Category: 2013 Challenges




Oh….so many challenges being posted for 2013, however, I said that I would try to refrain from a lot of them, but it is so hard!!  Believe me,  my will power not to sign up for them is on shaky ground lol.  But there are some that I just can’t pass on.  And this is one of them!!

January 1, 2013 – December 31, 2013

Welcome to the sixth What’s in a Name challenge This challenge was originated by a young blogger named Annie, who hosted it for two years. When she decided to give up on being the host, I took over the challenge.

I credit this challenge with being one of the prime reasons for my becoming a blogger, so I am thrilled to be its new host.

Here’s How It Works

Between January 1 and December 31, 2013, read one book in each of the following categories:

A book with up or down (or equivalent) in the title: Deep down True, The Girl Below, The Diva Digs up the Dirt
A book with something you’d find in your kitchen in the title: Loose Lips Sink Ships, The Knife of Never Letting Go, Breadcrumbs
A book with a party or celebration in the title: A Feast for Crows, A Wedding in Haiti, Cocktail Hour under the Tree of Forgetfulness
A book with fire (or equivalent) in the title: Burning for Revenge, Fireworks over Toccoa, Catching Fire
A book with an emotion in the title: Baltimore Blues, Say You’re Sorry, Dreams of Joy
A book with lost or found (or equivalent) in the title: The Book of Lost Fragrances, The World We Found, A Discovery of Witches
The book titles are just suggestions, you can read whatever book you want to fit the category.

Other Things to Know

Books may be any form (audio, print, e-book).
Books may overlap other challenges.
Books may not overlap categories; you need a different book for each category.
Creativity for matching the categories is not only allowed but encouraged.
You do not have to make a list of books before hand.
You do not have to read through the categories in any particular order.
On January 1, I’ll publish 7 posts, each with a Mr. Linky (one for each category and one for your wrap-up post), on this blog so you’ll have a place post links to your reviews (bloggers) or leave comments (non-bloggers) as you finish up each category. You’ll be able to find these posts during the year by clicking on the button in the sidebar. (I’ll create those links on January 1.)

Tip: If you’re ever struggling to find a title to match a category, check out what other people have read so you can get ideas or be inspired. And remember to be creative.

To join in, sign up with Mr. Linky below. If you aren’t a blogger, just add a comment. If Mr. Linky ever disappears, either try again later or click on the Email Icon in the side bar and send me your information, and I’ll add the link myself.

To use Mr. Linky: put your name or your blog’s name in the top box and the URL (web address) of your blog in the bottom box. If you don’t have a blog, use your tumblr account, your Facebook page or simply mention your intent to join the challenge in the comments.

Thanks to @Uniflame and @SuziQoregon for suggestions for, inspiration for, and confirmation of this year’s categories. Feel free to suggest ideas for 2014 in the comments.

It’s never too late to join!

I hope you like the categories! Have fun and good luck.

This reading challenge is hosted by Beth Fish Reads. For more information and to sign-up, please see this post.

Stay tuned to see if I can refrain lol.

It’s That Wonderful Time of the Year–2013 Challenges


If you have followed my blog over these past few years, then you know that I am addicted to Reading Challenges!!

Even though, for the past couple of months, I haven’t done much reading due to being busy with tours for Partners In Crime Tours and Providence Book Promotions, I did complete some of the many challenges that I signed on for in 2012.   I do miss my quality reading time and hope that I will get back into my routine soon.

I am going to try,  yes TRY, to only sign up for those challenges that I have participated in and completed in the past.  And a couple that I still haven’t completed but figure some day I will, like the 100+ book challenge.

Over the past couple of weeks, I have been getting emails from A Novel Challenge, notifying me of Challenges that have been posted and I have decided on some that I will be signing up for.  There are others, that I’m hoping will be hosted again, and will add those to my list.  But for now, here are the ones I will be signing up for today.

What about you?  Are you a Reading Challenge addict?  Which ones do you plan to participate in for 2013?

January 1, 2013 – December 31, 2013

As bloggers we are all on timetables to read books, get reviews posted, host giveaways, etc. But we also travel around to other blogs and see books we would just like to read because of their recommendation or the cover or title catches our interest. The Meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journey “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?” adds more books to my Wish List and To-Be-Read pile every week.

As followers you get our recommendations, win books from us, pick up books at the library or buy them at a store. But our lives are so busy these books sometimes sit in our To-Be-Read piles for months or even years.
This is the third year I am hosting this challenge to encourage you to read some of those books. 12 books in 12 months.

This reading challenge is hosted by Escape with Dollycas Into A Good Book. For more information and to sign-up, please see this post.


January 1, 2013 – December 31, 2013

The 2013 Ebook Challenge. Encouraging readers to expand past just physical books to embrace ebooks in all forms, whether on Kindle, Kobo, computer, or any other reader.

Challenge Guidelines:
  1. This challenge will run from Jan 1, 2013 – Dec 31, 2013.
  2. Anyone can join, you don’t need to be a blogger. If you don’t have a blog, feel free to sign-up in the comments. You can post reviews to any book site (i.e. Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Smashwords, Goodreads, etc.).
  3. Any genre or length of book counts, as long as it is in ebook format.
  4. You can plan your books in advance or as you read them.
  5. When you sign up in the linky, put the direct link to your post about joining the E-Book Reading Challenge.
  6. You can move up levels, but no moving down.
  7. Sign-ups will be open until Dec 15, 2013, so feel free to join at any time throughout the year.
  1. Floppy disk – 5 ebooks
  2. CD – 10 ebooks
  3. DVD – 25 ebooks
  4. Memory stick – 50 ebooks
  5. Hard drive – 75 ebooks
  6. Server – 100 ebooks
  7. Human brain – 150 ebooks
At the beginning of each month there will be a roundup post for you to add your reviews for that month. The linky will remain open for the remainder of the year, so if you forget, feel free go back and add them when you remember.
There will be a giveaway at the end of the year for everyone who achieves their goal level (or higher). If you are an author or publisher and want to contribute to the prize, please contact [the challenge host].

This reading challenge is hosted by Workaday Reads. For more information and to sign-up, please see this post.

January 1, 2013 – December 31, 2013

 What’s your reading goal for 2013? If it’s to read more books, then this is the reading challenge for you! There have been almost 400 readers who wanted to outdo themselves so far. Are you up for the challenge?

Reading Challenge Details:

  • Runs January 1, 2013 – December 31, 2013 (books read prior to 1/1/2013 do not count towards the challenge). You can join at anytime.Sign up on The Book Vixen’s blog.
  • The goal is to outdo yourself by reading more books in 2013 than you did in 2012. See the different levels below and pick the one that works best for you. You can move up a level as often as you’d like but no moving down.
  • Books can be any format (bound, ebook, audio).
  • Novellas that are at least 100 pages in length, as well as full-length novels, will count for this reading challenge.
  • Re-reads and crossovers from other reading challenges are allowed.
  • Grab the reading challenge button and post this reading challenge on your blog to track your progress. Please include a link back to this sign-up post so others can join the reading challenge too. You do not have to be a book blogger to participate; you can track your progress on Goodreads or LibraryThing.
     Getting my heart rate up – Read 1–5 more books
     Out of breath – Read 6–10 more books
     Breaking a sweat – Read 11–15 more books
     I’m on fire! – Read 16+ more books

This reading challenge is hosted by The Book Vixen. For more information and to sign-up, please see this post.