#Review | SISTERS by Fran Lewis

SISTERS by Fran Lewis
Genre: Children, Friendship, Siblings
Published by World Castle Publishing, LLC
Publication Date: July 10, 2020
ISBN-10: 1951642953
ISBN-13: 978-1951642952
Pages: 151
Review Copy From: Author
Edition: TPB
My Rating: 4

Synopsis (via GR)

We grew up as Marcia and Fran. My sister was beautiful, thin and talented. She has the lead in productions of Broadway Shows in our school. These are true stories. Marcia was a ray of sunshine on a stormy day. She was rare. Never saying a negative word about anyone, always looking for the positive in people. No matter how difficult the problem, she figured out the solution. Sometimes the solution would make you smile and other times double over laughing. This is. A collection of stories to remind young people that sisters are best friends forever.

My Thoughts

I usually don’t read YA/MG books, however, when I read the synopsis I thought this might be such a great book to add to my granddaughters’ library when they get older. Was I right?

SISTERS contain journal entries from sisters, Bertha and Tillie’s, younger days. I found it also had topics that are much deeper than the relationship between siblings and that children have to deal with even in today’s culture. It also touched upon when an elderly relative has an illness and how a family comes together to help.

At times I was laughing and other times, my heart ached for Bertha who endured bullying. And what was refreshing is how Bertha learned that her sister, Tillie always had her back.

I am so glad that I decided to read this book. I think it is a positive and powerful read for children entering middle school especially in today’s climate with bullying.

It will definitely be added to my granddaughters’ shelves.

Purchase Links: Amazon 🔗 | | Goodreads 🔗


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