7:00am EST:
Real life interfered again last night. Hubby is a non reader, and unfortunately, does not get the concept for a Read-A-Thon lol, and was in a very chatty mood. I did get some reading done when I went to bed, after he fell sleep, and until I fell asleep. Plan today: Get some blog to-dos done and to read rest of day. Will update as the day goes on.
Got a little side tracked today working on computer to-dos. Read the Sunday Journal Newspaper with my coffee…lol hope that counts. Got in a few hours of reading this afternoon. And plan to retreat to my recliner for a few more hours. Wrap-up tomorrow morning. Have a good night all!!
48hr Read-A-Thon hosted by UNPUTDOWNABLES
Have a great day Cheryl. Be sure to get some rest in as well : )
Hope you have a great day, Cheryl! Aren't hubbys so annoying sometimes??? LOL