Genre: Domestic Thriller, Psychological Thriller
Published by Macmillan
Publication Date: August 4, 2020
Pages: 345
Review Copy From: Publisher via NetGalley
Edition: eBook
My Rating: 5
Synopsis (via GR)
What happens when an undercover reporter gets in too deep? And when a practiced liar has to face off with her own truth—how does she choose her true reality?
Who will be the first to lie?
Bestselling and award-winning author and investigative reporter Hank Phillippi Ryan delivers another twisty, thrilling suspense novel that will leave you breathless.
My Thoughts
O! M! G! My head is spinning like Regan in The Exorcist!!!
Investigative reporter, Ellie Berensen goes undercover at a big and powerful pharmaceutical company, Pharminex, to expose them that they are prescribing a drug that does irreparable side effects for women wanting to start a family. They know this but feel those that do have the side effects they can pay off since they are making major money due to those that don’t.
During Ellie’s undercover persona, one of the victims ends up dead. And then an employee at Pharminex does too in the same manner. Is Pharminex behind these murders? Or is there something more nefarious happening?
This book takes the reader on a thrilling roller coaster ride with so many loops, turns, drops, and just as you are pulling in to the station, it takes off again. A white knuckle read that the author slowly pulls off the layers of an onion until the very last word.
I would love to know the author’s process of writing this book because it was brilliant!!!! Just BRILLIANT!!!!
I promise you, this book will pull you in and not let go. Don’t even try to figure it out, because you won’t be able to, just enjoy the ride!!!
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