And the winners are………..

For The Recessionistas by Alexandra Lebenthal……
Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:
2     6     11
Timestamp: 2010-08-28 22:09:42 UTC
Bookventures said…  I follow you on twitter and GFC

Kristin said… I am a GFC follower.

Anonymous said… 11   If I won the lottery, I would immediately buy a new computer and sign up for a high speed connection! No more waiting forever for something to post. Might sell this house and buy another one in a cooler place-maybe. Give a sizable gift to the nearest children’s library. Oh-lots of things. Would probably have to make a list, priotrize it but after I buy a new computer and get a high speed connection!

An email has been to the winners and they have 48 hours to respond with their mailing information or another winner(s) will be chosen.

2 thoughts on “And the winners are………..

  1. CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS! ENJOY! Hi Good-Buddy! How's your Sunday going!? Got your message, and I moved my fence! Today I have 33 votes so far & climbing – WOO HOO! I sure wish I could figure it out, but I think it's a good thing. LOL HUGS, ME

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