Tuesday Memes (2 of 2)

Hosted byMiz B at Should Be Reading  Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
*Grab your current read
*Open to a random page
*Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
*BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
*Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
After the call, John must have gone back to Blake,, because they emerged together about an hour later.  Blake had an odd look about him, but John, seemed calm, bordering on emotionless.
page 63
Hosted by Katrina from Callapidder Days

Week #12 (and final) Question:
So, for our final question(s), choose one or more of the questions below to answer. Your pick!

I am choosing to answer all.

Do you write in your books?

The only time I wrote in books was when I was in college and needed to highlight and/or take notes for important points from my text books. But when reading books for enjoyment…absolutely NOT.

Can you read in the car?

Yes, if I’m not the driver lol otherwise it could be quite dangerous

Does the rest of your family enjoy reading?

Unfortunately, No. There are only 2 people in my family that read and both live out of state. My cousin and my son’s gf. That’s why I love being part of this book blogging community!!!

What’s the longest you’ve gone without reading?

A few years back, I went into a major slump due to real life issues, whereas I didn’t read for over a year.  But once I picked up that first book, all of the addictive traits of an avid reader returned.

8 thoughts on “Tuesday Memes (2 of 2)

  1. Love your teaser I just want to know what they were doing! My teaser this week is from The Ghost of Christmas Past, one of the novellas contained in A Magical Christmas Present.

    I write in my NF books, read in the car, and, well, you'll just have to read my Fall into Reading post to learn the rest…

    By the way — I adore the boogieing Santas!!

  2. I like you, decided to answer all four questions from FIR 2010. I have enjoyed learning a wee bit more about you each week. Have a great week and Happy Reading.

  3. Here is my teaser from Out of Touch by Brandon Tietz (Page vii):

    I used to be the kind of guy that would have no problem reading Playboy or Hustler on an airplane, but that me in "the before," and nearly everything has changed since that time in my life a little over a year ago.

    This is not a coming of age story.

    If that's what you're wanting then I suggest you put this down and read something else: something with a happy ending. Like Penthouse.

    Or: the funny pages.

    This is me giving you your official warning.

    Because where this goes, you might not be ready for.

  4. I really enjoyed this one. I had no clue that it would be such a ride into the world of stock & bonds with a touch of betrayals… enjoy girl 🙂

  5. Never heard of this book but it sounds like a great read.

    As for your answers , I sure hope you dont read and drive. lol .

    I am the same way , just two or three in my family love to read and it surely skipped my son lol

    My Tuesday Teaser

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