Category: Booking Thru Thursday

Booking Through Thursday

Today’s question:

Any books you’re hoping to get for the holidays this year?
How about giving? Are you giving any good ones?

My answer:
My family knows my addiction to books, however, they have also seen my tbr bookcase.  So I am sure that I will not be getting one specific book.  I assume that they will do and say what they do for the past couple of years and that is “you have so many books, I have no clue which ones you have already one so I got you an Amazon GC instead”.  Which, is fine by me.  Because they are right.  I do have too many books already waiting tbr (a 5 shelf bookcase full of just tbr books).  And this way I can either save the GC(s) for something big to purchase like the Kindle Fire (I need to do some more research on that) or purchase books that I really NEED and HAVE to read during the year, or book accessories that I want.

As far as giving books this year…YAY!!  YES!!!  I am.  Haven’t done that in years.  My years of reading to my “boys” when they were small as finally paid off.  Once they hit HS, they stopped reading for pleasure.  Never picking up a book.  I wondered where did I go wrong?  I read to them from when they were young, went to “library school” as toddlers,  whenever we went to the mall, we always stopped in a book store and they were allowed to pick out 1-2 books each to add to their personal book library and took weekly walks to the library.  Now that they are men, on their own, working (as I tell them) in their “big boy jobs”, they have taken up reading again. So this will be the first Christmas in many years that I have bought them each a book.  Unfortunately, I can’t tell you which ones, in case they are reading this post, but I was so excited that it was the 1st Christmas presents I purchased.

What about you?  What are you hoping Santa brings in the form of books?  Are books on your list for those that have been good?

Booking Through Thursday

Hi everyone!!  Before getting to today’s memes, I thought I would let you know about a few things that have been going on, besides me signing up for challenges lol, oh but don’t fret, that will be posted in a couple of days lol.
GiGi Ann from Ann’s Reading Corner, had sent me an email and asked how Steve was doing and that there hadn’t been an update in a while.  I realized I hadn’t posted about his recovery, being so excited about the 2012 challenges and I apologize for that.    We went to the doctor’s this past Friday and he got the ok to start working from home.  His facility shuts down before Christmas until the first of the year and at that time he can start working on site as tolerated.  He was thrilled.  He is still experiencing focal seizures but still no answers as to if and/or when this will be a permanent residual effect of the surgery.  The not so good news is that he is still not allowed to drive until he is seen again in February.  Thank you everyone for the support, concern, caring and prayers you showed us throughout this time.
As some of you know, I had some blogger issues for the past few weeks, my blog went missing, then back online, my gmail account was supposedly deleted, by who, I don’t know, but yesterday I received an email that that too has reappeared along with all the documents that I thought I lost for Partners In Crime Tours.  And for the past 2 weeks all the time I put into trying to retrieve as much as I could, was now time wasted.  Because of this experience and talking to other bloggers who have had similar problems on and off, after the New Year I will be moving to WordPress.  Gina from Hott Books, has put everything in place, she is phenomenal when it comes to computers.  Thank you Gina.  Nothing has changed, it looks identical to this one, only different platform.  I will let you know more as the time gets closer.  I am just trying to learn to navigate and feel comfortable with it before I move.  Also I hope to bring back Sunday’s Shining Star once I get settled.
Partners In Crime Tours has 2 books that I booked for the beginning of the new year and still have some slots opened for reviewers.  The books are Gods and Fathers by James LePore and Voices of the Dead by Peter Leonard (my current read).  You can read the details and synopsis at our site (  If you are interested in either book or both, fill out the host submission form or email me @  Even those who post their reviews on GoodReads and LibraryThing are welcome to host also.
And one final thing….Christmas is right around the corner.  Is your shopping completed?  Looking for that last minute gift?  An old friend contacted me, Bill Walker, author of A Note from an Old Acquaintance, (check out my review) is having a Holiday Special on the Nook Version of his book.  A great read for $0.99….can’t beat that.  
I do not have any affiliation with,
Barnes & Noble and/or any other retail/wholesale
outlets either online and/or elsewhere.
I am providing this link solely for visitors
that may be interested in purchasing this Book/EBook.
I do not receive any monetary compensation from any parties

Today’s question:

What’s more important to you? Real, three-dimensional, fleshed-out fascinating characters? Or an amazing, page-turning plot?
(Yes, I know, they are both important. But if you had to pick one as being more important than the other?

My answer:
Oh this is a toughie today and I haven’t had my coffee yet lol.  I am going with the amazing plot.  Yes, as the questions states, they are both important, but if there isn’t a plot that keeps me engrossed or wanting to go back and pick up the book to see what happens, the characters, no matter how well they are defined is going to keep my interest.  I feel that the plot, the premise, the story line is the bottom line for how we choose a book.  Its’ the first thing, I usually look at, the synopsis, the back of the book or jacket to see what the story is about.  So I would definitely say the plot.

    Booking Through Thursday

    Today’s question:
    All things being equal, which would you prefer–a mystery? Or a love story?
    My response:
    I didn’t even need a cup of coffee to think about this answer, well maybe a few sips.  If you follow me, then you know it’s hands down, a mystery.  But I won’t pass up a romantic suspense if that counts.
    I was thinking somewhere along these lines the other day.  I have always been drawn to books with suspense.  Next would be chick lit.  But why?  I am usually wrong about the whodunit and/or surprised about the ending.  So why am I drawn to these type of books.  Is it the fast pace? The can’t put down, need to read another page type of read?
    I have signed up for a couple, few, ok, many challenges for 2012.  And was thinking maybe I should do a little personal challenge and that is to step a little outside of my comfort reading zone and try to read a few books that fall under different categories.  Any recommendations and/or suggestions of a 5 star from a different genre?  Would love to hear your suggestions, plus, lol it would go towards one of my challenges lol.    Seriously, I feel I need to broaden my reading genres.  Thanks for the help!!!

    Booking Through Thursday

    Today’s question:

    Do you find that your mood affects the things you read? Like, if you’re in a bad mood, do you tend to indulge in reading that will support it or do you try to read things that will cheer you up? Do you pick different types of books on dreary, rainy days than you do on bright sunny ones?
    For that matter, does your mood color what you’re reading, so that a funny book isn’t so funny or a serious one not so deep?

    My answer:
    Today’s question has taken much thought.  I guess I have always chosen my “next book” upon my mood but never realized it.  My number one genre is mystery/suspense but the past few books that I have read I would put in the classification of contemporary fictions/romance/chick lit. I don’t go searching through my tbr pile saying “I need something to cheer me up”.  I tend to just peruse the pile, select a couple of books that seem interesting at the time, read the blurb and go from there.   So I guess subconsciously, my mood is in it’s own way, deciding which book I should read.

    Booking Through Thursday

    Today’s question:

    Do you find that your mood affects the things you read? Like, if you’re in a bad mood, do you tend to indulge in reading that will support it or do you try to read things that will cheer you up? Do you pick different types of books on dreary, rainy days than you do on bright sunny ones?
    For that matter, does your mood color what you’re reading, so that a funny book isn’t so funny or a serious one not so deep?

    My answer:
    Today’s question has taken much thought.  I guess I have always chosen my “next book” upon my mood but never realized it.  My number one genre is mystery/suspense but the past few books that I have read I would put in the classification of contemporary fictions/romance/chick lit. I don’t go searching through my tbr pile saying “I need something to cheer me up”.  I tend to just peruse the pile, select a couple of books that seem interesting at the time, read the blurb and go from there.   So I guess subconsciously, my mood is in it’s own way, deciding which book I should read.

    Booking Through Thursday

    Today’s question:

    E-readers like the Kindle and iPad are sweeping the nation … do you have one? Do you like it? Do you find it changes your reading/buying habits? If you don’t have one, do you plan to?

    My answer:
    I have 2 EReaders, a Sony and a Kindle.  I originally wanted a Kindle, but when we found out I was having the double day spinal surgery, my husband surprised me with a Sony Ereader (he is a fan of Sony products).  Approximately a year later I purchased a Kindle too due to some of the features that the Sony didn’t have but the Kindle did.  As far as the IPad, I think that will be my next big purchase, but because of the price, it will be a while before that happens.

    When it comes to buying habits involving EBooks and Print, since I receive most of books for free because of requested reviews, I will answer this question as if I didn’t.  Again due to the price of books, I would buy mainly in EBook editions as I find them much less expensive then print and I like the feature of having them in hand within seconds and without even having to leave the house.

    What about you?  What gadgets doe you own?  Are you planning to ask Santa for one?

    Booking Through Thursday

    Today’s question:

    E-readers like the Kindle and iPad are sweeping the nation … do you have one? Do you like it? Do you find it changes your reading/buying habits? If you don’t have one, do you plan to?

    My answer:
    I have 2 EReaders, a Sony and a Kindle.  I originally wanted a Kindle, but when we found out I was having the double day spinal surgery, my husband surprised me with a Sony Ereader (he is a fan of Sony products).  Approximately a year later I purchased a Kindle too due to some of the features that the Sony didn’t have but the Kindle did.  As far as the IPad, I think that will be my next big purchase, but because of the price, it will be a while before that happens.

    When it comes to buying habits involving EBooks and Print, since I receive most of books for free because of requested reviews, I will answer this question as if I didn’t.  Again due to the price of books, I would buy mainly in EBook editions as I find them much less expensive then print and I like the feature of having them in hand within seconds and without even having to leave the house.

    What about you?  What gadgets doe you own?  Are you planning to ask Santa for one?

    Booking Through Thursday

    Today’s question:
    All other thing being equal, would you rather read a book that’s hard/challenging/rewarding or light/enjoyable/easy?
    My answer:
      Like my reading, so is my answer, light and easy.  I read for entertainment, enjoyment and pleasure.  So my answer would be the latter choice.  Something that would be hard and challenging is something that I associate with when I was in HS and HAD to read mandatory novels for assignments.  I think that is why, to this day, that I have trouble, even thinking about or trying to read historicals or vintage stories.
      What about you?  What category do you fall in?  Or do you read both?