Monday Memes

Hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading
This week’s question:
What’s the last thing you stayed up half the night reading because it was so good you couldn’t put it down?

My answer:
First I have to admit that those days are gone when I was a night owl and could read late into the wee hours of the morning.  So instead, I checked my spread sheet and checked to see what my last 5/5 rated book was, which if I could stay awake at those hours I would be reading it at it was Concrete Pearl by Vincent Zandri.  A suspense noir author that hooked me in May of 2010 with his book Moonlight Falls.

June is being hosted by Bluestocking
Mailbox Monday was created by Marcia of A girl and her books and is now on tour.
According to Marcia, “Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.”

                           WOW                                  Doubleday                          Personal

7 thoughts on “Monday Memes

  1. I don't necessarily stay up late to read because I can't put a book down, it's because I have insomnia that night.

  2. I often read at night because I wake up and can't go back to sleep…but the one I wrote about today was exceptionally "sleep-stealing," so read about it here at MY MONDAY MUSINGS POST

  3. Great books you received. Hope you enjoy them.

    Have a great reading week!

  4. yes, maybe it is a sign of getting older…but I have to get my sleep or there is hell to pay.

  5. I've a night owl since I was in grade school. I wouldn't go to sleep until 1-2 in the morning. Good thing I loved school because I still got up on time.

  6. I cannot stay up late at night either. This winter I would find myself dozing in the chair at 7:30 at night. I long for the days when I could stay up until the wee hours of the night reading and still get up and face the day in the morning.

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