Booking Thru Thursday hosted by MizB at Should Be Reading


Today’s question:
What books did you get for Christmas (or whichever holiday you may have celebrated last month)?
Do you usually ask for books on gift-giving occasions or do you prefer to buy them yourself?

My answer:
Unfortunately, there is only one book lover other than myself, in my family. So they would have no clue what to get me or even where there is a book store LOL. My one book buddy in the family is Jess, my son’s gf, but they live 5 hours away. And this Christmas she gave me a GC to the Sony EReader store so I can pick out what books I want.

My Photobucket Journey:

This will now be n occasional posting by me and mainly for me. Being a retired “RN” and facing a very complex surgical and frightening 4th operation I felt that writing down my thoughts and emotions as I face this process will help.
I now, once again, sit and wait. I have an appointment with a surgeon who supposedly only does complicated spinal surgeries. I will be seeing him on Jan 27th. I am very ambivilent about this appointment…I hope he can help me but on the other hand I am terrified to go through another fusion. Will he be able to get through 20 yrs of scar tissue without causing major complications such as paralysis, which is a great fear….but again on the other hand, I can’t live a good quality of life in the level and severity of pain I have on a daily basis. Book blogging and reading has helped me tremendously…it doesn’t take away the pain but it helps pass the time on days where the pain is excruciating.
I apologize for adding this new post to my blog but want to chronicle this new jouney that I am on.

2 thoughts on “Booking Thru Thursday hosted by MizB at Should Be Reading

  1. Just FYI, I don't host Booking Through Thursday… it's hosted here. I just play along every week. 😉

    The only events I host are:
    * Teaser Tuesdays
    * WWW Wednesdays
    * New Beginnings Wednesdays ((new!))
    * Friday Finds

    Musing Mondays, Booking Through Thursday, Faith 'n Fiction Saturdays, and The Sunday Salon are hosted by others, and I just participate weekly.

    Thanks for playing, though!


  2. Thank You Miz B for the correct information…I didn't know that there was a page for this meme. I really thought you hosted as your site was always the fist that came up in my google reader…you are an early bird lol. Thank you again.

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