Booking Through Thursday


If you follow this blog, you know how much I enjoy participating in memes.  Its a great way to meet new friends and get to better know old friends.  To think, 8 months ago, I didn’t even know what a meme was (had to google it) and today I am hooked.  So I am really excited that I have found 2 more memes for Thursdays.  See all of today’s posts, to see the new memes and click on the blogs’ name so you can join in on the fun.

Today’s Question:
Even though it’s usually a mistake (grin) … do movies made out of books make you want to read the original?
My Answer:
I am not a big movie person.  And on the rare occasions, that I may watch a movie, its because my hubby wants to see it.  If by any chance, it is a movie made from a book and I haven’t read it yet, I won’t watch the movie.  I will watch a movie after reading the book to see if it does the book justice, which the majority of times this has happened, it doesn’t.

2 thoughts on “Booking Through Thursday

  1. I agree, I read the book first if I know it is going to be made into a movie. And I would never watch a Jane Austen movie until I read the book first. So much of the story is left out in the movie versions.

  2. I do read certain books after watching a period drama. In a way it has only enhanced a movie. However, I don't like to watch movies after reading a book. Exceptions are there, though!

    Here is my BTT: Film to Books post!

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