Mini Challenge (1 of 4)



Hosted by Kristen from Bookworming in the 21st Century

Yesterday, in my google reader, I saw a posting from the blog, Review From Here, where there was a Read-A-Thon starting today.  It starts today at 8am and goes thru until Sunday 06/20 at midnight.  I am throwing my hat, or should I say book, into the ring. 

Instead of choosing a goal of how many books I will read, especially since my books are usually well over 300 pages each.  I will be challenging my self to hours read.  And the number of hours for this challenge will be 40 hours for the week, a full time job lol.  Want to join, link provided above.  I will be reporting daily how I am doing.  And Good Luck to those who are participating.

9 thoughts on “Mini Challenge (1 of 4)

  1. Great idea! 40 hours should be doable, that's about 6 or 7 hours a day, which leaves time for other activities and plenty of sleep. I'm hoping to get through my list, but I would like to read at least 50 hours myself. 🙂 Thanks for participating!

  2. Good luck on the readathon. I was thinking about doing it but here I am and it has started. Have fun!

  3. Cant wait to see how you are doing honey! I'm a new follower (via google connect). Thanks for sharing your thoughts on your blog. Looks like i'll be digging into archives. When you get a chance please stop over at Safe Home Happy Mom and follow us as well. Have a terrific week!

  4. Good luck on achieving your goal! It seems like you have quite a backlog of review books, so this should help put a dent in the list!

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