Review “The Forever Year” by Lou Aronica

The Forever Year by Lou Aronica
Published by Fiction Studio Books
Publication Date: Jan. 8, 2013
ISBN-10: 193655836X
ISBN-13: 978-1936558360
Pages: 366
Review Copy from: Author
Edition: TPB
My Rating: 4

Synopsis (from Amazon):

Jesse Sienna doesn’t believe that love can last. His parents’ marriage was caring but passionless, and his own romantic history tells him that love can burn bright, but that it cannot burn for long. So when his elderly father, Mickey, moves in with him and seems unable to understand Jesse’s no-strings-attached relationship with Marina, his current girlfriend, Jesse barely pays attention. It’s just another example of how different they are – and more evidence that he and his father will never connect on any meaningful level.But the truth is, Mickey Sienna knows more about love than most people learn in a lifetime. More than half a century ago, he discovered the endless rewards of investing your heart and soul in someone…and he knows the devastating costs of letting the perfect someone slip by.

When Mickey sees Jesse taking an extraordinary woman for granted, he decides it’s time to tell Jesse his story – a story he’s never shared with any of his children before. It is a story that will change both of them profoundly.

At once a stirring family drama and a touching romance, The Forever Year is filled with richly drawn characters and powerful situations. You will respond personally to the people you meet in this novel, and you will find yourself deeply enmeshed in their stories. And you might find yourself looking at love in a new way.


My Thoughts and Opinion:

A caveat..When I frist started reading and reviewing 3+ years ago, Mr. Aronica had contacted me to read an author under his imprint, The Story Plant.  Since that day, I have been a big fan, and am now a member of The Story Plant’s Spread The Word Initiative.  Also, over the past 3+ years, every book from other authors that I have read at the request of The Story Plant has gone on my “authors to read” list.  So I was surprised to receive The Forever Year by Lou Aronica, the author.  It was previously published under a pseudo pen name and is being republished on January 8, 2013 from Fiction Studio Books.

The Forever Year is a contemporary novel, but a timeless story of a father and son relationship.  A poignant and thought provoking read.  Mr. Aronica created life like characters using the written word and personal and family dynamics that we can all relate to.  How do we see our parents?  Do we see them as a person who has a passionate side?  Can we even imagine that they are anything but our “parents”?  As they get older, do we heed their wisdom?  These and more questions will have you looking deep within yourself.
I fell in love with Jesse and his Dad, Mickey.  Jesse, the youngest of the Sienna children, has always felt out of place in the family so when the now adult children feel that it is time for Mickey not to live alone, Jesse opens his home, and eventually his heart.  Seeing his father in a different light as Mickey starts to share snippets of a very personal story of love, which the woman is not  his mother, Jesse doesn’t see the wisdom Mickey is trying to impart with his own life and choices until it’s too late.  Or is it?
An enduring story that should be read by all.  This is a story that will have you seeing your parents differently, wondering how your own children see you, and falling in love again.  An emotional read!!!  Heart warming!!  A love story on many levels.  Strongly recommend!!!


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