. And then I got to thinking, why not have something similar here on my blog. This past year, I have met so many amazing and wonderful people (some I now call friends) through blogging, and how I am in awe of what they do and accomplish. How much respect I have for them, for their honesty, integrity, credibility and so enjoy when a bit of their personality shines through. So every Sunday, here at my place, the coffee will be on, the dessert is on the table and friends will be stopping by. And I will be rolling out the red carpet for my Sunday Shining Star Blogger guest.


I was told when I first found this community of book blogging that “book bloggers were the nicest bloggers there are” and I have never forgotten those words. And over the past year, I have truly met the nicest people. I also believe, even though we live behind a screen, a bit of our personality shines through. That is one of the reasons I am having so much fun with this weekly event, and hoping you are too, because we are getting to know those “nicest bloggers” around and about bloggyland a little bit better.

Since book bloggers are the “nicest bloggers”, I thought that our Sunday “Hot Chick’s Get Together” (as Jeff, Lori’s from Dollycas’s Thoughts’ hubby, now knows to call us) and who is suspected of not delivering the dessert lol, is for us to get to know a little bit more of the established bloggers but also welcome new bloggers into our neighborhood.  I met this new blogger through this weekly event.  She wrote such a lovely and thoughtful comment that I headed right over to her blog and invited her to be not only a visitor but a guest, and she accepted.  I introduce you all to McGUFFY ANN from McGUFFY’S READER. 

*When and why did you start blogging?

I am an avid reader; I carry a book with me everywhere I go. After joining a couple of book sites and doing several reviews, I decided book-blogging would help me keep organized…and perhaps even earn me some advanced reader copies! My blog is still in the early stages, but thanks to some hard work and very nice people, it is growing.

*How and what made you decide on the name of your blog?
McGuffy is my first name. It comes from “The McGuffey Reader”, which was introduced in 1836 and widely used in the 19th century. It was used to teach students to read phonetically.

*What would you say is the main content of your blog?
I want my blog to mainly reflect the love of books and reading. Of course, along with that comes musing and writing! The love of animals and those who love animals are especially welcomed and even encouraged.

*If books, what genres do you mostly read?
I mostly read books by women, for women, about women. I love women’s memoirs, women’s literature/fiction (particularly Southern fiction), and women’s poetry. I do love a good animal story, and one of my favourite animal authors is Bob Tarte. He is hilarious, and a very nice guy! His third book should be coming out soon. (I hope!)

*How often do you post?
I try to post something every couple of days, or so. I do read other’s blogs daily, and I make a special effort to comment on them.

*What are some of the things that you love about blogging?
I love sharing books, trading books, discussing books. I love interacting with like-minded people.

*What are some of the negatives?
Blogging can be addictive. There is so much going on and so much to do, with so many people and blogs! It also takes time away from my beloved books and reading!

McGuffy’s Reader

…a casual place for books, reviews, & musings.

*Name 1-3 favorite items/postings that you have/do on your blog?
I obviously love my cats. Grizelda & Chloe are my librarians. Maggie P. is my profile picture. I also love when people leave comments for me.

*Any advice you would give to new bloggers?
Read other book blogs, but focus on your own: be true to yourself. Make it your own, reflect yourself, and relax.

*What draws you to follow someone’s blog?
I follow those who welcome me, those who have inviting blogs that are easy to navigate. I like blogs that are straightforward and truly give me a feel of its author.

*Do you have any “pet peeves” that other bloggers do?
I am not a fan of complicated contests or “giveaways”. I don’t like having to keep posting for several things, to earn several points. I find it difficult to follow a blog with many things going on, as well. For me: less is more.

*Would you please share 5-7 things about the person behind the screen so that we get to know the “real” you!!
*I write poetry. I have had many published, and have won some awards as well. I am currently working on a poetry book and a children’s book.

*I began writing in high school, when I was in NJROTC. I was second in command, and the highest ranking female officer. I wrote ROTC articles for the local newspaper, and high school paper. I also started an ROTC newsletter, linking the three high schools that formed our Unit. (My post-high school military career was ended due to rheumatoid arthritis.)

*I’m a very straightforward, no-nonsense person. I’m first generation Northerner, so perhaps that factors in. I think this is also why I love Southern literature so much.

*I love some sports: NASCAR and football. I do follow these and have favourites!

* I love learning about all kinds of animals and wildlife. I used to be a veterinary technician, and had a pet care/pet sitting business. I learned about proper care of animals. I also became involved in animal rescue. I found that I have a special gift of being able to bottle-feed orphaned animals, and rehabilitate ill or injured animals.

*I love to fish, and am quite good at it! I can tie my own knots/lures and bait my own hook! I can land and net a fish, too. My favourite place to go and to fish is the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. I plan to retire there, where nature and wildlife is abundant!

*Any other info you would like to share with us?
My review of Bloodroot, by Amy Greene, was chosen by a bookseller site, winning me several books of my choice!

McGuffy, thank you for being my guest today and Welcome to the great book blogging community.  I am sure you will be meeting many new “friends” that have similar interests and not only of of book genres but some bloggers came to mind who love southern literature, NASCAR, poetry, etc etc.  McGuffy has recently had knee surgery and is recuperating so I know that she would appreciate it if you would stop by and say hi and welcome her into this world wide, friendly association of avid book readers.



I would like to explain how this came to fruition. Hubby and I were having a discussion about the old days, (for the young’ens reading this..a little history lesson) but before the dark age. When Sundays were special and had traditions and rituals. Sunday mornings Church, come home to a big gravy (sauce) cooking on the stove, a big Sunday dinner, then either off to visit relatives/friends or wait for relatives/friends to drop by. We would spend the afternoon sitting around the table, talking, catching up, having coffee, pizza, calzones, etc etc, dessert. And now, how sad, all those traditions are gone. And then I got to thinking, why not have something similar here on my blog. This past year, I have met so many amazing and wonderful people (some I now call friends) through blogging, and how I am in awe of what they do and accomplish. How much respect I have for them, for their honesty, integrity, credibility and so enjoy when a bit of their personality shines through. So every Sunday, here at my place, the coffee will be on, the dessert is on the table and friends will be stopping by. And I will be rolling out the red carpet for my Sunday Shining Star Blogger guest.


I was told when I first found this community of book blogging that “book bloggers were the nicest bloggers there are” and I have never forgotten those words. And over the past year, I have truly met the nicest people. I also believe, even though we live behind a screen, a bit of our personality shines through. That is one of the reasons I am having so much fun with this weekly event, and hoping you are too, because we are getting to know those “nicest bloggers” around and about bloggyland a little bit better.

Since book bloggers are the “nicest bloggers”, I thought that our Sunday “Hot Chick’s Get Together” (as Jeff, Lori’s from Dollycas’s Thoughts’ hubby, now knows to call us) and who is suspected of not delivering the dessert lol, is for us to get to know a little bit more of the established bloggers but also welcome new bloggers into our neighborhood.  I met this new blogger through this weekly event.  She wrote such a lovely and thoughtful comment that I headed right over to her blog and invited her to be not only a visitor but a guest, and she accepted.  I introduce you all to McGUFFY ANN from McGUFFY’S READER. 

*When and why did you start blogging?

I am an avid reader; I carry a book with me everywhere I go. After joining a couple of book sites and doing several reviews, I decided book-blogging would help me keep organized…and perhaps even earn me some advanced reader copies! My blog is still in the early stages, but thanks to some hard work and very nice people, it is growing.

*How and what made you decide on the name of your blog?
McGuffy is my first name. It comes from “The McGuffey Reader”, which was introduced in 1836 and widely used in the 19th century. It was used to teach students to read phonetically.

*What would you say is the main content of your blog?
I want my blog to mainly reflect the love of books and reading. Of course, along with that comes musing and writing! The love of animals and those who love animals are especially welcomed and even encouraged.

*If books, what genres do you mostly read?
I mostly read books by women, for women, about women. I love women’s memoirs, women’s literature/fiction (particularly Southern fiction), and women’s poetry. I do love a good animal story, and one of my favourite animal authors is Bob Tarte. He is hilarious, and a very nice guy! His third book should be coming out soon. (I hope!)

*How often do you post?
I try to post something every couple of days, or so. I do read other’s blogs daily, and I make a special effort to comment on them.

*What are some of the things that you love about blogging?
I love sharing books, trading books, discussing books. I love interacting with like-minded people.

*What are some of the negatives?
Blogging can be addictive. There is so much going on and so much to do, with so many people and blogs! It also takes time away from my beloved books and reading!

McGuffy’s Reader

…a casual place for books, reviews, & musings.

*Name 1-3 favorite items/postings that you have/do on your blog?
I obviously love my cats. Grizelda & Chloe are my librarians. Maggie P. is my profile picture. I also love when people leave comments for me.

*Any advice you would give to new bloggers?
Read other book blogs, but focus on your own: be true to yourself. Make it your own, reflect yourself, and relax.

*What draws you to follow someone’s blog?
I follow those who welcome me, those who have inviting blogs that are easy to navigate. I like blogs that are straightforward and truly give me a feel of its author.

*Do you have any “pet peeves” that other bloggers do?
I am not a fan of complicated contests or “giveaways”. I don’t like having to keep posting for several things, to earn several points. I find it difficult to follow a blog with many things going on, as well. For me: less is more.

*Would you please share 5-7 things about the person behind the screen so that we get to know the “real” you!!
*I write poetry. I have had many published, and have won some awards as well. I am currently working on a poetry book and a children’s book.

*I began writing in high school, when I was in NJROTC. I was second in command, and the highest ranking female officer. I wrote ROTC articles for the local newspaper, and high school paper. I also started an ROTC newsletter, linking the three high schools that formed our Unit. (My post-high school military career was ended due to rheumatoid arthritis.)

*I’m a very straightforward, no-nonsense person. I’m first generation Northerner, so perhaps that factors in. I think this is also why I love Southern literature so much.

*I love some sports: NASCAR and football. I do follow these and have favourites!

* I love learning about all kinds of animals and wildlife. I used to be a veterinary technician, and had a pet care/pet sitting business. I learned about proper care of animals. I also became involved in animal rescue. I found that I have a special gift of being able to bottle-feed orphaned animals, and rehabilitate ill or injured animals.

*I love to fish, and am quite good at it! I can tie my own knots/lures and bait my own hook! I can land and net a fish, too. My favourite place to go and to fish is the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. I plan to retire there, where nature and wildlife is abundant!

*Any other info you would like to share with us?
My review of Bloodroot, by Amy Greene, was chosen by a bookseller site, winning me several books of my choice!

McGuffy, thank you for being my guest today and Welcome to the great book blogging community.  I am sure you will be meeting many new “friends” that have similar interests and not only of of book genres but some bloggers came to mind who love southern literature, NASCAR, poetry, etc etc.  McGuffy has recently had knee surgery and is recuperating so I know that she would appreciate it if you would stop by and say hi and welcome her into this world wide, friendly association of avid book readers.



I would like to explain how this came to fruition. Hubby and I were having a discussion about the old days, (for the young’ens reading this..a little history lesson) but before the dark age. When Sundays were special and had traditions and rituals. Sunday mornings Church, come home to a big gravy (sauce) cooking on the stove, a big Sunday dinner, then either off to visit relatives/friends or wait for relatives/friends to drop by. We would spend the afternoon sitting around the table, talking, catching up, having coffee, pizza, calzones, etc etc, dessert. And now, how sad, all those traditions are gone. And then I got to thinking, why not have something similar here on my blog. This past year, I have met so many amazing and wonderful people (some I now call friends) through blogging, and how I am in awe of what they do and accomplish. How much respect I have for them, for their honesty, integrity, credibility and so enjoy when a bit of their personality shines through. So every Sunday, here at my place, the coffee will be on, the dessert is on the table and friends will be stopping by. And I will be rolling out the red carpet for my Sunday Shining Star Blogger guest.


I was told when I first found this community of book blogging that “book bloggers were the nicest bloggers there are” and I have never forgotten those words. And over the past year, I have truly met the nicest people. I also believe, even though we live behind a screen, a bit of our personality shines through. That is one of the reasons I am having so much fun with this weekly event, and hoping you are too, because we are getting to know those “nicest bloggers” around and about bloggyland a little bit better.

It’s that time again when we all get together, have some coffee, tea, soda, eat some dessert, gab, catch up with what’s going on with every one’s lives and get to know each other a little bit better.   Since starting this event with Lori aka Dollycas’s Thoughts, her husband calls this “our hen party”…well Lori and I have since told Jeff this is the “the Hot Chick’s Get Together!!!”   Men!!!  What do they know!!  Today’s guest (and hot chick), I am sure is another blogger that most of you know.   So it will be a treat, I know it will be for me because there are so many things that I want to learn more about her, and I hope you feel the same way.  Today’s SUNDAY’S SHINING STAR is LAUREL-RAIN from CREATIONS BY LAUREL-RAIN SNOW

*When and why did you start blogging?
I started blogging in April 2008, at the suggestion of my publisher, who thought it would be one of several ways to market my books: developing an online presence in addition to my website. I had only the one blog, Creations by Laurel-Rain Snow, for another year. Then I started a second one called Reflections, which I later combined with another site (now called An Interior Journey).

About this same time, I joined another social network called Book Blogs, and met other bloggers. At this point, I realized that the blogging community was huge, and that connecting with them through various “memes” and by visiting and commenting on others’ posts felt, for the first time, as if I had connected with others.

The name of my first blog derived from my own pen name, and was also a slight derivation of my website name, Laurel-Rain Snow Creations.

Long story short: joining Book Blogs helped me connect with another blogger, Sheila, whose site was on Word Press. In experimenting with that platform, I went a little crazy-obsessive with the blogs, and at one point, had TWENTY. Since then, I’ve deleted some and merged several to total fourteen. Still a lot, I know, but better. LOL

*How and what made you decide on the name of your blog?
In the question above, I explained my blog name choice for the first one. Subsequent blogs were named after whatever I happened to be spotlighting, like Potpourri for all those quirky tidbits; Explorations, for the process of learning and developing in the blogging world (now An Interior Journey); Curl up and Read, for my journey through my TBR stacks; Snow Connections & Impressions, named for my personal connections in the world and in the blogosphere, and my impressions about my life in general.

To chart my journey through the development and naming of my various and sundry blogs, including how and when I merged, etc., check out My Blogging Journey.

*What would you say is the main content of your blog?
Several of my blogs are primarily “book-related,” like Curl up and Read, Rainy Days and Mondays, An Interior Journey, Going out on a Limb….Then there are the writing blogs, like Creative Moments, and the five blogs dedicated to each of my five published novels: Miles to Go, Chasing Stardust (Stardust Dreams), Embrace the Whirlwind, An Accidental Life (Accidental Moments), and Web of Tyranny Chronicles.

*If books, what genres do you mostly read?
My book choices are eclectic, but I prefer contemporary fiction, literary fiction, mysteries, and occasional historical fiction. I also read a lot of memoirs, especially those written by writers. Some celebrity memoirs find their way onto my shelves, too.

*How often do you post?
I post something on one or more of my blogs every day. Sometimes I post “memes,” while at other times, it’s a book review or my thoughts about family or life stuff.

*What are some of the things that you love about blogging?
I really enjoy connecting with other bloggers, through visiting their sites and participating in the various events that they join.

I also love playing around with the themes, the backgrounds, the headers…and I’ve been known to change titles, too, like my recent moniker change from Explorations, Reflections, and Meditations to An Interior Journey. Now the former title is the tagline of the newly named blog.

When I blog, and then receive a comment or two or more, I feel as though my writing (which is the main reason I started blogging…I love to write!) is not falling into a vacuum.

For the first year of blogging, before I started “connecting” with others, I truly did not think anyone was reading my posts. They probably weren’t!

Networking my blogs on Facebook was another way to connect. And another way to see other bloggers’ posts.

*What are some of the negatives?
Sometimes I think that I spend way too much time playing around with my blogs. But I truly enjoy even the housekeeping aspects of blogging. Being addicted to blogging seems relatively harmless, however, considering other things I could be hooked on, so I don’t really consider it a negative.
I’ve only been doing this “level” of blogging for just under two years. Maybe I’ll see more negatives later.

*Name 1-3 favorite items/postings that you have/do on your blog?

Memes, book reviews, movie reviews, rants and raves (LOL). I also love changing things up, with new headers, backgrounds, and themes. I especially love participating in the “memes” that bring in a lot of traffic, because then I can visit many potentially new (to me) sites.

*Any advice you would give to new bloggers?
As you visit other blogs and see things you like, don’t be afraid to ask “how-to” questions. I certainly did. And there are still things I might not know how to do, so learning is an ongoing process.

I also think it’s important to comment on others’ blogs, to connect with the blogger in some way.

*What draws you to follow someone’s blog?
The content and appearance of the site…if they read books that I have enjoyed or would like to read, or if the posts about life strike a chord with me.

*Do you have any “pet peeves” that other bloggers do?
One thing comes to mind: if the comments are one or two words, followed by their own link, I wonder if they’re at all interested in connecting. But then again, they might just be in a hurry. I try not to let myself be annoyed by other bloggers, because I am having so much fun “meeting” them.

*Would you please share 5-7 things about the person behind the screen so that we get to know the “real” you!!
I am retired, after more than three decades as a social worker specializing in child welfare cases;

Toward the end of my social work career, I started writing, combining personal and social work experiences into fictionalized works that now are published novels;

I am currently working on a couple of WIPs, and have participated in some writing challenges, like NaNoWriMo, etc.;

I have four grown children and seven grandchildren;

In my younger days, I was a bit of a radical, participating in sit-ins and other protests;

I attended consciousness-raising groups at the onset of “second wave feminism” in the early 1970s;

My life these days is all about reading, writing, blogging, and connecting with family and friends.

Thank you Laurel-Rain so very much for sharing with us today.  I hope you had as much fun as we did.  Ever since finding a “couple of your blogs”, I was amazed at how you not only could keep track of all of them but to keep them up to date.  Also I was so impressed that you have written books that are in print, they are in my personal tbr bucket list pile and hope when I get caught up with my requested review pile that I will be able to sit, get comfy and and enjoy your books.  It sounds like you have led an unlimited energetic life including a personal life (having 4 children,  7 grandchildren),  professional life of being a social worker (the norm of a social worker is being overworked and most times, underpaid) and author and a social minded person participating in issues you believe in.  To me, and I think others will agree, after you have shared your thoughts with us,  that you truly are a SHINING STAR!!!!



I would like to explain how this came to fruition. Hubby and I were having a discussion about the old days, (for the young’ens reading this..a little history lesson) but before the dark age. When Sundays were special and had traditions and rituals. Sunday mornings Church, come home to a big gravy (sauce) cooking on the stove, a big Sunday dinner, then either off to visit relatives/friends or wait for relatives/friends to drop by. We would spend the afternoon sitting around the table, talking, catching up, having coffee, pizza, calzones, etc etc, dessert. And now, how sad, all those traditions are gone. And then I got to thinking, why not have something similar here on my blog. This past year, I have met so many amazing and wonderful people (some I now call friends) through blogging, and how I am in awe of what they do and accomplish. How much respect I have for them, for their honesty, integrity, credibility and so enjoy when a bit of their personality shines through. So every Sunday, here at my place, the coffee will be on, the dessert is on the table and friends will be stopping by. And I will be rolling out the red carpet for my Sunday Shining Star Blogger guest.


I was told when I first found this community of book blogging that “book bloggers were the nicest bloggers there are” and I have never forgotten those words. And over the past year, I have truly met the nicest people. I also believe, even though we live behind a screen, a bit of our personality shines through. That is one of the reasons I am having so much fun with this weekly event, and hoping you are too, because we are getting to know those “nicest bloggers” around and about bloggyland a little bit better.

It’s that time again when we all get together, have some coffee, tea, soda, eat some dessert, gab, catch up with what’s going on with every one’s lives and get to know each other a little bit better.   Since starting this event with Lori aka Dollycas’s Thoughts, her husband calls this “our hen party”…well Lori and I have since told Jeff this is the “the Hot Chick’s Get Together!!!”   Men!!!  What do they know!!  Today’s guest (and hot chick), I am sure is another blogger that most of you know.   So it will be a treat, I know it will be for me because there are so many things that I want to learn more about her, and I hope you feel the same way.  Today’s SUNDAY’S SHINING STAR is LAUREL-RAIN from CREATIONS BY LAUREL-RAIN SNOW

*When and why did you start blogging?
I started blogging in April 2008, at the suggestion of my publisher, who thought it would be one of several ways to market my books: developing an online presence in addition to my website. I had only the one blog, Creations by Laurel-Rain Snow, for another year. Then I started a second one called Reflections, which I later combined with another site (now called An Interior Journey).

About this same time, I joined another social network called Book Blogs, and met other bloggers. At this point, I realized that the blogging community was huge, and that connecting with them through various “memes” and by visiting and commenting on others’ posts felt, for the first time, as if I had connected with others.

The name of my first blog derived from my own pen name, and was also a slight derivation of my website name, Laurel-Rain Snow Creations.

Long story short: joining Book Blogs helped me connect with another blogger, Sheila, whose site was on Word Press. In experimenting with that platform, I went a little crazy-obsessive with the blogs, and at one point, had TWENTY. Since then, I’ve deleted some and merged several to total fourteen. Still a lot, I know, but better. LOL

*How and what made you decide on the name of your blog?
In the question above, I explained my blog name choice for the first one. Subsequent blogs were named after whatever I happened to be spotlighting, like Potpourri for all those quirky tidbits; Explorations, for the process of learning and developing in the blogging world (now An Interior Journey); Curl up and Read, for my journey through my TBR stacks; Snow Connections & Impressions, named for my personal connections in the world and in the blogosphere, and my impressions about my life in general.

To chart my journey through the development and naming of my various and sundry blogs, including how and when I merged, etc., check out My Blogging Journey.

*What would you say is the main content of your blog?
Several of my blogs are primarily “book-related,” like Curl up and Read, Rainy Days and Mondays, An Interior Journey, Going out on a Limb….Then there are the writing blogs, like Creative Moments, and the five blogs dedicated to each of my five published novels: Miles to Go, Chasing Stardust (Stardust Dreams), Embrace the Whirlwind, An Accidental Life (Accidental Moments), and Web of Tyranny Chronicles.

*If books, what genres do you mostly read?
My book choices are eclectic, but I prefer contemporary fiction, literary fiction, mysteries, and occasional historical fiction. I also read a lot of memoirs, especially those written by writers. Some celebrity memoirs find their way onto my shelves, too.

*How often do you post?
I post something on one or more of my blogs every day. Sometimes I post “memes,” while at other times, it’s a book review or my thoughts about family or life stuff.

*What are some of the things that you love about blogging?
I really enjoy connecting with other bloggers, through visiting their sites and participating in the various events that they join.

I also love playing around with the themes, the backgrounds, the headers…and I’ve been known to change titles, too, like my recent moniker change from Explorations, Reflections, and Meditations to An Interior Journey. Now the former title is the tagline of the newly named blog.

When I blog, and then receive a comment or two or more, I feel as though my writing (which is the main reason I started blogging…I love to write!) is not falling into a vacuum.

For the first year of blogging, before I started “connecting” with others, I truly did not think anyone was reading my posts. They probably weren’t!

Networking my blogs on Facebook was another way to connect. And another way to see other bloggers’ posts.

*What are some of the negatives?
Sometimes I think that I spend way too much time playing around with my blogs. But I truly enjoy even the housekeeping aspects of blogging. Being addicted to blogging seems relatively harmless, however, considering other things I could be hooked on, so I don’t really consider it a negative.
I’ve only been doing this “level” of blogging for just under two years. Maybe I’ll see more negatives later.

*Name 1-3 favorite items/postings that you have/do on your blog?

Memes, book reviews, movie reviews, rants and raves (LOL). I also love changing things up, with new headers, backgrounds, and themes. I especially love participating in the “memes” that bring in a lot of traffic, because then I can visit many potentially new (to me) sites.

*Any advice you would give to new bloggers?
As you visit other blogs and see things you like, don’t be afraid to ask “how-to” questions. I certainly did. And there are still things I might not know how to do, so learning is an ongoing process.

I also think it’s important to comment on others’ blogs, to connect with the blogger in some way.

*What draws you to follow someone’s blog?
The content and appearance of the site…if they read books that I have enjoyed or would like to read, or if the posts about life strike a chord with me.

*Do you have any “pet peeves” that other bloggers do?
One thing comes to mind: if the comments are one or two words, followed by their own link, I wonder if they’re at all interested in connecting. But then again, they might just be in a hurry. I try not to let myself be annoyed by other bloggers, because I am having so much fun “meeting” them.

*Would you please share 5-7 things about the person behind the screen so that we get to know the “real” you!!
I am retired, after more than three decades as a social worker specializing in child welfare cases;

Toward the end of my social work career, I started writing, combining personal and social work experiences into fictionalized works that now are published novels;

I am currently working on a couple of WIPs, and have participated in some writing challenges, like NaNoWriMo, etc.;

I have four grown children and seven grandchildren;

In my younger days, I was a bit of a radical, participating in sit-ins and other protests;

I attended consciousness-raising groups at the onset of “second wave feminism” in the early 1970s;

My life these days is all about reading, writing, blogging, and connecting with family and friends.

Thank you Laurel-Rain so very much for sharing with us today.  I hope you had as much fun as we did.  Ever since finding a “couple of your blogs”, I was amazed at how you not only could keep track of all of them but to keep them up to date.  Also I was so impressed that you have written books that are in print, they are in my personal tbr bucket list pile and hope when I get caught up with my requested review pile that I will be able to sit, get comfy and and enjoy your books.  It sounds like you have led an unlimited energetic life including a personal life (having 4 children,  7 grandchildren),  professional life of being a social worker (the norm of a social worker is being overworked and most times, underpaid) and author and a social minded person participating in issues you believe in.  To me, and I think others will agree, after you have shared your thoughts with us,  that you truly are a SHINING STAR!!!!

Sunday’s Shining Star


I would like to explain how this came to fruition. Hubby and I were having a discussion about the old days, (for the young’ens reading this..a little history lesson) but before the dark age. When Sundays were special and had traditions and rituals. Sunday mornings Church, come home to a big gravy (sauce) cooking on the stove, a big Sunday dinner, then either off to visit relatives/friends or wait for relatives/friends to drop by. We would spend the afternoon sitting around the table, talking, catching up, having coffee, pizza, calzones, etc etc, dessert. And now, how sad, all those traditions are gone. And then I got to thinking, why not have something similar here on my blog. This past year, I have met so many amazing and wonderful people (some I now call friends) through blogging, and how I am in awe of what they do and accomplish. How much respect I have for them, for their honesty, integrity, credibility and so enjoy when a bit of their personality shines through. So every Sunday, here at my place, the coffee will be on, the dessert is on the table and friends will be stopping by. And I will be rolling out the red carpet for my Sunday Shining Star Blogger guest.


I was told when I first found this community of book blogging that “book bloggers were the nicest bloggers there are” and I have never forgotten those words. And over the past year, I have truly met the nicest people. I also believe, even though we live behind a screen, a bit of our personality shines through. That is one of the reasons I am having so much fun with this weekly event, and hoping you are too, because we are getting to know those “nicest bloggers” around and about bloggyland a little bit better.

Today’s guest is someone else that I am anxious to get to know a little bit better.  We met through this wonderful community of book blogging, not exactly sure of all the details but remember it had to do with an email about our last names being very similar (more about that later).  Her blog is absolutely beautiful and pristine as you will see, when I hope you all stop by and visit her.  Oh, and one more thing before I introduce her which I am excited about, I had read a review that she had written, not normally a book that I would have picked up, but it touched my heart that I had to enter the giveaway and WooHoo, I was one of the 5 lucky winners of  Little Princes.  Everybody ready?  Today’s guest and Sunday’s Shining Star is ELIZABETH from SILVER’S REVIEWS

*When and why did you start blogging?

I just began blogging in July of 2010. I started to blog because I wanted to share my reviews with others and I also kept looking through blogs, and it looked like so much fun. I am very happy I decided to begin…..I have met a number of really great people.

*How and what made you decide on the name of your blog?
My e-mail is silversolara and I just slid the beginning part of my e-mail into my blog that I was going to use for my reviews….thus the name: Silver’s Reviews.

*What would you say is the main content of your blog?
My main content would be reviews of the books I have read.

*If books, what genres do you mostly read?
Historical fiction, fiction, mystery, women’s fiction, female protagonists

*How often do you post?
I would say probably every day.

*What are some of the things that you love about blogging?
The Tuesday Teaser days are fun for me, but I love visiting blogs to see the designs and book reviews.

*What are some of the negatives?
I spend too much time on the computer. 🙂


*Name 1-3 favorite items/postings that you have/do on your blog?
I loved posting my photos from Scotland and listing my favorite books.

*Any advice you would give to new bloggers?
Not really…just have fun.

*What draws you to follow someone’s blog?
A neat, uncluttered design…bright and cheerful…..and of course the book recommendations.

*Do you have any “pet peeves” that other bloggers do?
One is when you have to jump through hoops to sign up for a giveaway. I like a simple, list your name, blog address, e-mail, and leave a post.

*Would you please share 5-7 things about the person behind the screen so that we get to know the “real” you!!
I am a business teacher.

I am 100% Italian.

I love to bake and cook.

I taught senior citizens how to use the computer this past summer.

I have 7 siblings…that makes 8 when you count me….and most interesting is that we have 4 boys and 4 girls.

I have visited Italy (Rome, Florence, and Venice), Spain ( Madrid, Sevilla, and Barcelona – just “had” to go there to find the places from THE SHADOW OF THE WIND by Carlos Ruiz Zafon), England – London, and spent three weeks in Scotland last summer visiting my son. Spent three days out of the three weeks in the Isle of Skye. That is where my photos came from. Loved the place.

I want to thank Elizabeth for being my guest today and allowing all of us to get to know her a little better, I know I did.  After that initial email, Elizabeth and I started emailing back and forth one night, teasing each other about our Italian heritage, things we have in common (one being we both have a son named Mark).  The more we talked (emailed) the more we got to know about each other and one of the things we learned was that a few generations ago, there was the same family name.  I have to dig out the family tree to see for sure but in the meantime we have decided that we are “cousins”.

Her blog is beautiful, with well written and honest reviews.  I was drawn to it not only for those 2 reasons but for the professionalism that comes through her reviews.  And when you visit, please, make sure you scroll down all the way, or you will miss the absolute breath taking pictures of Scotland from when she visited her son.  Once you visit her blog you will see why I think she is a SHINING STAR!!

Sunday’s Shining Star


I would like to explain how this came to fruition. Hubby and I were having a discussion about the old days, (for the young’ens reading this..a little history lesson) but before the dark age. When Sundays were special and had traditions and rituals. Sunday mornings Church, come home to a big gravy (sauce) cooking on the stove, a big Sunday dinner, then either off to visit relatives/friends or wait for relatives/friends to drop by. We would spend the afternoon sitting around the table, talking, catching up, having coffee, pizza, calzones, etc etc, dessert. And now, how sad, all those traditions are gone. And then I got to thinking, why not have something similar here on my blog. This past year, I have met so many amazing and wonderful people (some I now call friends) through blogging, and how I am in awe of what they do and accomplish. How much respect I have for them, for their honesty, integrity, credibility and so enjoy when a bit of their personality shines through. So every Sunday, here at my place, the coffee will be on, the dessert is on the table and friends will be stopping by. And I will be rolling out the red carpet for my Sunday Shining Star Blogger guest.


I was told when I first found this community of book blogging that “book bloggers were the nicest bloggers there are” and I have never forgotten those words. And over the past year, I have truly met the nicest people. I also believe, even though we live behind a screen, a bit of our personality shines through. That is one of the reasons I am having so much fun with this weekly event, and hoping you are too, because we are getting to know those “nicest bloggers” around and about bloggyland a little bit better.

Today’s guest is someone else that I am anxious to get to know a little bit better.  We met through this wonderful community of book blogging, not exactly sure of all the details but remember it had to do with an email about our last names being very similar (more about that later).  Her blog is absolutely beautiful and pristine as you will see, when I hope you all stop by and visit her.  Oh, and one more thing before I introduce her which I am excited about, I had read a review that she had written, not normally a book that I would have picked up, but it touched my heart that I had to enter the giveaway and WooHoo, I was one of the 5 lucky winners of  Little Princes.  Everybody ready?  Today’s guest and Sunday’s Shining Star is ELIZABETH from SILVER’S REVIEWS

*When and why did you start blogging?

I just began blogging in July of 2010. I started to blog because I wanted to share my reviews with others and I also kept looking through blogs, and it looked like so much fun. I am very happy I decided to begin…..I have met a number of really great people.

*How and what made you decide on the name of your blog?
My e-mail is silversolara and I just slid the beginning part of my e-mail into my blog that I was going to use for my reviews….thus the name: Silver’s Reviews.

*What would you say is the main content of your blog?
My main content would be reviews of the books I have read.

*If books, what genres do you mostly read?
Historical fiction, fiction, mystery, women’s fiction, female protagonists

*How often do you post?
I would say probably every day.

*What are some of the things that you love about blogging?
The Tuesday Teaser days are fun for me, but I love visiting blogs to see the designs and book reviews.

*What are some of the negatives?
I spend too much time on the computer. 🙂


*Name 1-3 favorite items/postings that you have/do on your blog?
I loved posting my photos from Scotland and listing my favorite books.

*Any advice you would give to new bloggers?
Not really…just have fun.

*What draws you to follow someone’s blog?
A neat, uncluttered design…bright and cheerful…..and of course the book recommendations.

*Do you have any “pet peeves” that other bloggers do?
One is when you have to jump through hoops to sign up for a giveaway. I like a simple, list your name, blog address, e-mail, and leave a post.

*Would you please share 5-7 things about the person behind the screen so that we get to know the “real” you!!
I am a business teacher.

I am 100% Italian.

I love to bake and cook.

I taught senior citizens how to use the computer this past summer.

I have 7 siblings…that makes 8 when you count me….and most interesting is that we have 4 boys and 4 girls.

I have visited Italy (Rome, Florence, and Venice), Spain ( Madrid, Sevilla, and Barcelona – just “had” to go there to find the places from THE SHADOW OF THE WIND by Carlos Ruiz Zafon), England – London, and spent three weeks in Scotland last summer visiting my son. Spent three days out of the three weeks in the Isle of Skye. That is where my photos came from. Loved the place.

I want to thank Elizabeth for being my guest today and allowing all of us to get to know her a little better, I know I did.  After that initial email, Elizabeth and I started emailing back and forth one night, teasing each other about our Italian heritage, things we have in common (one being we both have a son named Mark).  The more we talked (emailed) the more we got to know about each other and one of the things we learned was that a few generations ago, there was the same family name.  I have to dig out the family tree to see for sure but in the meantime we have decided that we are “cousins”.

Her blog is beautiful, with well written and honest reviews.  I was drawn to it not only for those 2 reasons but for the professionalism that comes through her reviews.  And when you visit, please, make sure you scroll down all the way, or you will miss the absolute breath taking pictures of Scotland from when she visited her son.  Once you visit her blog you will see why I think she is a SHINING STAR!!