RELEASED TODAY Exclusive Review "Concrete Pearl" by Vincent Zandri

If you have been following my blog for a while, you know that I became a huge fan of this author when I read his first book Moonlight Falls back in May. Since that time, I have read his subsequent novels, The Remains, The Innocent and Godchild, and all have been exceptional. Before leaving to go on vacation, Mr. Zandri honored me by entrusting me to read and review a galley of his latest novel that will be out today.

CONCRETE PEARL by Vincent Zandri
Published by StoneGate, Ink
BNID: 2940012494825
At the request of the author, a PDF galley edition, was sent, at no cost to me, for my honest opinion.

  Synopsis: Ava “Spike” Harrison might be a beautiful, classically schooled woman, but the single, 38 year old construction business owner is also plenty ballsy. Her late father taught her long ago how to handle the rough boys in an industry that’s almost entirely filled with hard-boiled men on the make. But now, with “the business dad built” from the ground up failing due to an unusual series of job-site injuries and just plain bad luck, Spike has no choice but to take on one last project she believes can pull the fledgling commercial firm from the depths of almost certain bankruptcy and family shame: The Renovation of Albany PS 20.
  Problem is, Spike had no choice but to take the job on the cheap or, what’s known in the industry as, “at cost.” To make matters worse, she’s not only hired an asbestos removal contractor who, unbeknownst to her, low-balled his price, but she’s advanced him $10Gs from her own dwindling cash account as a “good faith” incentive to beat the project deadline.
  Now, when that same asbestos contractor goes missing and it’s discovered by OSHA officials that he’s cheated on the project exposing more than 300 students to deadly asbestos fibers for months, the ever responsible Spike takes matters into her own callused hands and goes in search of him. What she discovers along the way however, is a path paved with deception, greed, murder, and eventually, her own ultimate demise.
  My Thoughts and Opinion: Another hole in one!!! Zandri, once again, proves that he is a master story teller. With this book, he lures you onto a Tower of Terror ride and buckles you in before you have the ability to get off. Brilliant!!! This is what I call a “transport” book, whereas I was so engrossed in the plot that I was unaware of my surroundings. Because of his superb writing style, both the characters and settings, I was able to create vivid visualizations in my mind. Gifted!! Ava “Spike” Harrison, the main character, was charismatic who fought on principals but also had to deal with emotions of loss (vague due to not wanting to include spoilers). Throughout the book she “wondered how a headstrong girl like me” would get into different situations, which made her a likeable character that had this reader rooting for her and hoping that there will be sequels. A nonstop read of twists and turns until the very last word!!!! And just when you think you are nearing the end of the ride, Mr Zandri catapults the reader to the top of the tower at break neck speed. Not wanting to include spoilers, all I could picture in my mind when this happened, was a theater full of people and everyone at the same time sits back in their seats and gasps, which is exactly what I did when I read it!! Zandri delivers another page turning, can’t put down novel!!!!! Fantastic!!!!


“Vincent Zandri is the No. 1 Internationally Bestselling Kindle E-Book author of THE REMAINS, THE INNOCENT, GODCHILD and MOONLIGHT FALLS. CONCRETE PEARL is his fifth thriller. A freelance photojournalist and foreign correspondent, he divides his time between New York and Florence, Italy.
For more information, please visit his website.

I received a copy of this book, at no charge to me,
in exchange for my honest review.
No items that I receive
are ever sold…they are kept by me,
or given to family and/or friends.

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