Hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading
Today’s question:
• Do you read books that are part of a series?
• Do you collect all the books in the series before starting? What if the series is brand new, and the only book that’s been published so far is Book one? As subsequent books in the series are published, do you go back and re-read the preceding books?
My answer:
In the past, I have read some books that have been part of a series. The first that comes to mind is The Left Behind Series, which consisted of 13 books. My bff had the complete set so I was able to start with the first book and she would give me 3-5 books at a time. My sons would tease me and ask if either they were all the same or how many were there, was it like an encyclopedia? I have to tell you, those 13 books were read in a matter of 2-3 weeks. By far, my overall best read books in my lifetime.
I have read other books that were part of a series and always have to start with the first one unless it can also be read as a stand alone novel. This year, I signed up for a challenge of just this type. I have some books on my TBR shelves that are “series” books that I have won plus, my friend, Gina from Hott Books enjoys J.D. Robb, so I thought I would also try that series. I would never buy the whole series prior to reading one just in case, it turned out that it was something that I did’t enjoy.
What about you? Do you read series? Any favorites?
February is being hosted by Metro Reader
Mailbox Monday was created by Marcia of A girl and her books and is now on tour. According to Marcia, “Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.”
Author The Hachette Book Group
There are so many series I follow, it’s ridiculous. Trying to make a conscious effort to fill in some of the ones I’ve missed.
I’m a fan of certain series books…and read them whenever I get the chance, and not necessarily in order.
Ooh, The Second Time We Met should be good!
I read series, but don’t go out and buy the set. I don’t always read them in order. I like the books in a series to stand alone, also.
even in a series, I think every book should be able to stand alone..can an author really expect you to start at the beginiing and read everyone in order?