Friday | Friendly Fill-Ins

Hosted by McGruffy’s Reader and 15 and Meowing

This week’s Fill-Ins:

  1. Looking back, _________________________.

  2. _________________ is a treat I give to myself.

  3. A new skill I want to learn is _________.

  4. One bad habit I want to stop is _________.

My answers:

  1. Looking back, it was a pretty good year.

  2. Jelly Belly Jelly Beans is a treat I give to myself.

  3. A new skill I want to learn is mastering the new wordpress.

  4. One bad habit I want to stop is not eating healthy.

1 thought on “Friday | Friendly Fill-Ins

  1. Thank you for these great fill-in answers. I don’t like the new wordpress so I installed the Classic Editor plug-in so I can use the original way to post. Much easier for my pin head 🙂 I hope you have a nice weekend!

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