Read-A-Thon Updates for Saturday


4:30pm est:  Got a late start today 🙁   Real life interfered.  What’s the saying about best laid plans?  Am usually up by 5:30am, but for some reason, woke up later than usual. I know with me, when that happens, it throws me off kilter.  Does that happen to you too?  Felt that the day was already 1/2 gone.  Physical therapy session from yesterday was rescheduled for this morning, so I lost 90 min. there.  I just finished Whiter Than Snow by Sandra Dallas and will be starting The Lies We Told by Diane Chamberlain shortly.  However, we have a scheduled appointment later on with a certified rug installer to inspect the substandard installation from a national rug company back in March, because of damage that was caused due to flooding after days of heavy rain, and a “state of emergency” was issued.  I plan on blogging about this at a later date to spare even one person the aggravation we have gone through. 
How is your Saturday?  Did you sign up to participate in the Read-A-Thon?   Will be posting another update later on today.  Happy Reading!!
9pm est Update:  Results from carpet inspector is what we thought…and we aren’t too happy but that is for another day.  I started The Lies We Told by Diane Chamberlain and from what I have read so far,  it is a good one.  Pulled me in with the 2 page Prologue.  Remaining night’s plan…getting comfortable and continue reading.  Next update will be tomorrow morning.  Have a good night all !! 

5 thoughts on “Read-A-Thon Updates for Saturday

  1. I'm doing it! I got one book finished, but today there is tons of yardwork to be done. Bleh!
    Anyway sounds like you're doing well, despite the "sleep-in"! Good luck!

  2. 5:30! my word, I am not a morning person, while I no longer sleep as late as I used to, I get up around 8-8:30 till school comes then it's 6:45, YUK!!!!

    WTG on the read-a-thon, I am a slow reader since real life is always in my face.

    Tomes Devotee

  3. The good thing about this Read-a-Thon is that your host (yours truly) is also doing other things this weekend as well… last minute prep for a trip next week, answering phone calls, etc. So I get it completely… and the point is that we are reading, no matter how much, right?! 🙂

    Looks like you are making good progress, actually, though!

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