Friday | Friendly Fill-Ins

Hosted by McGruffy’s Reader and 15 and Meowing

This week’s Fill-Ins:

  1. Being _______________ is _____________________.

  2. If ___________________ were worth money, then I would be rich.

  3. I am proud of _________.

  4. If I could time travel, I would visit the year _________.

My answers:

  1. Being kind to others is really quite easy if you put your mind to it. Plus the rewards are priceless.

  2. If burnt Yankee Candles were worth money, then I would be rich.

  3. I am proud of my sons.

  4. If I could time travel, I would visit the year 1988 when my boys were toddlers. The best years of my life.

7 thoughts on “Friday | Friendly Fill-Ins

  1. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I live about 45 minutes from Yankee Candle headquarters, it is a fun place to visit. My niece was born in 1988 🙂 Have a nice weekend! XO

  2. It is great that you have boys you can be proud of. We have four living children. All of them are girls, except two. We are proud of them, as well. The toddler years are great. They are so cute at that age. When you have two that are close in age, they are awesome. Have a blessed week.

  3. 1988 was a pretty good year for us, too. 🙂

    Some folks make it very difficult to be kind to them. We always need to try anyway. When I see that I can’t, I try to leave the situation. If I can’t physically leave the situation, I try not to say anything further because it would only go downhill from there. But, we always need to give it a go.

    Have a blessed weekend. 🙂

  4. Thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! Your answer to #1 is perfect, as well as so true. Your answer to #2 made me smile, because it reminds me of my mom’s vast collection of candles. And it sounds like you have such a beautiful family. Blessings to all of you!

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