That is what Slapdash Sunday is for!
So far, this morning is perfect, the family are still sleeping, I have coffee mug in hand, reading my subscribed newsletters and google reader and then I saw it !!!! (which will tie in to Slapdash Sunday). “Book’n With Bingo ( is hosting a giveaway for Ted Dekker’s The Bride Collector so I had to enter since I have seen many postive reviews of this book. Also I learned he has written 20 books so I have a lot of catch up to do.
Then Bermudaonion ( a picture of the books she received this week. And again, more books went on my TBR list because I haven’t read 2 of the authors, from what she received, in quite a while. I have a TBR spread sheet on my computer where I enter books/authors from the reviews I read or books from sites like Goodreads, Library thing, etc.
I think most people's TBR lists are huge and ever growing. Mine is but at least now its organised in a notebook I can carry with me and not a zillion bits of paper & notes scattered everywhere. I doubt I'll ever read them all but fun thinking I might.
I feel having a big pile of requested review reading has a great deal to do with a reading slump. They become thoughts of 'have to' and 'should do' and reading becomes a chore instead of the pleasure it is when you want and choose to read certain book.
Have a great week – and I hope the slump lifts very soon. 🙂
My TBR list has always been a little out of control, but since I started blogging it has exploded. So far I've been keeping my list on GoodReads, but I'm also going to be starting an excel spreadsheet that I can easily sort. I was out looking at books this weekend and nearly bought two that are on my TBR list, but that I'd forgotten I already own.