From her blog:
We all leave our “footprint” on the world, in one way or another. We each, individually, do something or are someone that makes the world a little better just by being here. I created this weekly meme to get to know the blogging community I love just a bit better. To know what makes them tick, outside of books, that is. Each week I will post a question to be answered in the following week’s “A Bit of Me(Me)”. Check back each Saturday to get the info for next week’s post and link up with your current post right here.
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I have been lucky to have traveled to some faraway places. When in high school (many, many) years ago, I traveled to Europe twice. My first trip was to Spain and then we took a boat to Africa. Of course, while in Spain, we saw a bull fight, which parts of it were not pleasant to watch. Africa, the country side was beautiful but then we took a side trip to the Casba and that left a lasting impression on me. The poverty, the lack of housing and illness, mainly leprosy.
The next year, I traveled to Italy, which was beautiful and rich in heritage. I went to the Vatican, the Coliseum, Pompeii, shopping in Florence and so much more.
We have also been to the Caribbean 4 times.
So to answer this week’s question, I would love to go back to Italy and visit but as a family vacation with our 2 sons.