W.W.W. Wednesdays (1 of 2)

This morning hubby and I are headed back to where my surgeries were performed for a follow-up visit with the surgeon.  I apologize in advance if I don’t get around the blogosphere to visit and read your postings depending how I feel when we get back home.  Last week when I was discharged from the hospital, the ride home was very uncomfortable for me, sitting in one position for over and hour and of course hitting every pot hole along the way.  And today having to do it twice….there and back.  But I will try my best to visit at least a couple.  And now my W.W.W…..

Hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading http://shouldbereading.wordpress.com/
 *What are you currently reading?
     Still Midnight by Denise Mina
  *What did you recently finish reading?
     Our Promised Land by Michael T. Darkow
 *What do you think you’ll read next?
     Death Of A Cure by Steven H. Jackson 

8 thoughts on “W.W.W. Wednesdays (1 of 2)

  1. HOpe you are doing well and hopefully you can read some good books while you are recovering. Get well soon!

  2. Nise: Once again every pot hole found our tires lol. Was a long day. Report is that it is going to take up to a year to be fully recuperated. Will be on very limited activity (walking with walker, getting in and out of chairs and bed, etc) for the next 3 months. Gives me lots of reading time. Thank you for your concern.

    Carrrie: According to doctor will have 3 more months of little to limited mobility so will have lots of time to read. Thank you for the gel well wishes.

  3. Julie: Thank you for the well wishes and hugs..it will be a slow progress due to the severity and nature of the 2 surgeries but I get more time to read.

  4. Books, Smooks, I want to know when we're going to go out, and boogie! ~hehe~ How ya doin' girlfriend? Come on now, I know you're playing the humpty dumpty bit, but even that egghead gets put back together eventually. All kidding aside, you're always in my prayers, and I pray for a speedy recovery. Watch those potholes, I know exactly what you're talking about. They're the pits! Talk to you soon love! Take Care. {{HUGS}}

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