Category: Read-A-Thon

High Summer Read-A-Thon


This is a sticky post for my Read-A-Thon Progress

Hosted by Michelle @ Seasons of Reading

07/22 Monday
Pages read:

07/23 Tuesday
Pages read:

07/24 Wednesday
Pages read: 0

07/25 Thursday
Pages read:

07/26 Friday
Pages read:

07/27 Saturday
Pages read:

07/28 Sunday
Pages read:

07/28 Monday
Wrap up
Total pages read:

High Summer Read-A-Thon

Hosted by Michelle @ Seasons of Reading

I’m signed up!!  Want to join me?  Details below.

I have been in a MAJOR reading slump since the beginning of the year.  I mean MAJOR.  I have read only 9 books this year!!!  That is awful!!  I only remember once, in all the many years of reading, that this has happened where it lasted this long.

I signed on for the Spring Read-A-Thon, thinking it would help, and nothing.  I think, during that one, I read for a total of 2-3 hours in a week.  So going to give it another try!!

Here are the details for this coming week’s read-a-thon:

It’s time to sign up for the High Summer Read-a-Thon! I hope you will join me this month for the week of July 22. We will start on Monday, 7/22 at 12:00am CST and finish on Sunday, 7/28 at 11:59pm CST (adjust times according to your time zone). Read what you like during the week. I’ve decided it’s not about quantity, but quality (although those who rock the quantity…I salute you!). So, if you have kids and want to read children’s books, go for it! As always, this is a week long read-a-thon, but you can join in and read whenever it’s convenient for you. It’s all about being laid back and getting some reading done.

I will not be hosting any mini-challenges, as we learned from my last few read-a-thons, focusing on the reading rocks. However, if anyone else would like to host a mini-challenge (or giveaway), you are more than welcome…just let me know. If you know someone who would like to donate a prize, or authors, if you would like to promote your book through the read-a-thon, please contact me via the tab at the top of the blog. We will also have a few scheduled Twitter chats again. I will announce the times in the starting line post. Our Twitter hashtag is #HSreadathon

You do not have to have a blog. You can sign up using your Goodreads, Twitter, or Facebook accounts.

If you are planning on joining me (I hope so), please sign up in the linky below. You don’t have to do a post now, but if you would like to help me spread the word, that would be great. Don’t forget that this is just the sign-up linky. There will be a starting line sign-in and wrap-up linkies during the read-a-thon and doing both is required to be eligible for the giveaway (s). I will also be adding a mid-week check-in post, but you are not required to link up for the giveaway (s). Just if you want us to check out your progress. You can sign in at the starting line any time during the week up until Friday night at midnight CST.

Bout of Books Read-A-Thon

This is a sticky post for Read-A-Thon Progress
Bout of Books

Hosted by Bout of Books

05/13 Monday
Book:  Dead Peasants by Larry Thompson
Pages read:  Kindle 0-38%

05/14  Tuesday
Book:  Dead Peasants by Larry Thompson
Pages read:  Kindle 38%- 90%

05/15  Wednesday
Pages read:  0

5/16  Thursday
Pages read:

05/17  Friday
Pages read:

05/18  Saturday
Pages read:

05/19   Sunday
Pages read:

05/20  Monday
Wrap up
Total pages read:

Bout of Books Read-A-Thon

I have been in an awful slump since the beginning of the year, having read, if I’m lucky, one book a month.  I can only remember once that this has happened to me whereas I was in a slump this long.  I know part of the problem is that I have been very busy with VBTs.  I have tried different things to get me in the reading mood again, even signing up for a couple of Read-A-Thons in hopes that it would jump start my lack of desire to read, but it didn’t work.  But I’m not giving up.

Bout of Books

Bout of Books is hosting a read-a-thon,  May 13th thru May 19th, with sign ups today and I plan to participate.  Will this help?  I think so especially since this will be taking place while I am on vacation and have already packed what books will be coming along.

Want to join this read-a-thon?  Click on the link above and sign up.  From the Bout of Books site:

The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, May 13th and runs through Sunday, May 19th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 7.0 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. – From the Bout of Books team.

A Winter’s Respite Read-A-Thon


This is a sticky post for my Read-A-Thon Progress

Hosted by Michelle at Seasons Of Reading

Monday 01/21
Book:  Knowing by Laurel Dewey  
Pages Read:  Kindle  55-69%

Tuesday 01/22
Book:  Knowing by Laurel Dewey
Pages Read:  Kindle 69-78%

Wednesday 01/23
Pages Read:  0 pages

Thursday 01/24
Pages Read:

Friday 01/25
Pages Read:

Saturday 01/26
Pages Read:

Sunday 01/27
Pages Read:

WRAP UP 01/28
Total Pages Read:

Bout Of Books Read-A-Thon Progress Post

This is a sticky post to update my progress of the Read-A-Thon.


The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, January 7th and runs through Sunday, January 13th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 6.0 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. – From the Bout of Books 6.0 team

Monday  01/07:
Challenge/Giveaway:  Scientific Discovery – The Book Barbies
Pages read today:

Tuesday  01/08:
Challenge/Giveaway:   Guess the Cover – Never Too fond of Books
Favorite/Funniest Cover – Wading Through the Ocean of Life

Pages read today:

Wednesday  01/09:
Challenge/Giveaway:  Page 48 Challenge – Booking In Heels
Pages read today:

Thursday  01/10:
Challenge/Giveaway:  Book Spine Poetry – Escape Through the Pages
Vampires in Popular Fiction – The One with Rachel’s Book

Pages read today:

Friday  01/11:
Challenge/Giveaway:  Rewrite the Synopsis – A Daydreamer’s Thoughts
Pages read today:

Saturday  01/12:
Challenge/Giveaway:  Name Your Book Crack – Bookgoonie
Bookish Dress Up – Nyx Book Reviews

Pages read today:

Sunday  01/13:
Challenge/Giveaway:  The New Year Resolution Challenge – Ex Libris
Pages read today:

Monday 01/14  WRAP UP
Total pages read:
My thoughts:

January Read-A-Thons

I so need this.  I have been, not only a reading slump, but just too busy to take the time to read, which I am missing.  I am hoping that participating in these Read-A Thons will turn things around for me and get me started for a productive and enjoyable year of reading!   Once the Read-A-Thon starts, I will be keeping a record of my progress on a sticky post that will go up on Jan 7th for bout of books.     Want to join me?   Details below:

The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, January 7th and runs through Sunday, January 13th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 6.0 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. – From the Bout of Books 6.0 team

  • Bout of Books is a week long read-a-thon, run from 12:01am on Monday, January 7th through 11:59pm Sunday, January 13th in whatever time zone you are in.
  • Bout of Books is low pressure, meaning participants are only asked to push themselves to read more than they normally would during any given week. There is no competition between readers.
  • How much time a reader wants, and can commit, to read, tweet, or network with fellow bloggers is left to individual preference. All challenges and giveaways are optional.

And I will also be signing up for:

Hosted by Michelle at Seasons Of Reading

It’s here! The official sign up for A Winter’s Respite Read-a-Thon! It’s just a month away on January 21 – 27! It will start at 12:00am Monday and end at 11:59pm on Sunday.  Times are central standard time so adjust your times accordingly.  Of course, like most read-a-thons, the books read must be novels or novellas, adult or young adult are fine, and you can read children’s books too (as long as you do read some novels too).  You DO NOT have to participate the entire week.  Join in when you can, start in the middle, end early…whatever works best for your schedule.  As long as you sign in at the sign-in post and do some kind of wrap up post, you’re in for the big giveaway at the end.  As with my previous read-a-thons, it will be a week of relaxed reading during which we can personally challenge ourselves and whittle away those ever looming TBR piles/shelves/libraries.  I hope you will join me! I will not be hosting any mini-challenges, as we learned from my last two read-a-thons, focusing on the reading rocks. However, if anyone else would like to host a mini-challenge, you are more than welcome. We will have a few scheduled Twitter chats again (and perhaps some more reading sprints). Our twitter hashtag is #WintersRespite

Sign up in the linky below. You do not have to do a post now, unless you want to help spread the word (hint, hint…) If you don’t have a blog, use Facebook, Twitter or Goodreads. Having a blog is not required. Be sure to grab the button at the top of this post. (Don’t forget that this is just the sign-up linky. There will be starting line sign-in and wrap-up linkies during the read-a-thon and doing both is required to be eligible for the giveaway).

Dewey Read-A-Thon


Hosting Blog

For the past month, I have been in a huge reading slump.  I even tried reading this week , with the incentive from Seasons Of Reading Read-A-Thon, and it did jump start my reading.  I think I have finally caught up with work and blog to-dos that I will be more focused for Dewey’s 24 hour Read-A-Thon.  I have my munchies ready (fruit, soy chips, rice cakes) and plan on parking myself in my recliner. I plan on taking a break every 2 hours to post my progress:

Start Time:  8am
Book:  Amanda’s Story by Brian O’Grady
Starting page #:  Kindle 38% ( I really wish that Kindle would do page numbers.  Anyone feel the same as I do on this?)
Murphy’s Law: Am getting a late start. Husband was on travel and this morning we were catching up over coffee.


Pages read:  up to 52%
Book:   Amanda’s Story
Comments: Very lat start.  Didn’t start reading until 10:45am.   Taking break to get lunch ready, move around and back to reading.

Pages read:    Kindle  55%
Book:  Amanda’s Story by Brian O’Grady
Comments:  Unfortunately, after getting a late start, and then the fact that I kept dozing off, I didn’t  make my goals of how much reading I had planned to do.  I was hoping to finish my current read but didn’t.  It never fails, whenever I sign up for a Read-A-Thon something always interferes  🙁