Category: Thursday Memes

Thursday Memes

This week’s question:
You’ve just had a long, hard, exhausting day, and all you want to do is curl up with something light, fun, easy, fluffy, distracting, and entertaining.
What book do you pick up?
My answer:
Ironically this question today is perfect for me.  I have been feeling that I am being pulled into a million different directions, needing to do a million different things and getting nothing accomplished.  So yesterday, instead of reading what was next in line, I picked up a book that “is supposed to full of entertainment and laughter, which is just what I need at this time.  It is written by a blogger, you may have seen her blog Facing 50 With Humour, and if her book is anything like her blog then I know I’m in store for some chuckles.  She will be showcased, as an author next month here on my blog. 

Thursday Memes

This week’s question:
You’ve just had a long, hard, exhausting day, and all you want to do is curl up with something light, fun, easy, fluffy, distracting, and entertaining.
What book do you pick up?
My answer:
Ironically this question today is perfect for me.  I have been feeling that I am being pulled into a million different directions, needing to do a million different things and getting nothing accomplished.  So yesterday, instead of reading what was next in line, I picked up a book that “is supposed to full of entertainment and laughter, which is just what I need at this time.  It is written by a blogger, you may have seen her blog Facing 50 With Humour, and if her book is anything like her blog then I know I’m in store for some chuckles.  She will be showcased, as an author next month here on my blog. 

Booking Through Thursday

Today’s question:
It’s National Book Week. The rules: Grab the closest book to you. Go to page 56. Copy the 5th sentence as your status
My response:
I got a call from the doc who had completed the autopsy on Abbye Gambrel.

Booking Through Thursday

Today’s question:
It’s National Book Week. The rules: Grab the closest book to you. Go to page 56. Copy the 5th sentence as your status
My response:
I got a call from the doc who had completed the autopsy on Abbye Gambrel.

Booking Through Thursday


Today’s question:
What’s the last book you were really EXCITED to read?

And, were you excited about it in advance? Or did the excitement bloom while you were reading it?
Are there any books you’re excited about right NOW?
My answer:
If you know me then you already know the answers to these question so you can just hop right by  lol.  But for those who don’t, here are my answers.  The last book was the one I posted my review for yesterday, Scream Catcher by Vincent Zandri.  I became a huge fan of his back in May 2010.  We occasionally keep in touch and he will let me know what books he is working on and the approximate publication date.  However, I was totally surprised, shocked and excited last week when he sent me an email that held an attachment with the Scream Catcher galley, which I had no idea that he had even written it.  This book supposedly had been a secret for a year.  And it was a secret surprise that was well worth it.  Scream Catcher should be out any day now.  If you like action packed, page turning thrillers (read my review from yesterday) get this book!!! 

And the book I am excited about right now, is and was the book I was reading before receiving Scream Catcher.  And that is Moonlight Rises, also by Vincent Zandri.  Another galley, one which I knew about and will be out later this year.  Patterson had always been my Number 1 male author, but last May, he got edged out and Vincent Zandri took that spot!!

Booking Through Thursday


Today’s question:
What’s the last book you were really EXCITED to read?

And, were you excited about it in advance? Or did the excitement bloom while you were reading it?
Are there any books you’re excited about right NOW?
My answer:
If you know me then you already know the answers to these question so you can just hop right by  lol.  But for those who don’t, here are my answers.  The last book was the one I posted my review for yesterday, Scream Catcher by Vincent Zandri.  I became a huge fan of his back in May 2010.  We occasionally keep in touch and he will let me know what books he is working on and the approximate publication date.  However, I was totally surprised, shocked and excited last week when he sent me an email that held an attachment with the Scream Catcher galley, which I had no idea that he had even written it.  This book supposedly had been a secret for a year.  And it was a secret surprise that was well worth it.  Scream Catcher should be out any day now.  If you like action packed, page turning thrillers (read my review from yesterday) get this book!!! 

And the book I am excited about right now, is and was the book I was reading before receiving Scream Catcher.  And that is Moonlight Rises, also by Vincent Zandri.  Another galley, one which I knew about and will be out later this year.  Patterson had always been my Number 1 male author, but last May, he got edged out and Vincent Zandri took that spot!!

Booking Through Thursday


Today’s question:
What’s the latest you’ve ever stayed up reading a book? Is staying up late reading a usual thing for you?

My answer:
When I was a younger, I was able to stay up until 2-3am reading and the funny thing, which now that I think about it, it was when my boys were young.  One would think that I would need my sleep even more back then when I spent my days chasing after 2 little ones.  Now a days, my sleeping patterns have changed.  Take last night for example, I read until 10pm, because I just couldn’t put the galley that I am reading down, but that is late for me.  I would rather be up by 5:30-6am or I feel that the day has been wasted.  What about you?  Are you a night owl reader?

Booking Through Thursday


Today’s question:
What’s the latest you’ve ever stayed up reading a book? Is staying up late reading a usual thing for you?

My answer:
When I was a younger, I was able to stay up until 2-3am reading and the funny thing, which now that I think about it, it was when my boys were young.  One would think that I would need my sleep even more back then when I spent my days chasing after 2 little ones.  Now a days, my sleeping patterns have changed.  Take last night for example, I read until 10pm, because I just couldn’t put the galley that I am reading down, but that is late for me.  I would rather be up by 5:30-6am or I feel that the day has been wasted.  What about you?  Are you a night owl reader?