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Another week has flown by!!! And it was a busy one for me on all fronts, as I recall and will now share what happened.
I finished 3 books this week, The Good Father by Noah Hawley and one that has been sitting on my “requested review shelf” for quite some time, The Proper Care and Maintenance of Friendship by Lisa Verge Higgins and, White Elephants by Chynna Laird. All great reads. All with a similar theme and that is relationship dynamics. I have noticed that lately, instead of my usual suspense/mysteries that I enjoy, I am reading books, which fictionalize kinship connections that are profound. Maybe it’s due to the time and place that I am in my real life. But on an overall reading productivity, I hope I don’t jinx myself, but I finally feel that I am back to my regular pace of reading and am finally making some progress with my back log or it could be that all 3 books were excellent. I just hope that this stride continues.
I wrote up 2 reviews, hosted 2 Guest Authors, posted 3 giveaways and picked winners for 2 books. I drafted some posts for future guests and giveaways. I don’t know about you, but I like to prepare some posts way in advance, just in case real life interferes. This way I don’t scramble at the last minute trying to pull it all together. I am getting a bit more comfortable with WordPress, I still have a lot to learn, but it is getting a bit easier since I made the switch. I also had a lot of work to do with Partners In Crime Tours, with 2 current tours still in progress and 3 more gearing up for kick off.
Real Life:
The weather here in New England has been spring like and I’m loving it. Have the windows opened, my daffodils are sprouting and checking the calendar and counting the weeks until my husband and I go on vacation!! I have already started my mental list on packing, the most important items to pack for me, which books will be coming along. I have a couple in mind but not going to say until the time gets closer.
I am still in the process of breaking down my Mom’s house, which is hard both physically and emotionally. I always come away with an array of feelings during this process from sadness to missing my Mom and seeing my childhood home dismantled to relief that I am getting close to being done, to put it on the market. Trying to accomplish this has been an overwhelming mammoth undertaking, especially due to my own physical limitations and being the sole person responsible. But I am trying to be optimistic that, with the help of a fantastic estate woman now helping me, we are nearing the end. During this process, I have also learned a lot more about my Mom that I didn’t know, which makes it so much harder, because now I have so many questions that will not get answers. Have you been in this position? Would love to know and share to see how you handled it. Did you have the same emotions?
How was your week? Would love to hear!!!
Hi Cheryl,
I did lose your website, everything. My computer went out. But now I am back. I went through the same experience with my mother.
She died of her first heart attack. The coroner called me, wish he had asked me to sit down first! I was living in California and I flew back to Indiana.
My brother (severly autistic) had been admitted on an emergency basis to a group home. Suddenly, I was mourning my mother, working with an attorney to get guardianship papers filed, working with him to get estate papers filed. I stayed in her house for a full month and still wasn’t done with sorting. She had a freezer of food and no charity would take it because it wasn’t date stamped, same with her canned food. I called her sisters and they came down and collected her food.
I couldn’t afford to ship anything back home so we transfered the car to my name and filled it up with what we most wanted to keep. She was a hoader just getting started. She hoarded fabric, patterns and clothes. There were two rooms that I had trouble opening the door. I felt guilty because her hoarding started when I moved to California. It was an emotional journey that I will never forget. The only easy thing about it was switching her magazine and crossword book subscriptions to myself. Most of the neighbors that I knew had moved away, one came over to buy the riding mower. I forgot, I also had a two day garage sale before the auction. I don’t think I will ever do anyting so emtional taxing again in my life.
After the house was sold, it still took a year to file more papers and close her estate, I am still the legal guardian of my brother’s person so I have more papers to sign year around.
My son took off school and didn’t want to go back to California without me so I stopped at the end of the month. The attorney had the rest of her things auctioned off, that brought in about $200. Then the attorney had the house sold “as is”.
It’s darn right hot here already – we’ve got our air conditioner on. I enjoyed the mild winter but was hoping for some spring before summer hits.
My heart goes out to you taking care of your mom’s stuff. I know it’s not easy.
I’m getting more comfortable with WordPress too, it’s not as complicated as I thought thanks to the wonderful Gina!
I had to go through what you are when my mom passed. I didn’t really learn anything new about her, she was an open book, but it was still very hard to deal with her things. You are in my prayers!
Glad to see you are coming to the end of this ordeal at least the physical stuff. The emotional aspect will take much much longer. I have no experience with this as my mother died when I was 20 years old. My father remarried – a b*tch who took him for everything he had. He ended up living in a rented room with next to nothing. Fortunately, my brother had gone to the house before it was sold and took a bunch of stuff so at least we got a few things that were my mothers and a piece of furniture my mother had always promised me. That was in 1975 and I’m still bitter at how my Dad ended up.