Monday Tidbits

To all my American bloggy friends Happy Columbus Day!!!  And to my international bloggy friends….Happy Monday!!!
Columbus Day
For all those that participated in the Dewey Read-A-Thon….a BIG WTG!!!! 
I hope you got a lot of reading done and I promise, I will type this post in my “whisper voice” just in case you are now dozing, napping and/or sleeping.
Couple of days left so head on over to the giveaway page and enter!!!
  Because of time,  Monday’s memes will return next week.  I really thought with everything going on in real life, that I might just be able to multitask and get it all posted.  WRONG!!  In case you have noticed a lack of energy, participation, visiting blogs, etc etc from the usual me, it is because that real life, not only took first place priority, it also took 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th etc.  At this time, I want to apologize to authors, publishers, agents, followers, visitors, and representatives for products for falling so behind in reading schedules and reviews.
Please believe that I tried keeping up the best that I could but some issues were so important and very time consuming that I fell behind.  We have resolved some of the issues and the rest will be dealt with.  My plan is to, over the next few days,  try to catch up on blog/computer items
then hunker down and get back into my reading schedule.
Again, I am sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused but “real life” took precedent over hobby.
  Yesterday, however, was a fantastic day.  We attended a wedding and had so much fun (that is why this posting is so late).  Friends of my youngest son, who was a groom’s man, were married and we were all invited to share their special day with them.  Congratulations Nick and Mary!!! 
bride and groom
Having both our sons “home” (both living out of state) and spending time with them and their girlfriends (hubby and I consider the girls our “daughters”) was wonderful and an added bonusMatter of fact, my hubby had so much fun and couldn’t stop smiling after he was asked to dance by the girls and was on the dance floor with both “his daughters”.

Have a great Monday….I am off to start the process of catching up!!!!


5 thoughts on “Monday Tidbits

  1. You can't do everything and be everythiing at once, so relax – we've all been there. Enjoy the family and Happy Columbus Day to you too! Love the new look to your blog!

  2. So glad you had fun at the wedding. Hope you get everything done that you hope to. Talk to you soon!

  3. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I remember that! I think! That's what you were doing! Well, hope you didn't over do my friend! Glad you're back though! Missed you! Hope you had a great time. You got pics you're gonna share? Maybe for WW? Hugs, ni ni!

  4. Lady, take care of real life. Remember that we're praying for you. We'll be here when you have the time – and energy – to join us again.

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