Challenge Update–Tues (3 of 3)

Hosted by Kristen from Bookworming in the 21st Century
  Yesterday I had good intentions to get my computer items done and head to the recliner to read.  But I had a long session with PT and then my bff came to visit and do my nails, its great having a friend that is a nail tech.  She has been wonderful, not only by making house calls, but being at my side at the drop of a hat, during this really rough time with “my medical journey”.
  I didn’t quite meet my goal but am hoping to catch up.  I only put in 4.5 hours of reading time.  So I am off to get some stuff done and run, walk really fast, ok, take slow steps with my cane to the recliner.  Happy Reading and Good Luck today to those that are participating!!

1 thought on “Challenge Update–Tues (3 of 3)

  1. Hopefully you'll make it with some of your goals! Even if it is very slowly 🙂

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