This Is It…..

OK….so Self and I have been having a dialogue over the past few days.  We agree that I am a lost cause when it comes to challenges.  It was either Gina, my buddy from Hott Books, or Julie, my other buddy from Reading Without Restraint…sorry having a senior moment..has brought it to my attention why they think I like challenges, not only for the concept but also for the adorable buttons.  And I know if I say they are right, I’ll never hear the end of it, but, they are right!!!! 

2010 was the first time ever that I kept record of how many books I read in a year.  I had signed up for the 2010 100+ Challenge knowing that I would never get close but wanted to see just how close I would get.  I didn’t do too bad considering I had some rough months with surgeries and slumps and still accomplished to get 68 books read.  And then today…the Musing Monday question was just about this topic.  I have been debating if I should sign up again for a 2011 100+ to see if I get any closer.  I have had some very encouraging comments all day from from very kind visitors and Self and I have talked about:

And we have decided, what’s one more, at this point!!!  And please if you see me pulling up to the front door of A Novel Challenge, lock the deadbolts!!!! 
Hosted by Amy from My Over Stuffed Book Shelf
Amy at My Overstuffed Bookshelf is hosting the 100+ Reading Challenge. She writes:

I am challenging you to beat your 2010 record this year! Can you read over 100 books this year?
*The goal is to read 100 or more books.
*Anyone can join.
*You don’t need a blog to participate. Posting on GoodReads or wherever you post your reviews is good enough.
*Audio, Re-reads, eBooks, YA, Manga, Graphic Novels, Library books, Novellas, Young Reader, Nonfiction – as long as the book has an ISBN or equivalent or can be purchased as such, the book counts.
*What doesn’t count: Individual short stories or individual books in the Bible.
*No need to list your books in advance. You may select books as you go. Even if you list them now, you can change the list if needed.
*Crossovers from other reading challenges count.
*Books started before the January 1st do not count.
*You can join at anytime.


8 thoughts on “This Is It…..

  1. Girlfriend, personally I think your bonkers!!! 100 books in a year?????????? Sheesh! I couldn't read 100 books in a lifetime! Hope your hubby doesn't mind being alone a lot cuz all you're gonna be doin' is reading. Well, hey you go girl! As long as you are how about reading something I like and do a review I'd love to hear about it at least! You do write a great review! Hugs!

  2. Cheryl, you and I are quite a pair! I am currently signed up for twelve challenges (including my own Vintage Mysteries Challenge) and am fighting the urge to sign up for three more. It does help that I've declared that if I sign up for any more then someone can come slap me (and one of my followers just happens to be one of my grad students and she'd take great joy in that opportunity–all in fun, but still, great joy). I have a feeling I'm going to cave on the Birth Year Reading Challenge. I participated in that one in 2010 (and thoroughly enjoyed it) and Hotchpot Cafe promises a new twist on it. So, I'm probably gonna get slapped.

  3. You are too funny! You're going to have to make your books work for more than one challenge for sure. Have fun!

  4. I am officially a challenge addict too! I am participating in 11 this year including this one. I don't think I can read 100 but I like being over-ambitious lol
    Best of luck to you!

  5. I think the 100+ & Outdo Yourself challenges are give-ins for most book bloggers to join anyway, if that makes you feel better about challenge overload 😀 I'm guessing you're going to coordinate some overlap on most of these challenges?! Good luck on accomplishing your reading goals for 2011.

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