The Q’s.
1. If you accidently knick a car in a parking lot..Do you leave a note or do you get the heck out of there?
It would depend if it was a lot of damage, if it was a brand new car, but I would probably leave a
note, especially now a days with so many video cameras, I would be more afraid of “leaving the
scene of an accident”
2. Love your body or plastic surgery?
LOL At my age, there are the problems of the thighs, having a bit of excess weight (am on diet
as I type lol)etc, but, I have had approx. 13 operations, need 3 more, due to medical problems
that my body already looks like an atlas due to all the scars. So I would say I can learn to
like what I have.
3. What about your favorite blog(s) continues to drive you back?
Mainly content, personality behind the blog and honesty. I follow many blogs, so I refresh my
google reader often and if I see something of interest, I head on over.
4. What percent of your blog is BS just to make your life seem more interesting than it really is?
0%..that is a trait (lieing/bsing) that I don’t like in real life so what you see on my blog is the
real me, however boring as it might be.
5. If you had to give up one type of meat for the rest of your life, what would it be?
This one is easy. I gave it up as a child when my grandmother tried getting me to eat it and told
me it was steak. It wasn’t, it was liver and have never tasted it again!!!
6. How often to you eat out?
At least 1, sometimes 2, times a week. Hubby and I don’t do movies, casinos, etc for
entertainment, but he enjoys going to different restaurants(atmosphere), having a couple of
glasses of wine…a date night.
7. Skinny jeans or boot cut jeans?
8. If you caught your spouse cheating would you forgive, divorce, or plan your kill?
It would depend on the circumstances, remorse, if it was a one time mistake (which we all make)
We have been married for 29 years, a lot of years to throw away so will say try to forgive.
Want to join in, let your followers/visitors get to know you? Link provided above. Or you can leave your answers here so I can get to know who is behind the blogs I follow.
Love your answers to some pretty heavy questions!
I have never read a blog and thought is this person BSing, who would do that….
I love my body BUT if someone said I'll pay so I can get the love handles that show from my back off, I may be all over it, lol
Very nice answers–you are such a genuine person. That's probably why you are one of my faves!