Musing Mondays hosted by Just One More Page

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about New Year reading.

With the New Year here already, do you have any reading resolutions or goals (challenges aside) for 2010? Perhaps a new author? Genre? Want to read more non-fiction? Write more reviews?
My Answer:
  Since I did sign up for the big challenge of 100+ books, my plans for 2010 is definitely read more, less time on the computer and less TV watching.  My TV is usually on even if I am readng.  I find that I can’t read if it is totally quiet so I have on one of the cable News channels with the volume low and will only watch and pay attention if it is a “Breaking News Alert”.

Hosted by J.Kaye’s Book Blog
     Finished:  Most Likely To Die by Lisa Jackson, Wendy Corsi Staub, Beverly Barton (Rating 5)
                      Review to follow…finished last night
     Currently Reading:  ??  Awaiting for books for revview…so it depends if any arrive today
                       if not, so many books to choose from, so I will update a little later.

BOOK REVIEWS General Blinkies

Most Likely To Die by Lisa Jackson, Wendy Corsi Staub, Beverly Barton (Rating 5)
EBook purchased by me
Twenty years ago at the Valentine’s Dance hosted by an all female small high school, St. Elizabeth’s there was a gruesome murder which was never solved. Since the school will be leveled, a small committee of alumnae are planning for their 20 yr reunion  even though they have never resolved their feelings of that night so long ago but then one by one they are dying, is it an accident or is it personal.
My Opinion:  Once again, Lisa Jackson delivers another fast paced, can’t put down, keep you guessing read.  I originally signed up for 5 books for the Lisa Jackson challenge hosted by J.Kaye Book Blog, and this was my 5th book, I will be reading more of her books because they are enjoyable and are the type of books that I like to read.  If you haven’t read her books and like suspense, this is an author you should read and maybe even sign up for the challenge.

7 thoughts on “Musing Mondays hosted by Just One More Page

  1. Glad to hear you also enjoyed reading "Most Likely to Die".

    Have a great reading week!

  2. I've always got something on in the background too. Best of luck on the 100+ challenge!

    Love Lisa Jackson's books.

  3. I guess there is no need to say that I am a huge Lisa Jackson fan…lol! I am getting ready to read Wicked Games soon. Have you read that one yet?

  4. J.Kaye…can't wait to read your review for Wicked Games…I purchased an ebook format for Malice after reading your review on it.
    P.S. Hope you don't mind that your name/site is all over my blog (lol) but can't help it since you inspire, assist, host, allowed me to take my site to a higher level when I put my name on your referral list and have added many books to my TBR list due to your reviews.
    P.P.S. I posted a comment on your blog re: LJ challenge..know you must be busy w/everything..I was wondering if I could up my # of LJ books then what I originally signed up for?

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