
So what do you think?   Emily from Blogaholic did a wonderful job!!!!  Today I will be putting my sidebars back and doing a little “spring cleaning” getting rid of some things that I had.  I hope you like it and that it is easier to read and navigate.  I may be doing some “test” postings to see what font, etc to use.  Let me know what you honestly think as compared to my old blog.

13 thoughts on “Unveiling

  1. Love the new layout – great colors and pretty flowers. Very easy on the eyes, yet sophisticated!

  2. I love it! It's fabulous! I love the layout and the header is beautiful!

  3. This looks very nice. It reminds me of something that would be in a Victorian bed and breakfast or tea shop.

  4. Thank you all for stopping by and seeing the NEW CMash Loves To Read. I am very happy with the final product and can not say enough about Emily at Blogaholic Designs.

  5. I absolutely love it Cheryl!!! It's beautiful!!
    Emily did a great job.

    I'm so happy for you.

    Hey, where are my numbered clouds????
    Just kidding!

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