
Watchlist Based On An Idea by Jeffrey Deaver (Rating–5)
Published by Vanguard Press
ISBN 978–1-59315-559-9
At the request of The Book Trib, a HC copy was sent, at no cost to me, for my honest review

From the Book’s Jacket:
Watchlist: Two powerful novellas featuring the same thrilling cast of characters in one major suspenseful package
  Synopsis: Harold Middleton, former crimes of war investigator takes the reader on a non-stop journey around the world in both story lines. The first novella he is on the hunt and then hunted for a never before seen Chopin manuscript. But is there a secret in this never before seen composition? In the second novella, once again Harold Middleton brings us to faraway lands in search of the “Scorpion” and what is the secret of “The Copper Bracelet”?
  My Thoughts: One word..Amazing. Written by Jeffrey Deaver and twenty-one (21) other best selling authors. Each chapter written by a different writer, weaving and interweaving their own style of writing and story telling with others, for a dynamic plot.
  My Opinion and Rating: A thriller with brilliant writing that takes the reader on a journey to faraway places spanning the globe, taking the reader into the world of espionage and terrorism. Incredible concept. Rating 5

I received a copy of this book, at no charge to me,
in exchange for my HONEST review.
No items that I receive
are ever sold…they are kept by me,
or given to family or friends.

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