I had a better month as far as reading goes, which surprised me since I had a lot going on in real life this month. Since I am POA for my sister and DPOA (durable power of attorney-medical) for my husband’s aunt, I had to be present for procedures and appointments, traveling to PA to celebrate my youngest granddaughter’s 1st birthday and coming home only to have the flu/virus waiting for me once I opened our front door that put me down for a few days.
I was finding that I wasn’t putting in time for my reading due to being busy with the tour companies and just wasn’t as motivated to read as I had been in the past. Then I saw something on Jersey Girl’s Book Reviews FB page and contacted her to ask about it. It’s an App that monitors one’s reading. I kept going back and forth if I should buy a subscription and then said, let’s go for it. I think subconsciously, knowing I paid for it, I better make good use of it. It seems to be holding me accountable to read each day. As you will see below, one of the books this month was before I purchased the App.
The review for No Bad Deed by Heather Chavez was posted on February 12th.
I guess we will see if Bookly will be my motivation for March!!!!!
It sounds like you’ve been super busy! I keep track of my reading on GoodReads but that app sounds interesting.
Hope you’re feeling better! Happy March!
Great month for you.
Happy Reading in March!!
Sounds like an interesting way to track your reading. Have a great reading month in March